Resi 7 demo drops on PC tomorrow

the resi 7 demo drops tomorrow for us PC Gaymers, general resi 7 discussion thread. Will the game be any good?

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I'm pretty excited, but as usual, the waiting is always more exciting than the actual thing. I've already seen every detail of the demo, so i will probably just test it to see how much better it looks than the PS4 version and how well it runs then delete it.

nope, they should actually plan gunplay for the game next time they make a resident evil cuz this one was clearly slapped together a week before getting presented

I'm not sure if gunplay is the focus of this one, like I don't think it's gonna be an Outlast clone, but I don't think you're meant to gundown everything you see. Guns are probably just there for solving puzzles and stunning enemies. So the poor gunplay doesn't bother me too much.

you will have weapons, but the ammo will be scarce, so you won't just murder everything you find, you have to decide what you need to kill and hide from the rest.

PS3 tier graphics.

heh, so this... is the power of the PS4...

Oh yeah 1-3 had the best gunplay ever

I still replay them every month for the awesome action packed shootouts

I don't care about that, i'm playing on the pc in glorious 4k

That does look fucking horrible, but then again it has to run at 60fps and even beyond that for the VR.

shill thread? shill thread.

yeah, those textures will look great in 4k!

>being excited for the first decent looking resi game in 12 years is shilling

>making a thread with the same picture every day is not shilling

If I enjoyed Cryostasis will I like this?

>first resi thread I've made in 2 weeks
It ain't me posting this every day

maybe you're right. the guy who normally does it seems to be brazilian.

That's literally the only terrible texture I've seen so far. Got any more examples?

If you enjoyed Cryostasis you'll probably enjoy anything.

Go find and watch that video.

Haha, another win for the PC master race.

well there are grenade launcher

>the baker family enjoy paper mâché


the ending is going to involve Chris bursting through the wall with the BSAA and tossing you a RPG to kill the evolved baker family, screencap this

you're not going to stop anyone from discussing this game. you can fuck right off.

nah, i'll stick around. the game looks like shit and i hope capcom has to shut down as a result of its inevitable failure.

You are probably right.

As I enjoyed a Russian condemned clone released in CIS and France of all places.

>shut down a game that will be out in a month

you can only wish, faggot.

Is the whole game centered around this whole Texas Chainsaw Massacre thing they've got going on in the demo?

French ISO, ignore the demo part.

-Playstation Magazine UK says if the rest of RE7 can match-up with the five hours they played of the game, we're looking at the next 10/10 game they'll be rewarding.


nobody knows.

It's about BOWs like every RE game.

Half will probably be the Texas chainsaw family then half will end up being a bunch of weird umbrella experiments in a lab underneath the house or something

there's the BR shill. you clearly lack reading comprehension. fuck yourself.

yeah, but no one will tell you that. it's just like the classic REs, user! are you ready for dlc?

I'm predicting hide and seek for the first hours and then it will turn into a shooter.

what's there not to comprehend in this awful quality shitpost?

>shut down a game that will be out in a month
Where in my post did I even say this? You're retarded. Kill yourself.