This is the best gaming comunication platform

This is the best gaming comunication platform

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It is. But where do they get the money to run it?

tfw too shy to talk through mic

Right now?

In the future?
Customized shitposting tools that they sell to users.

Why user? Don't you want to chat? Everyone's cool here!

This is something that came to mind when first hearing about it.
Whenever a service is "free" to use, there's a guaranteed catch. Maybe they'll try to get people hooked to it and then introduce advertisement into the channels.

Mumble and TS3 are still both objectively superior if you need to manage more than 40 or so people, as well as having far superior voice quality, while also being far less bloated programs.

Discord's text chat is superior to both of them, though. It's a fine solution for people who need an all-in-one for their small-to-medium-sized groups, but it's hardly the end-all.

Shame about dolby

well it's not ventrillo, so...

I prefer mumble

someone share discords

This is exactly what they have said they want to do

Ad space and selling addons

Kinda wish you could drag servers/channels apart so I wouldn't have to constantly tab to switch server/channel if I want to follow more than 1.

>servers owned by them, can't guarantee they don't record your voice as you talk about anime with your weebfriends
>voice is pretty shit in quality
>chat is okay, a bit better than skype chat

Teamspeak is still better.

they sell user info for advertisers

>join a Sup Forums discord
>it's comfy as hell, nice few amount of people around it
>dies out in months because inactivity
>join another Sup Forums discord
>it's ran by a trapfaggot from /soc/ who avatarfags as samus and it's overrun by normalfags
>join another Sup Forums discord
>it's fun as heck but dies a day after

Slack for home use, so yeah.

Slack is an unwieldy piece of shit and I hate that my job forces me to use it.

Mumble and TS3 are the best overall solutions if you're willing to pay for a server.

Discord is worse than both of them in pretty much every technical area, but it's also free and idiot-proof, making it a good compromise if you don't want to fork over any money.

Ventrilo is deprecated garbage, you might as well still be using WinXP.

Skype is horrendously bloated, lacks a whole host of necessary features, buggy, and just all around a shit program that only idiots who don't know better use.

No other VOIP program is even worth mentioning.

You can make good money with user data of all kinds.
Also anything going beyond basic functionality will be behind some subscription fee at some point I figure.

>join Sup Forums discord
>everyone is an annoying memeing faggot even in voice

"Sup Forums discords" have nothing to do with actual Sup Forums and usually are full of outsider newfags

I wanna hear your cute voice!

It's infinitely better than the alternatives (Skype for Business, formerly Lync, being the primary competition).

It's the only chat platform I use right now since all my friends are using it. I haven't used something like let's say, Telegram or Steam chat, in ages.

Might be for normal users but being an admin is a nightmare

>allow people to create instant invites
>can't see who joined
>can't sort by join date
>can't see who invited who and when
>can't edit messages

It would be if it had better mod tools, and allowed people to host on their own servers.

Surprisingly this, the one I was in had some relatively new guys. They're better than faggots from Sup Forums though since they don't spout memes 90% of the time.

>Mumble and TS3 are the best overall solutions if you're willing to pay for a server.
friend of mine got a decent mumble server hosted at home from his raspberry and I really prefer it and TS3 over discord, since they are both lightweight compared to discord.
I'd prefer just hanging around an IRC channel that you can also access via the mumble/ts3 server but non of my gaming friends is into that shit anymore.

steam is better

They sell your furry ERP logs

but that is not mumble

what? the voice quality is the best I've ever had, maybe your friends are just using shit mics

It probably is, but I still use Teamspeak since the people I play with feel they need to justify their server.

This happens with anything that occurs outside of Sup Forums for an extended period of time. That Sup Forums's recommended wiki is just a list of popular games for systems, even ones Sup Forums has universally shit on.

The problem with Discord is that the speech channels operate on the quality that's basically the same as Teamspeak's Music quality.

And I don't think I have to explain what happens when you get even the littlest of lag when talking in a Music quality channel on Teamspeak.

Where are you finding these discords?

all of those were randomly spammed on Sup Forums
found them all this year

how does it know what games your in

Is this a serious question or are you just pretending to be retarded?


i've only used it once as a guest

You first

Same goes to you.

Wow, what the fuck man, you probably sound like a faggot anyway

Basically they're gonna sell your data to companies and the government.

Why is the logo Mickey Mouse's shorts?

It's supposed to be this

>Try to log in from different computer
>It seems that this is a problem for discord so they sent a verification email
>It's been a day and I still haven't gotten a verification email
I just want to talk about Zero Saga with /ssbg/, is that to much to ask Discord?

but botnet the cops are gonna see me post loli porn!!!!!

that one faggot who made it ruined ssbg, he's an extremly pussied person and whiteknights that panchito pedo who's dating that 16yo girl since she was 14

I should probably try to make some friends again. My last one went off to college and doesn't walk to me anymore.

oh great you're fucking telling me that the discord /ssbg/ group is dead as well because of that one faggot?

nope, just the general, but I used to be a regular in that discord until it became a circlejerk, I dont know if you're talking about the other discord some guy was planning to make

oh shitI havent browsed that in years

>Official /ssbg/ discord
Is the one I'm in, hopefully there will be talk about Zero Saga tonight. Because Sup Forums doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk about it
It's dead and moved to Discord

share the discord I mean
Is it really full of people? it would be awkward to join if there's already a prestablished group of people

you are supposed to make friends and talk with others personally familia.
a group cant live for too long before going to shit, be glad you had fun.

I did that, it's jsut that everyone didnt try to

It is. But will you use it when they start monetizing?

It has a good amount of people in it

If they do, someone will figure out how to edit the ads out

Have you tried this yet?

Half the time I don't even use the service for gaming stuff. It's a better Skype alternative in every way minus video chat.

Does /bbg/ have a discord going?


what the fuck did I stumble upon

Where are the discords that have global emotes? can't find em

Right there:

>Data We Collect Automatically: When you interact with us through the Services, we receive and store certain information such as an IP address, device ID, and your activities within the Services. We may store such information or such information may be included in databases owned and maintained by affiliates, agents or service providers. The Services may use such information and pool it with other information to track, for example, the total number of visitors to our Site, the number of messages users have sent, and the domain names of our visitors' Internet service providers.
>Aggregated Information: In an ongoing effort to better understand and serve the users of the Services, we may conduct research on our customer demographics, interests and behavior based on the information provided to us. This research may be compiled and analyzed on an aggregate basis, and we may share this aggregate data with our affiliates, agents and business partners. We may also disclose aggregated user statistics in order to describe our services to current and prospective business partners, and to other third parties for other lawful purposes.
>Info through other Services: You may give us permission to collect your information in other services. For example, you may connect a social networking service ("SNS") such as Facebook or Twitter to your Discord account. When you do this, it allows us to obtain information from those accounts (for example, your friends or contacts).

There's more if you follow the link.

Is it worth downloading the client or is the browser version good enough?

The client is literally a skin for Chromium.

>tfw my turboautist Guild Master made me start talking through mic

>fapcaves for group masturbation(?)
>lovecaves for 1 on 1 masturbation(?)
>Random game chats

>tfw slav and shit accent

if you are talking about the "fapcave" it isn't for that, its just for people to play games privately.

Why even bother using it when ts and mumble are a thing?

doesn't work for me

This place needs the exterminatus

Janoy fuck off

>tfw Slav and you covered both the north and south of the country your family migrated to

The interface is better and you can admin a server without paying for it.

Join our super cool vee server :)))))))))))))))))))))

>play games privately
>not just adding each other on steam/etc
Whatever you say, family

I just use it for porn.

why am i not surprised this is devolving into a voicefag thread

Hey user get on mic :)

this server is exactly the second one im talking about

full of normies

>find local gaming discord
>no memespouting faggots
>people actually play games
>meet up occasionally for drinks/parties

Meeting up again after christmas, feels good honey.

Those rooms are meant for private voice communication when you are playing vidya together.
Steam is shit with it's voice calls.


Secluded, if you prefer.

You can call someone directly on discord. You can even invite people in the call. Something's up and you're just making excuses.

Plus it's not "private" if everyone sees you're both/all in a call

This, I even get too shy to talk to my real life friends.

>tfw Slav and have no shitty accent
feels bretty gud desu

>tfw only respond and act reactive during conversation

What fucked up kind of slav are you?

What's this shitty accent meme?

all the cartoon channels were not dubbed nor subbed yet so for a good 7 years i adapted to the language slowly through basic body language and gestures,then moving onto simple words like "yes" or "no".Then i got internet and the rest is history