He's in his thirties and wants Video Games for Christmas

>He's in his thirties and wants Video Games for Christmas.

>Vince is still alive

>only doing special things once a year
>not just doing whatever you want every day

All grils from WWE
are they all pornstars?

>he still gets christmas presents after the age of 25

>he's in his 70's and still can't let go of the fucking company
ffs Vince

>that kid who spends Christmas on a website

Don't worry. With Vince pushing untaleneted shitters like Roman Reigns, the company will die by the time he does.

You can spend it with me user, I won't mind

Thank fucking god

dont judge me!

>he's in his 20s and can't afford to buy his own video games

i forget there are holidays at least i get holiday pay for them later

>you will never see the RAW v SmackDown rivalry get so out of hand that there ends up a tag team match between Shane/Daniel Bryan vs Steph/Mick Foley

>there will never be a match at WrestleMania that pits the current SD World Champ against the RAW Universal Champ for the Galactic Champ belt

Only one that comes close on the current roster is Lana.

What kind of sad ass family do you belong to?

Roman Reigns > boring manlet indy jobbers like Zayn, Owens, Balor

>this triggers the /asp/ergers


>Mid 20s
>Just buy all my own video games and ask for normie stuff for Christmas
>I'm still the loser shut in that my family hates so it doesnt matter anyway

Owens and Balor have a character at least

hes only like 70
people don't exactly just drop dead at 70

Sadly, the current deals on games are better than the Black Friday prices, and a heck of a lot better than the buy two, get one "free" deals that we seen during November. Stores are actively trying to get rid of their stock.

Shame I didn't know this back in November. Feels bad paying $10 more for a game that was on a limited discount than for a game anyone can just pick up.

>He's in his thirties
I can't even imagine how pathetic someone has to be to post on Sup Forums after thirty

One day it will be you.

>he's over 16 and still wants something for christmas

What does it feel like to be a kid?

Is that edited or did Shinka really have bazongas that big?

But then it wouldnt be special.

baiting on Sup Forums is like pissing in sea of piss

I'm 31. Got my own house, good job, fuck roasties on the reg, etc. and I still love coming to Sup Forums to shitpost. I don't even play video anymore, but I still come here.

but i want a pair of sennheiser HD 600 for christmas

Daily reminder that Linda McMahon, Vince's wife, has become Secretary of Small Business under Donald J. Trump's administration.

why you hatin tho?
i actually don't want anything for christmas desu. which is good because i'm probably not getting anything

>he's in his 20s and balding

All except for one qt

Nah I just want a puppy. Oh wait, I already got one.

>thinks he can leave
Prove it.

>Not asking for clothes or a year's worth of toiletries

$60 worth of male hygiene products or a jacket of the same price is way more useful than a shitty AAA title that will probably be reduced to $20 on the next sale.

They were that big.
Sure you do.

d'aww :3c

You watch anime

>Sure you do.

Is not being successful an american thing or something?

I'm getting an exercise bike

It's an anime fan thing.

But I like anime and I'm successful
Then again I'm not autistic about it, maybe that's it

I'm getting the same thing I've gotten for the past 11 years. Nothing

You'll learn real quickly that escapism doesn't end at a certain age. When all else fails, you'll seek your hobby to defeat the boredom of reality.

Dont you worry. It will happend to you.

I want a sweater, because I've been big into sweaters latelty, and a vacum cleaner for Christmas.
Maybe some expensive beer and glassware.
I really wish it was acceptable to give money as a present.

You should get a real bike and go outside. It's fun. I got one last year and it was a really good investment. You'll get bored of an exercise bike fast.

32 years old. While I still live with my parents I finished college, I have a good job (hell, I'm one of the boss even) and of my coworkers I'm not the only one who plays videogames. In fact I helped one to buy a PS4 and convinced another to try PC gaming.

who is she? tell me please

>posts anime
>thinks he wont be here forever

sleep tight dogger

I mainly post on /vr/ now, but yeah, you're here forever.
You will be here when you turn 30.

>Implying the video game part is the bad part
>Implying the wants part isn't

If you're in your thirties and need a holiday to get something you want you're a failure.

>32 years old
>living with parents
If you haven't moved out by 25 you're a failure

>I really wish it was acceptable to give money as a present.
i didnt know it wasn't. i usually just give everyone in my family like 30-40 bucks for xmas lol

Christmas isn't for games, Christmas is for game consoles.
Give me a (You) if you agree.

soon user soon.

You realize you've just doomed yourself to have the same fate right?

I say every year that I don't need any presents. Family dinner is enough if they want to have it.

Maybe he gets along with them, and has a big enough room for himself, while saving money to get a great house in the future.

>moving out of parent's house due to peer/social pressure
>waste all the money away renting a shitty appartment in a shitty neighborhood
>end up being an actual failure

But I'm from korea?

Becky Lynch

I guess my family has more Christmas spirit. I'm jelly.

>Clean clothes
>Good food
>Warm bed
>No debts
>You can save as much money as you can

Are you sure about that?

well there is no point in live itself your choses does not matter. the fate is sealed and its the same for all

That's a pretty forgiving time table.

You already lost by being born in a failure of a country

Sorry m8, moved out at 21 already

>he didn't have a good enough job by his 20's to buy a house

You can do all of that on your own if you're not retarded


I'm a massive Jew so I buy gifts instead of giving money or gift cards. You can get some real bargains plus it makes you look thoughtful!

>Maybe he gets along with them, and has a big enough room for himself, while saving money to get a great house in the future
Are you psychic? Add to that I pay them rent and some of the bills. I'm not living for free.

>You can do all of that on your own if you're not retarded
Found the problem

are you gay?
because that's a man my dude

her girlfriend is even hotter

Of course he is. Look at this guy.

its all fun and stuff, but why are you here then?
its boring out there in real world and you visit this shithole to rub some mud on some anons faces?

>His parents are paying for his college and living situation
>Most likely currently living off their dime
>Thinks hes not going to end up back with them once its all over
Are you sure you're not too intelligent for this place?

>he didn't have a good enough job by his 20's to buy a house

In that case that's fine, but be aware most people only pay rent in their 20s, and the whole reason to leave their parents house is because of a cultural reason, not a practical one.

Anyway, the most important matter in this case is how good do you get along with your parents. If you get along with them, there's nothing better than live with them or at least near them.
If you don't, then yeah the most common thing is to move as soon as you can, but honestly not getting along with your parents is a signt hat you've never made it past your edgy teenage phase.

Which college did you go to? any of the sky unis?

for that price on open backs I'd suggest getting grado's

>moved out at 21
>not moving out at 19
You are like a little baby.
Did it take you a few years to learn how to stop crying at the idea of leaving home faggot?

I'm 29 and I don't really plan on stopping

>why are you here then
For the same reason you are
When it comes to material possessions, sure, I am successful, but I am still a social outcast
I simply do not click with people

I'm making 4k europes a month, user
Started out as a machine operator in my young age and I'm now a machine engineer
Trying to pave my road to aerospace engineering

The only thing you need to know is never rent a house
Get a good paying job and then just take a loan from a bank to buy a house
It's easier to pay that loan for the rest of your life than it is to constantly move because your landlord kicks you out

Moving out at 19 is something you can only dream of
That is a period of life where you are most likely finishing up with your secondary education and you will not yet have the experience necessary to get a job that pays like a motherfucker

>moved out at 19
>not moving out at 15
what a fucking baby

I just want my grandpa to get better. I am trying to find the wish orbs in order to do so

>all those (you)s

how is that any different from any other adult posting on Sup Forums?

29 soon, you're here forever.

Spot a guy who got butthurt.

>he wants presents after age 18.

Here's your (You)
Don't waste it all in one place

dogs are not clothes.
get him the fuck out of the laundry hamper

my uncle is in his 40s and always had one of the newest video game consoles at launch
he really only plays games like call of duty and GTA but still

It's shame when a relatively meager claim like mine comes under scrutiny.

You are so mad right now.

nah, while I agree that a console is pretty much the best christmas present if you already own one then your're going to want vidya for it?

>tfw there are no new video games that attract my attention
>still playing the same games I was years ago

Mad would be an inaccurate description, as I have lost the capacity to feel anger long ago
You must simply come to terms that you will die one day and you should simply take joy from every endeavour
Stay mad, kiddo