I don't want to play as this dyke

I don't want to play as this dyke

you sound just like a feminist
>I don't wanna play as a male
then don't buy it?

Than don't play the shitty series

I don't mind, but if they're going to keep the gameplay similar, they'll need to address her size relative to men much larger than her. It was easy to believe the fact of Joel being this unstoppable force of nature; he was a naturally large and burly who could simply overpower people by his sheer size.

Ellie doesn't have that advantage. If they're going to give her the same sort of power, I hope they don't put us in situations where she somehow miraculously fends off aggressors by strength alone ala Joel. I'm fine with female protagonists, but affording them physical equivalents they simply don't have against men is silly. The Uncharted 4 fight with Nadine was really bad with this. I was fine with her character; not the assumption she could take on both Nate and Sam at the same time.

>Is immune to the virus
>Could save humanity by having children and passing on her immunity
>Nah joke she's a lesbian

And thus homosexuality condemned Mankind

I want her to defend herself from a rape attempt by magdumping into the guy's face.

The turned her into an ugly feminist. I love this series. I wanna play as Pt. 1 Ellie, not dyke ellie.

They already addressed this in the first game. In the sections where you play as Ellie, you couldn't choke people out or or fight them head on. You could only stab them from behind or shot them.

>Feminist marxist jews ruin an okay character
>if you complain about it youre just like them

>I was fine with her character

Why? Her character is "super tuff black lady don't need no man." Then she fucks off at the end

Why the fuck would Naughty Dog sell their soul to a kike

But you are.

Take that out of your system, the game is gonna be so fap worthy when it comes out.

Are you people STILL bitching about this drawing?

this isn't Sup Forums you faggot

Then don't buy it. No one cares about what you want, pal.

Farewell, the exit is over there and make sure you don't get hit by the door on the way out.

I understand, but that was a limited section before returning us to Joel. If Ellie's the meat and bones of the sequel as we're all assuming (unless it's been confirmed?) they're going to have to come up with more than that. I have faith in ND, though, even if Left Behind and Uncharted 4 both kind of soured me on them--not for any 'feminist agenda,' but for simply being boring games. U4 saved itself in the end, but the tonal shift did not justify the mediocre, pulled-from-the-ass storyline they tried to push with Sam, and the long stretches of visually gorgeous nothing made it worse. But again, the last chapters were great.

Her character was no better or worse than the multitudes of one-offs who have appeared in Uncharted. That she's coming back for the DLC means there might be hope she gets some better characterization. I was convinced she could take on Drake in a one on on. She's a military trained African female; genetically, she's already predisposed to be larger and stronger than your average white person. Back that up with a military upbringing and her physique and I can buy into the original 1v1 fight. But when you pit her against TWO fully grown men who are just as strong as her owing to their lifestyles? And she somehow comes out on top? That was horseshit. Her actual character, however, didn't strike me as anything out of the usual for ND. Neither has any of their in-game characterization, despite people bitching about what Druckman says in interviews.

I don't post to Sup Forums
it looks SO bad

I'm not demanding that they change her, I'm just saying I don't like her and Naughty Cuck.

I'll still buy it but at least I am aware of their agenda, so it's not like I'm complaining about a World War 2 movie being full of white males.

>I don't want to play as this dyke
Cool. What's stopping you from not playing?

>I hope they don't put us in situations where she somehow miraculously fends off aggressors by strength alone ala Joel

You are so fucking stupid, lol.

>i haaope dey dnt make her super strong broos bc girls arent so strong brooo

Women are naturally weaker than men, especially a group of men, yes.

put Sup Forumsposters in internment camps

>They already addressed this in the first game.
>They already addressed this in the first game.
>They already addressed this in the first game.

>pedophiles are mad about a character growing up
>somehow they think their opinion matters

Shove a tampon in it Susan, biology doesn't care about your pronouns

You might be new but a lot of concept art looks bad compared to the final thing, that's why it's just concept art

Stop making a big deal out of nothing

Look at the pic. She's complete Auschwitz mode. How the fuck is she supposed to fend off anyone realistically? She looks like she's 90 pounds.


She didn't look much better in the pre-rendered trailer

Not that guy but Ellie in this game is a scrawny little stick compared to Joel. No one, regardless of gender, would be able to do the things Joel does in the first game if they were that thin.


She looks more like a child here than in the first one. Just a very angry sick looking one

don't buy shit with gay shit in it if you don't support gay shit.


>That retarded greentext

Is that how you try to convince yourself of being an idiot? Women aren't nearly as physically powerful as men on average. This isn't some 'anti-feminist' agenda I'm pushing, it's a fucking natural fact of our species. Joel was a large imposing male known for being able to take out multiple people at once. Ellie, if going up against similar enemies, does not have the sheer advantage of size that Joel has. If that's a hard concept to wrap your head around, fine, but don't act like a faggot.

Haven't you heard OP. Dykes and man-women are in on the coming year. We already got the fat fuck fucker hacker on Watch dogs 2. Now we get dyke Ellie.

>All these liberal white knight faggots crawling out of the woodwork to raise their shield in defense of fair ladies and Naughty Jew

They already addressed this in the first game. In the sections where you play as Ellie, you couldn't choke people out or or fight them head on. You could only stab them from behind or shot them.

They already addressed this in the first game. In the sections where you play as Ellie, you couldn't choke people out or or fight them head on. You could only stab them from behind or shot them.

>You could only stab them from behind or shot them.You could only stab them from behind or shot them.You could only stab them from behind or shot them.You could only stab them from behind or shot them.You could only stab them from behind or shot them.You could only stab them from behind or shot them.You could only stab them from behind or shot them.You could only stab them from behind or shot them.You could only stab them from behind or shot them.


>I'm a faggot
>I can't read
>What is a limited campaign section versus an entire campaign?

Stupid cock sucking faggot.

Dude what the fuck are you doing?

Hey it's you again!

being an autist, it's what I do best!!!!


They already addressed this in the first game.

They already addressed this in the first game.

They already addressed this in the first game.

They already addressed this in the first game.

more like Neil cuckmann

>I was like "wow why does that matter"
>Of course I didn't actually ask the guy because I already know I'm right and he's wrong and I was really just thinking "wow that totally doesn't matter!"
What did he mean by this?

Sup Forums needs to leave

Not an argument.

Neil is that you?

>if you complain about what you don't like your enemies win

Trudeau please

Then don't.

Well does it really matter?

God knows why. I really enjoyed the first TLoU. It stands on its own. Not a big fan of Naughty Dog getting political, but hey, I like the game.
They really are coming out in force though.

You're worse desu

>130 lbs dyke
>3 250 lbs angry men

If you're saying she should be able to fight them off with sheer strength you're a fucking retard and should be treated as such.

Fuck, now that could be a good thread to take the story on. What should Ellie choose, her personal feelings or the fate of humankind? It also draws a parallel to Joel's own choice during the first game. But they're not that brave or clever.

>Not crying over concept art is white knighting now


>I'll still buy it
lol and you're calling others cucks?

Anyone who has sex with her gets infected you dip

One can hope. It'd be an interesting story. But didn't the trailers make it out like it was about Ellie getting revenge or something?

Not that guy but you can like a game without liking every aspect of a game.

Absolutely. The issues with such writing aren't so much "two men get beat up by a woman" but rather "two competent and experienced combatants get taken out by a single opponent who also has a genetic disadvantage because of reasons"

If you want to make such a scene, go for it, explain it properly and set it up right, don't just make it come out of the blue because that's capeshit tier writing and nobody wants that.

SJW themes are fine, it's done well in countless stories and media, what ISN'T fine is replacing proper/good writing with poorly shoehorned in SJW themes.

>the act of having a daughter is SJW

Fuck me dead

>Not using a turkey baster

>Thinking Naughty Dog cares

Careful, you're starting to sound like Anita.

How the fuck do you read that out of what I wrote? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

>genetic disadvantage

>Not using a turkey baster
You realize this fucks your original complaint of her being a lesbian because she could have kids right?

Did you even read the post?

>That awkward little shuffle Nate's brother does before getting elbowed

If it was a FUCKING WHITE MALE he'd have jumped him and snapped his neck no problem. But no it's a proud beautiful wonderful strong nigress and therefore can't be touched.

How? Being a femenazi is the exact opposite of what I just said, blowing small problems out of proportion and saying it ruins the entire game. A reasonable person can go: "There are some things I don't like but it doesn't ruin my overall experience of the game".

Surprise surprise tumblr can't read. Too many tears in your eyes sweetheart? Vision too blurry with all the hurt feelings?

>losing to a woman

That's the most pathetic fucking shit I've ever seen. Women don't have the upper body strength to do the things this woman has done, unless she's a fucking tranny.

>Women's genetic disposition in creating fat rather than muscle isn't a disadvantage
>Literally using "evolution isn't real" rhetoric
Sure thing buddy.

But are her children infected or immune? That's all that matters, umtimately. Could harvest one of them for the cure research.

Back to r/politics or Tumblr with you.

>complaining about an obvious agenda is worse than complaining about white males in WW2 movies

This is Naughty Dog we're talking about so there is a very real possibility it's a tranny

A female doesn't look feminine and pretty in a post-apocalyptic setting? Wew

pedo Sup Forums

He gets the last punch in

i hope she gets pregnant and the baby eats her from inside.

One punch from a man would have her sprawled out on the ground.

m8 no one could beat Nathan if they were that thin, not a man, not a woman, not a tranny, no one.

This art does kinda make her look like a butch...
Hope its not as bad in game

Yeah but where'd she get those ballin tattoos? Who's got a tattoo shop set up in the post-apocalypse?

She just looks too manly now, she was a perfectly cute lesbian in the first game, they didn't need to change her design that much. Also her tatoo is hideous, they really were trying too hard.

stop the excuses

It has nothing to do with the setting and more to do with how the creators DESIGNED her. She's not real.

Are you for real?

She's a highly trained, battle-hardened famed Mercenary leader.

Not to even think of all the other super unrealistic shit that happens in Uncharted.

So yeah, does it really matter? You cunts are as bad as Sup Forums or SJW's different sides of the same cancerous coin insofar that you blow everything the fuck out of proportion.

Hamburger Helper wrote bad characters. Use that filth as a basis.

Tattoos have been around for thousands of years

Sup Forums please lol

>only Sup Forums can dislike developers that say diversity is just as important as gameplay

Naughty dog has been a lousy, """cinematic""" developer for like, a decade now, but what made you hate them was because some dev said he likes sarkeesian and they had a female antagonist beat up the male protagonist?
You sure do have your priorities straight, dumb fuck

Because it's literally what Anita prefaces her critiques with innit

I get that, but why can't people suspend their disbelief for things like this but not, say, regenerating health?

Also not a bad idea.
> you play part of the game as pregnant Ellie protecting her child from some antagonist
> maybe Firefly remnants who want to steal you and the baby for research
> you sneak around and narrowly escape
> fast-forward to birth
> only to have the baby eat you from the inside out

It happens multiple times too, Drake goes flying out of a window on one occasion.

It just looks comical, somehow he's able to stand toe-to-toe with all sorts of military operatives, generally in very good physical condition and he gets completely dominated by some generic black woman half his weight.

please stop, please. don't hurt my white male fantasy.

Yes, but, listen--this is the post apocalypse. Where did she get HERS? I need details.