Why am I bored of VIDEO GAMES

Why am I bored of VIDEO GAMES

1. games nowadays suck
2. you may have a problem in real life

Just buy an old platformer and reduce the amount of games you buy into only the ones that you know you're interested in.

because you're too lazy to put any effort into them, because you grew up using cheats to complete all of your games, and now you suck badly but you don't have that sponge-like childhood brain anymore to learn new skills quickly, so you will always be stuck at your current skill level, never improving for as long as you live.

Nice pop-psychology but no. Only games I ever cheated on were Sims and GTAIII and SA when I was younger..

Congrats, user.

You're growing up. Interests change when you grow up.

Single player games are now "interactive story experiences" and multiplayer games are all team-based "competitive" garbage.

Looks like you didn't get bored of years old cancerous maymays

>At the moment, which three games would you say are shilled the hardest on this board?
It's not really games. It's mainly shilling "digital" premium online services with only loose relations to video games.
You notice if you post, that you only pay for tangible physical products, then shills jump on you.
Denuvo damage control is one example of this.
>Are you actually interested in those games due to the shameless advertising?
If something is praised on Sup Forums, then that's a big red flag for me and marks a product to avoid.
Sup Forums convinced me to avoid the new Nintendo products.

Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!


Boards gotten stale too

>If something is praised on Sup Forums, then that's a big red flag for me and marks a product to avoid.
This is almost as retarded as buying a game because people on Sup Forums tell you to

I know this feel. It's hard for me to get deep into a game these days. Every once and a while I get sucked in, but it's rare. My advice to you would be the following:

1. Don't buy a game unless you see yourself actually beating it.
2. If you spend more time on Sup Forums than actually playing games, change that.
3. If you're too busy to game, then take care of business first. You will value game time more this way.
4. Play a game that you've always loved. See if it reignites your will to play.
5. If the previous tips don't help, then take a break from video games and pursue new hobbies. I recommend books and art if you're a shut in. Maybe pick up a cheap instrument if you've always wanted to learn how to play music. Working out can make you feel better if you feel down and depressed, not to mention you will look better too. There's lots of alternatives honestly.

>tried to play an older backwards compatible game on XB1
>Earthworm Jim
>Get bored of it despite playing it all the time as a kid
>Castlevania SOTN
>Got bored of it again
>tfw not good at anything else now

Did vidya betray me?

because you are evolving and maturing. Do you find the creation process exciting? It is the only thing that can replace my excitement from video games.

I matured years ago, it changed so that I simply had the occasional vidya session when I had the time and inclination. But now it even seems that has gone.

I stopped enjoying regularly playing video games alone when I started learning how to program.
Now I only play vidya with my brother or every so often when I need to turn my brain off for a bit and I have writer's block.

Start exercising, eating, and sleeping right. It makes everything better

Otherwise pursue other hobbies for a few months and come back, guarantee you'll enjoy them again

Maybe you can find a different hobby or try games you've never played before

>pick both

I'm fucking breaking..

>If something is praised on Sup Forums, then that's a big red flag for me and marks a product to avoid.
>This is almost as retarded as buying a game because people on Sup Forums tell you to
It doesn't actually cost money to avoid something. Also if Sup Forums hates enough on a product, I take a good look.

I stopped gaming almost completely for three years when I turned 20. Then went back to it.
Might not be three years for you, but try gaming again in six months.

>Why am I bored of VIDEO GAMES
Where and how do you play video games?

You're probable either burned out on the same old thing, and just need something new. Or you're burned out on newer games, and need to go play your all time faves instead.

>Why am I bored of VIDEO GAMES
Quit video game facebook.
Quit Sup Forums.
Quit YouTube.
Pull the plug on your Internet connection.
Get a bunch of physical games.
Now sit down and try to play them.

Because you played way too fucking much of it already

Sure but you might miss something you might otherwise enjoy. Using anything said on Sup Forums as a main factor for buying/liking things is usually a bad idea

just diffuse it off

because we lurk too much in Sup Forums


>you might miss something you might otherwise enjoy.
That's not a loss, except for shills, because there is still enough stuff around to enjoy anyway.
While OTOH losing money to trash is a real issue, because it prevents one from buying the good stuff.
Is Denuvo Coaster shilled to death on Sup Forums actually good? I don't fucking care, because a turd named Elite Dangerous by the same developer did actually cost me real money, which I'm now not going to spend on this.
So I'm going to avoid it. I'm losing nothing by doing this, while Frontier Development is losing revenue. But that is their problem, not mine.