Will they save crowd sourced gaming?

Will they save crowd sourced gaming?

Hey you. That's an edit. You got rid of the bad one.

Shovel Knight already saved it

Not before Indivisible does

>Blunderstained is being made by a con man
>Ukelel is confirmed kusoge


There was no one there. What are you talking about?

kusoge doesn't refer to western made games, you dumbass weeb cunt

>kusoge refers to all western made games
you're correct, user!

Shovel Knight set the standard. Others try to aspire to that level of success.

There haven't been MN9-tier shitstorms surrounding Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee, so hopefully that's a good sign. Looking forward to both, as well as Indivisible and La Mulana 2.

Already saved.

>Specter Knight campaign for Shovel Knight
>Everspace out of early access
>Divinity: OS2

I'm ready crowdfunded vidya

Nothing but glib facsimiles

That castlevania wannabe is going to be forgotten within a few weeks.

I guarantee it.

Unless they ramp up the main characters movement speed and make her less clunky looking, it's going to be average at best.

By a game only good for getting an erection?

>Unless they ramp up the main characters movement speed

They made it a 1:1 copy of Alucard in Symphon. This was a mistake. They should have used the movement speed of Aria/Dawn.


>That castlevania wannabe is going to be forgotten within a few weeks.

That's Shantae though. It's already been forgotten.

pretty sure they are just a trent, like i dont know disney sequels?
no body will give a fuck about them after a week.

as far as indie stars go i think we saw the pinacle long ago, this crowd funding meme needs more than "more of the same" to go anywhere.

wasn't yooka laylee cancelled?

Game will be trash if it stays that naturally slow honestly.

Got the edits where she is nude and thicc?


No, why would you think it was?

It was cancelled on Wii U.


One game is not going to save the travesty that is crowdfunded nonsense.


>someone saved my shitty oc

What a weird feeling.

>travesty that is crowdfunded nonsense.

Explain. I know you can come up with a few examples of terrible end products, but most of what's come out of crowdfunding has been mediocre at worst

Because it's not out yet m8

so Yooka laylee is antiwhite leftist propaganda?

Backers got it. They beat it in 4 hours. They stopped talking about it. The exact same will happen when it gets a full release. It's a dead on arrival type game.

Star Wars was ALWAYS Leftist propaganda. Finn the black good guy? Lando always existed in the original trilogy. Unrealistically competent female Rey? Princess Leia existed. Oh every villain is a white male? Pfft that was also in the original trilogy.

The new "SJW" Star Wars films are just nurturing the seed that was always there and taking it to the logical extreme. No more, no less. Really getting sick of moronic fantards who ignore the very flaws of the original trilogy.

Princess Leia was never unrealistically competent. She was spunky and could shoot a gun. She didn't solve every problem she came across.

Shovel Knight, Grim Dawn, Faster than Light and Valdis Story already saved it.

Shantae games have never been popular, the only thing that keeps them in niche cult following status? It's the fanservice females. That's it. Without that particular design aspect, the series would have died on the Game Boy Color.

Gameplay is seriously not special, story? These characters are fucking annoying (Rottytops does a lot of annoying shit but people forgive her because they masturbate to her). Shantae also never wants to kill the villainess Risky Boots despite how terrible she is, especially in the latest game which should have warranted Shantae to go "Bitch you're going to die for targeting my mother!" But nah the creators know that killing Risky Boots is lower sales because masturbators need to masturbate to her.

Really let's stop pretending that the Shantae games are worth anything. They're just cheap ass fanservice, and yes the gameplay is also shoddy and mediocre. Superior games have done this style of gameplay before. Shantae isn't special for doing it.

>leader of the entire fucking rebellion at the age of 18
>not unrealistically competent

The point is that the seed was there. The seed of feminist bullshit. Princess Leia was an obnoxious unrealistically competent twat who instead of acting regal was a bitch of sorts like insulting Chewbacca even though he was getting paid to save her worthless ass (and yes her rebel plan delivery bullshit method could have been done without her). Now let's see Rey, also a bitch with an attitude, but generally worse in all respects given her "extra" privileges awarded to her by the cuck writers. Knowing how to repair the Millennium Falcon better than the guy who's owned it for decades was seriously annoying.

Why do these threads always devolve into Sup Forums bullshit

>Implying new, extend universe comics that are actually canon doesn't portrait her to be more of a figure head than the leader of the rebellion by herself.

why would it not?

Looks like someone hasn't played Pirates Curse.

The game has a publisher investing in it. It only proves that the crowd sourced model only works as a matketing tool for an indie dev to solicit actual funds from traditional sources

Because Sup Forums's community allowed Sup Forums to take over.
And that's pretty weird. Sup Forums is the antithesis of everything Sup Forums as a website represents.

of all the possible criticisms you could've posted, you instead complain that it isn't edgy enough

You mean the game that confirmed that Risky Boots KNEW Shantae's mother and despite this Risky decides in Half-Genie Hero to unleash her plan to target all Genies, including Shantae's mother, to be corrupted by evil darkness.

Once you cross that line? The villain deserves to die, but Shantae being badly written so that sales increase by keeping Risky around simply bears no grudge against a stunt like that. Lovely writing eh?

Thing about recurring villains is that you never make them do something so heinous that their continued existence is bad writing. Not even Sonic has done this mistake with Eggman and that franchise is a trainwreck. In fact the most villanous thing Eggman could do is kill Tails off, but the only villains who have ever thought of targeting Tails are the Deadly Six (and their plan never worked to begin with because Tails was too smart for them). Eggman's hands remain clean and he's able to be a source of entertainment.

>Sup Forums is the antithesis of everything Sup Forums as a website represents
the fuck you talkin bout willis

Man I still can't get over some of the shitty designs they're putting in this game. There are a lot of solid ones, but the shitty ones are rock bottom.
Just tiny redesigns would've gone a long way.

He's saying you're gay


I really hated TFA and seeing yooka laylee Im actually feeling optimistic, maybe swap TFA with Rogue One and we can call it a decent comparison

I want to pet Lanshi real bad.

Yeah, they did fuck up. They didn't tone down the collecting (actually made it worse), and there's no gravity given to transformations or story (which was half-assed, vague, cliffhanger shit yet again).

No substantial marketing.

And there's just shirts at Fangamer for merch.

It's fucking abhorrent. The game is good, but I'd definitely go back in time and decrease my pledge. I do want that artbook, though. Hope it's not half-assed.

That comic is a bit too real.

>leader of the entire fucking rebellion at the age of 18
She's a figurehead as a surviving member of the old royal line, and all that. Also, everyone else died, so its basically her, c3, and ITSATRAP as the only major figures remaining.

How long do you reckon it'll take to beat? At least 8-9 hours like Kazooie, right?

>Sup Forums is the antithesis of everything Sup Forums as a website represents
>everything Sup Forums as a website represents
>Sup Forums represents

hot newt

except for how Leia was still important enough to be the recipient of the Death Star plans BEFORE they blew up Alderaan.

it's not going to die because people are going to be fed up with shit games and are willing to pay anything for a good one.