Sup Forums tells you it's shit

>Sup Forums tells you it's shit
>it isn't
What's its name?

who the fuck told you kamidori was shit?


Looks like Fire Emblem, should I play it if I am into those kind of games?

it's a porn game
it's actualy surprisingly fun
except for the scene where a demon fox girl puts her pinkie toe inside your penis, that's not fun at all

Yeah, I knew it had porn, but I never knew it had a FE-like gameplay, looks fun

Is more like Shining Force with porn and some crafting. Pretty solid IMO.

Kamidori is fucking great, who the hell told you it wasn't?

>Reading porn scenes
Are you just 18 or something? Why the fuck would you bother reading "penus moves in and out of vagoo, girl moans, guy feels good"


>not reading porn
Fucking 90s kids.

80s kid, faggot, and if it's actually well-written I'd give it a go but it's always the same shite I already cited. Read one porn scene and you've read them all.

>playing H games when you can just view the galleries

Yes? Are you some sort of retard that doesn't think context matters?

>if it's actually well-written
Could you give us some examples, Mr. Expert?

Last time I bothered reading a porn scene and found it decently enjoyable was The Last Sovereign, but I'm not sure why you'd ask this question when my main point is that writing in porn scenes is all the same oatmeal.

how about that one in saya no uta where the qt gets her body and mind melted and warped into gross tentacle thing while geting sensually raped

that was pretty neat

Ghostbusters 2016

>fw EOPs will never ever get other good Eushully games

I guess you can enjoy some machine-translated interface patches.

Who the hell told you Kamidori was bad?

I easily dropped 80+ hours into that game and I'm still not done with it.

Kamidori has 300 hours worth of gameplay, doesn't it?

I heard most of their other games were shit.

I don't know the exact amount, but is long as fuck if you want to clear all 3 routes + post game maps.