7 free games


INB4 ebin uplay memes from edgelord faggots tring to fit in on this anonymous Chinese memes and frogposting board.

chill m8, no need to counter-shill that preemptively.

anyway, thanks for the vidya reminder.

Meanwhile at Ubisoft executive boardroom:
>See investors, uPlay install base numbers are WAY up this December! Gamers love it!


I prefer the non-uplay versions

Meanwhile non autistic anons download and play free vidya while the autistic anons spend all day trying to fit in posting their ebic uplay and ubisoft maymays.

don't see why you guys are sperging out so defensively. I thanked in the posts you guys are freaking out over.

anyway, off to vidya.

The crew is not really free.

You can play single player and shit but then when you want to get police cars, do online stuf etc it tells you to buy the game. It's a glorified demo..

Rayman Origins is fucking awesome tho! The art style is so pretty, gameplay is nice and fast and surprisingly fun plus the co-op is need.

Works for me.

Except the framerate..

Huh, I passed the prologue then got to buying my first Police car and told me to buy the game so uninstalled it.

Or you could just pirate them and avoid the hassle of installing yet another DRM on your machine

Who the fuck cares? As long as I can play vidya why does it matter?

Literally load uplay, click play and play the game. How is this s problem?

The police cars are part of the new expansion pack, you only get 200 hours of shit for free in the base game.

Is the crew fun? I don't really play racing games.

I could install 7 games and a client that requires me to login whenever I want to play said games, or just install the 7 games and be done with it.

Tfw when I can't access my account because I forgot the old e-mail I used 9 years ago when I made it and the faggots at Ubisoft support don't want to tell me what it was. I'm not even asking for password god damn it, all I want is my old e-mail address.

You can't play the crew online if it's pirated.

From what says, neither can you with the free copy

Except that you can, as I've done so many times. You can't play the expansions, sure, but they're not needed for 90% of the content.

>that requires me to login whenever I want to play said games
Oh, I see. You are retarded. You only have to sign in once when you first install them. You can make them start with windows and run in the background and never even know they are running.

You can even make shoelrtcuts to the game exe on your desktop or start menu so you don't even have to open any of them to start a game.

You truly are a faggot.


you mean uDONTplay!

Hi Ubisoft Marketing Department Indian subcontractor employee, how is it going?

Epic, simply epic.


>install drm
>or install bitcoin miners
there is no escape

got em