So help me out Sup Forums. Im a late comer to DS and I love it. I am in my third run...

So help me out Sup Forums. Im a late comer to DS and I love it. I am in my third run, and I think I saw all I needed to see EXCEPT for exploring two elements: Covenants and PvP. I just generally dislike the PvP. It is an unbalanced mess, piss easy with my Great Scythe or Demon Spear, unless I get a fag switcher asshole. Am I missing too much content? Covenants just seem like an imposition an "errand" shit.

Am I missing something too important if I do do these things?


Not really.
The only thing you miss from PvP and covenants are a couple rewards (a weapon, a spell), but nothing big.
Just play and enjoy.

You're not missing much, no. PvP is more about the thrill of being invaded just playing through the game and the fun events that arise from that. It's not some balanced competitive thing and it's not meant to be.

Convenants are notoriously lackluster, there's very little to them at all.

That's what I thought. So onward to DS2 I guess. What am I in for? The part I liked the most about DS1 was the battle mechanics.

If you want all the achievements you will have to join each convenant and do some farming

Nah, never cared for achievements. I do wonder however, if the only way to get enough slabs to reach the lvl cap in more than one or two weapons requires that I join some covenants. I have been able to only reach the lvl cap of the Scythe (which is fine, but Im curios about a couple of other weapons)

DS2's movement is clunkier but it introduces tons of new gameplay and battle mechanics.
For example, dual-wielding is not only viable this time, but it has its own moveset (google "Dark souls 2 power stance") or the cestus / bare fist (with a certain item) are not only viable but fucking powerful.

There's three guaranteed slabs in the game, and Darkwraiths have a very low chance to to drop them as well. Any more than that and you'll need to go into NG+.

DS2 is very slow compared to 1, but has the most balanced pvp and highest build variety. It's not my cup of tea personally because i fell in love with the series for it's fast combat and 2's just feels so fucking weird comparably to the rest of the series, but a lot of people consider 2 their favorite.
Just take it all with a grain of salt knowing that the purpose of 2 was mostly testing out new ideas for BB and DS3.
In my experience people tend to be very polarized on whether they love or hate it.

Ok, Maybe Ill put on a podcast, 10 humanities, Symbol of Avarice and kill Drakwaiths for an hour. Lastly, this may be a dumb question but is worth asking: Is there any perks or easter eggs in DS2 for having a DS game save installed? That sounds to nice or cute for FromSoftwere

Nope, nothing like that.

If anybody at any point in this game needs help or uses a walkthrough you are casual and should leave this board immediately.

I got through Dark Souls in roughly 50 hours and died maybe ten times

I thought the gameplay in DaS2 is faster than 1, but also sort of floaty and uncontrolled. The general quality of life improvements are great, though.

Sadly no. The games are sorta tied together so some stuff will be similar, but that's unaffected by savestates and such.

Wow you're such a badass

I knew it. How can a Japense developer be so un-kawai.

I had no problems finishing the game user. I just wanted to get an opinion on how much deeper should I go before jumping into something. Also, I just like to talk about the game with you user. You know is a rule there must be a DS thread every day at all times. Are you a newfag or something?

Has nothing to do with being a badass. It is skill and problem solving. It is what separates Sup Forums from other boards or forums. please leave if you can't understand

Skip to DS3. 2 is pretty garbage.

>It is skill and problem solving. It is what separates Sup Forums from other boards or forums
Dude, Sup Forums is no different from any regular videogame forum. People here are as shit at videogames as everyone else. Stop pretending that this place doesn't eat shit like Telltale's titles while being unable of 1cc arcade games.
The Dark Souls series isn't even hard.


I got it for like 5 bucks, so I will at least fire up and play it until I see if is bullshit or not. I'm certainly curious about battle mechanic improvements. DS is pretty tight if it wasn't for the overeliance on strifing, at least in PvE. Is it going to be a bad habit if my DS instinct is to tart circling around a fool when they are beating my ass?

>battle mechanic improvements
There aren't really any of those.

>the purpose of 2 was mostly testing out new ideas for BB and DS3
That's bullshit and you know it. Did you even play BB or DaS3?
BB was developed at the same time as DaS2
BB doesn't use any of the new gameplay mechanics from DaS2, while having new ones not found on any of the Souls games.
DaS3 disregards many of DaS2's new gameplay mechanics, instead reapeating all of DaS1's ones along with some from BB.


So what's everybody's favorite boss?

DaS: O&S
DaS2: Fume knight
DaS3: Soul of Cinder
BB: Can't give my opinion yet; haven't cleared the chalice dungeons and I just found Ludwig for the first time.

you need to do a covenant quest to get the good ending with solaire

Not really. Just don't talk to him when you find him in Anor Londo so he doesn't move from there; then when you arrive to Lost Izalith you can kill the bug before he gets possessed.

Mario and Luigi, by far. Is a nice challenge, and is so satisfying to rol and punish Smough in his thick fat ass. I also like how you can decide how hard is going to be depending on who you kill first. Plus Im a furryfag and I want Ornstein's helmet

DaS - 4 Kings and O & S
DaS2 - Ivory King and Elana, The Squalid Queen
DaS3 - Dancer and Pontiff
BB - didn't play, poorfag

Whoa really? I wished I knew that yesterday.

DS is not hard in retrospect, but I can see why people think it was when it came out. Most games for the last generation were barely games, and more like "badass simulators", where you are fucking overpowered and everything bends to your will (Ubishit sandbox games are particularly cancerous in this regard.) It must have been jolting for people to play a game where they had to be patient and learn attack patterns and not just one-button kill enemies in a cinematic. DS is a puzzle box with an internal system supported by a logic you need to learn. Most other games are funhouses with interactive moments a little more.

I wish the new gen took more cues from DS. That is why BB and DS3 are still the best, despite what? 3 years of games?