Thoughts on this man? He is cringy sometimes but I think he has really good content

Thoughts on this man? He is cringy sometimes but I think he has really good content.

>e-celeb thread


He has literally never shat on a game so I like him

But I feel that he just recommends any shit he gets his hand on

>most metal video game video
>no mention of Guilty Gear

He's a fraud.

He's a collector autist. He's acknowledged before that he doesn't have the time to play all the games he owns, but yet he keeps buying.

Radical Reggie is perfection

Is she /bestmetalgirl/??

2 chins and a neck

>sandals, cargos and gaming shirt
/our guy/

He's ugly as sin. He should really stay out of the camera.

what's wrong with sandals and a cargo shirt when it's hot out? honestly I don't even know what else i'd wear when hot out. Gaming shirts are cringy i agree. Except as PJ's.

>he wears the pocketed autist

>john's cabinets are going to get fucked up by drunks

some people enjoy the hunt

you dropped this my man

The word was popular here before reddit even existed.

no it wasn't
it existed but it wasn't 'popular' fuck off

He seems alright, but his content feels more like it's more about name dropping titles to games than anything else. LGR, CGR, and ADG are my go tos for their specific style that feels like solid video archival of classic games.

Man, You're cringeworthy af.

nice hat. I might buy one in my size.

oh wait, you were using that as an insult. cause, you know, it's totes bad to use a website that millions and millions of others use. oh no da reddit boggeyman!

Both him and his fat buddy admit that they collect a bunch of shit they'll never play, and I think the fat one even has multiple copies of the same game, rare ones at that, so fuck him.

I hate these stupid e-celeb video game collectors, because they are the one's who make it look cool to the youngin's. Sure you have the 30 somethings buying up their nostalgia, but the younger generation uses these assholes as an influence into colelcting themselves, and they ruin it for everyone.

I'm always going to have video games, and I'm always going to play them. But these young asswipes are gonna get bored of it eventually, and that's when shit's gonna become cheap as hell, because stores and online retailers won't be able to get rid of their massive influx of stock.

CGR is fucking dead now.
He fucking fired his staff because he didn't want to focus on video games more. He was doing fine with the format, even making money. He got a wild hair up his ass and decided to focus on his shitty comics that no one gives a shit about. Right after upgrading and hiring on additional staff.
Yes I mad.

lol rite? muh rebbit buggyman xD

>has to constantly apologize for the noise trains make when passing over his house
>he's probably the most beta person I've ever seen

I kind of feel sorry for him at times.*t. a poorly draw mspaint image.
I've been foiled.

he's a giant fag. HURR METAL JESUS GUYS xD DUNA DUNA DUNT DUNT DUNA DUNA DUNT. Hey guys today I have another teenage girl guest I found at a con or some shit that I totally dont have some ulterior motive for. Today she's gonna show us some TOTALLY RARE games for the Sega 32X.

Christ just shut up.

He's a fraud that jumped on the top 10 retro video game bandwagon.


Game Sack is better.

Metal Jesus rocks is a fuck

Let me guess, rather than going and playing tons of games yourself and forming your own opinion, you instead watch this ugly faggots youtube channel and just adopt his opinion and whatever knowledge he shares instead.

Modern gamers in a nutshell, folks.

Wrong, Kinsey is best girl

you just know

I want to marry her!