Now that the dust has settled can say XIII>XV ?

Now that the dust has settled can say XIII>XV ?

I fucking loved the lore of XIII

I bet you're a filthy mudslime

No XV is the best final fantasy. Only anti-shills and retards disagree

XIII was linear so it's bad
I also couldn't get past the proudclad so the gameplay was shit
- Sup Forums


more like aster protoflorian

>Now that the dust has settled

Is it just me or are her legs too long?

Just post FF girl armpits goddamn.

The entire second half of XV is a hallway simulator. At Least XIII had unique environments.

Find a flaw.

XIII has better

Prove me wrong.

Jesus Christ htat leg

but worse character proportions. what the fuck, they could have cut off half of her leg and would still look unnatural.

army of one is inferior to cold blood
jack of all trades master of none
because of that they later made her op for the sake of being op in two roles
schematas are an illusion of choice and in the end there are obviously better and worse garbs
guardian corps shield looks stupid as fuck

It's only that one piece of promotional artwork. Her proportions are normal in everything else.

Fang is superior in every way
She deserved her own game more than Lightning

True on all counts. I actually think XIII would have been a great game if they'd conveyed the story (much) better, because infodumping 90% of the plot critical bits of information in a fucking optional encyclopedia was batshit stupid.

If they'd actually written the story well and the entire game was like Pulse, or close to it, it'd be a contender for top 5 FFs. As it is, it wasn't total shit but the flaws really weigh it down.

Still better than XV in its release state. Will see if the DLCs fix that. Doubt it.

holy shit this is precisely the reason why I stopped playing how do you beat this hot bitch

>because infodumping 90% of the plot critical bits of information in a fucking optional encyclopedia was batshit stupid.
yes it is stupid. thats why its only for stupid people who dont pay attention. everything in datalog was already said and shown in game. if you get any new information out of datalog then you are retarded for not paying attention when playing

XIII was complete, boring dogshit and nothing will convince me otherwise.
13-2 and 13-3 were much better.

You fuckin wish hallway nigger.

XV is fucking great. No other game has made me care about the main characters more than XV. Noct, Iggy, Gladdy and Fatass deserve a sequel more than Lightning ever did.

The fact that there are people who still try to argue that XIII isn't shit and are desperately trying to revise history will always give me endless giggles.

No, XIII was garbage then and it's still garbage now.

Fucking hell no. XIII was one of the most dreadfully boring JRPGs I've played in my life, while XV was solid overall but suffered near the end in the story at worst.

>Sup Forums was in a huge shitstorm about the game for at least a month
>mfw legitimately enjoyed the game and had a great time

Weird how that was 7 years ago

>everything in datalog was already said and shown in game

Lol. No, it's not. Most of what's in the datalog is never, ever, ever once said in-game.

>mfw 7 years ago was 15 years ago

give me an example then

just now for the first time since i finished this game i decided to look at the datalog.
its full of quotes said by various characters in the game and its restating obvious stuff you saw in cutscenes and gameplay and heard via dialogue

>you cant choose your favorite weapons,magic,clothes,skills,dialogues

>you can choose nothing
>you can choose devs choice

Hell no, XV is actually fun even if the second half is a rushed mess.

I think you need to go replay XIII for about one fucking hour and rethink your assessment.

Not really, more than half of the main cast is shit, Fang and Sazh are the only alright ones (at least the first XIII, haven't played the other ones).

That it had, the game was really pretty.

>mash auto-attack and change paradigm when dying/staggering to win is good combat

XV barealy has any story to begin with, not that big of a feat

>There is not a single FF game any series fans can agree on
This is the amazing part of the series to me.

They have made 15 "mainline" titles and dozens of spinoffs, and every single one is received the same way:
>50%: This is the best Final Fantasy
>50%: This is the worst Final Fantasy
There is literally no opinion in between. And it's this way for every single game.

Both games are trash.

no the combat is shit because all you do is hit one button and the game picks the best attacks for you

Fuck no. XIII didn't even have npcs to interact with, just fucking terminals. The linearity wasn't what made it bad, it was how fucking sterile it felt.

it picks the most optimal attacks based on its limited knowlegde. they are not the best tho

She's not her sister.

That's not true at all though. XIII is stongly disliked. VII is strongly liked.

Nobody's going to be clamoring for a XIII remake any time soon.

Tastes (or population really) change over time so people hate XII a lot less now, but if you look at Sup Forums's own Best Final Fantasy ladder popularity contest thing, there are clearly less popular entries.

Everybody hates VIII though.

Honestly I really enjoyed 13 despite the linearity. I loved the style and visuals, they were really a fresh sci/fantasy mix. I liked the gameplay too, I thought the paradigm shift was a nice mechanic and made you have to use timing in your fights, and boy some of those bosses were difficult.

>losing to proto Florian
Git gud

Post screenshots of Lightning's navel piercing

as far as i remember the only attacks the game won't use are the specials (most of which weren't worth using). It would spend a turn cycling through attacks to find the best option then spam the hell out of it.

>VII is strongly liked
If I had a dime for every time a 6-7-8 war was started, I would be a rich man.

Then IV jumps in to make his claim, then HAW HAW HAW, then IX fans post furry. Every. Time.

And there it is

it spends a turn cycling through attacks to find something that enemy is weak to and then spams it.
lets say enemy is weak to fire and lightning

game will spam fire because its a first choice when lightning is way better because it has no travel time. in longer fights its a difference of couple atb bars

6 unlikeable shells of characters versus 4 Bros with actual development and relatable moments. You're deluded to think 13 has better characters.
Sure kiddo
Cocoon was incredibly interesting compared to Eos but you couldn't fucking explore it. Pulse was meh. Eos wins for its dungeons and Altissia.
You have to be joking.
XV's is more accessible and the last half is amazing albeit chapter 13. If you prefer a convoluted clusterfuck that you can cherrypick good moments out of, then sure, XIII is where its at.

I always try to assume a non biased position against popular beliefs. Because most of the time they are WRONG. See Hulk 2003, BvS Prometheus, etc. All great movies despise the meme reviews.

So I started XIII with an open mind. Hands down not only the worst FF I played, but one of the top 5 worst games Ive ever played. First time I agree 100% with the popular opinion.

I can forgive many things on a game, but not being boring. Completely boring.

Sure, FFX is also a shit corridor game (again, despise popular opinion I never understood the praise this turd gets) but at least is fun, and is better paced. You have some moments to relax.

In FFXIII you are in constant running for 30 hours until the game of the game. You only stop once at Hope's house for 2 minutes. The pacing is horrible. It feels like a dungeon that never ends, a QTE that never ends.

The story is also boring, with no memorable scenes.

I had to play the game during bursts of 2 hours for the last 2 years because its so fucking boring, I cant even stand it.

The paradigm, autobattle system is also shit. And you only put a bit of thought against superbosses. For most of the time it was just autobattle everything with the occasional paradigm shift.

Way worse than 8 which at least had a shit ton of memorable scenes. Way worse than X, way worse than 2.

You guys are such hipster faggots I swear.

>The linearity wasn't what made it bad, it was how fucking sterile it felt.
This. Most of the areas don't do anything to differentiate themselves from each other aside from your party and whatever enemies are there. That one place where you could change the weather was kinda neat I guess.

even the sidequests you got from a fucking TERMINAL. It was like being stuck in a really bad dream where you couldn't talk to any one but were forced to do a menial task.

God I forgot about this. How shit can a single game be? Its like they took X, removed any positive characteristic it had and took all the shit from it.


yes unique environments you couldn't explore

got two sequels

Oh yeah. This too.
No towns, just terminals.
Dead as fuck.

I loved it, and I love the two sequels it produced.

they were fugitives on the run. no one wanted to talk to them.

Why would you keep playing a game you hate. I dropped it after a few hours. Once it was clear I'd just be walking straight forward the entire game fighting mindlessly beaten opponents.

In terms of lore and battle system - yes.
Too bad game begins to shine only after you have completed first 10 chapters.

Nope, 13 remains the worst entry in the series.
15 gets the wasted potential award though.

No. XV is better than XIII in every single aspect.

This is a daily reminder not to take this board seriously.

First, you fucking people hated FFXIII.

Then most of you guys pretend FFX is better than FFXIII, when they're not that different.

Now you guys are trying to tell me FFXIII is better than FFXV? 6/10, you got me to respond.

Lightning has no character. Environments are all straight lines. Combat is nothing and the story is clusterfuck.

It's worse in all of those compared to XV which has actual characters with development, varied environments you can actually explore, has real combat with variety too and a solid story with great characters.

Now that the dust has settled can we all admit that 3 is the best Final Fantasy?

Both are good. Most of the series is pretty good.

Are you ever played XIII?
It was bad, yeah, but XV is the dumbest shit ever happened to series. Literally first (the worst) half of XIII cloned for the entire game, but without solid storytelling.

>I bet you're a filthy mudslime
Retardation is something that can be overlooked in our society, but what kind of crazy mental gymnastics did you pull in order to come to a conclusion like that.

Nice Zelda syndrome.

>people didnt like 13's combat
>people complaining about the bosses

Learning to perfect 13's combat is still the most satisfying thingni have done in a final fantasy game.

Especially against the harder bosses. Those clutch paradigm shifts felt great.

Finally a ff game where you had to git gud.

The actual fuck? How wrong can you even be? XV is easily one of the best FFs yet and the first half of the game is nothing like XIII, it actually has freedom, good combat, a world to explore, dungeons, outposts with NPCs, sidequests etc. And has better character development and cast than 13 could hope to ever have. And the story even if rushed in the second half is still better than FF13s clusterfuck of a story that you can't even get a full grasp of unless you read the datalog. At least XV gives the player info about the world and happenings through in game context like overhearing NPCs talking about stuff or listening to radios or reading the cogmogony books which is how people in the world would even be finding out about those things, as well as the party dialog in relation to story events too.

or you just press auto-battle against everything

never could get more than 15 fps stable in that game, but lightning return worked for some reason.

It's objectively the most complex combat in the main series (note that the series is generally simple as fuck so that's not saying much).

I fucking love that game. Especially in 4k on PC.

On a side note, this game graphically looks better than many modern releases.

Can anyone convince why is XIII-3 good? I really want to get into that but I can't....

The only thing XIII has going for it is a couple good boss fights. It's own sequels shit all over it in every way.

>press auto battle
>never learn how to git gud at the combat
>complain about proudclad/barthalendus and the other hard bosses

Like pottery

I wont defend the linearity, or the lore in datalog. But 13 is the first game that made me feel that they actually did something interesting with the turn based combat.

Better than 15 at least. Why the fuck isnt there a cooldown on items? How the fuck do you even lose?

Really fun combat and that's about it.

>every single aspect
Have you played XIII or did you just gather all of your opinions on the game from other people who mindlessly hate the game? Fuck off.

>It's own sequels shit all over it in every way
yeah but
what if I told you that lightning is pretty cute

I WILL FUCKING RESPOND that you are correct

I've put in like 90 hours into FFXIII when it first came out and I have the collectors edition.

Do I smell a Goddess thread?

I just beat this game after playing it on and off for 2 years a few days ago.

It has one of the stupidest endings I've ever seen. I do agree that it was fun figuring out how to get 5 stars on some of the tougher bosses. Especially the final boss who has that instant death move

Complain? Why shud i compain if i beat everything with auto-battle?

FFXV combat is far better than this XIII garbage.

>Now that the dust has settled can say XIII>XV ?

Lightning is the reason I played the entire trilogy. I love her design and her characterisation. I was so happy to discover I could equip the Guardian Corps uniform in LR.

>i beat everything with autobattle

This is how i know you never played it or are trolling.

They're both trash. 10 and 12 were the last good ones

Well, you can said that as 13 is at the very least a finished game.

Anyways, both are considered as trash.

>all you do is hit one button and the game picks the best attacks for you

Feel free to stream yourself beating the game by hitting Auto-battle and nothing else. :^)

People who complain about that aspect of the battle system are literal retards. The entire crux of the system is Paradigm Shifts to choose your loadout of abilities. The focus on which individual ability to cast has been moved to a background role, which is why you can let the AI pick if you like (but that's by no means optimal in many cases).

They'll mash attack in every other game in the series and that's fine. But change the name and they freak out.

FFXIII was at least finished and FFXV is a trash game with cut content everywhere and a shit movie which scenes are in the game. It's an absurd how FF15 is bad.

ATI mobility Radeon HD 4500/5100 series
Intel I5
4go Ram

Can i play XIII on my shit PC?

which is funny because FF15 had me mashing Circle and Holding square. 13 had alot more strategy. In fact 15 feels more like a kingdom hearts game than a final fantasy game.

Really can't say. This game is weirdly optimised. My friend has a better PC and it works worse on his than on mine. Ram is irrelevant :)

In my case it's
8gb ram ddr3
gtx 770 msi OC-ed (rx 490 pls)
Windows 8.1
I play with 2715x1527 resolution

Hope that I helped user

Lol, delusional XIII apologists.

XIII always gonna be garbage, and FFXV is on par with old Final Fantasies like VI.

>13 had alot more strategy
Literally all you had to do was set up half decent paradigms and switch when your health was low. At least XV had blocks and undodgable attacks spacial awareness and literally anything to engage you in comnat unlike XIII

XV isn't any less finished than 13 and XV is better than 13.

XIII literally has more cut content than XV has so no. And XV is one of the best FF games yet. The movie is also better than XIII too.