Daily reminder that if you bought this game, you killed gaming

Daily reminder that if you bought this game, you killed gaming.

Youre the reason why mobile game shit is now being applied into real games. Youre why it is the standard to sell half of an already unfinished game as overpriced DLC.

wtf i love battlefront now

Yeah, you're welcome :^)

lol i dont care

fat loser

its fun tho

got the "digital deluxe edition" for $12 on black friday.

little did I know that the deluxe edition doesn't come with the $60 season pass! silly me!

The shit you're complaining about was around way before ST:BF came out. The game is shit but not for the reasons you're stating.

Shit was around. This is more concrete because this is a franchise that used to be different.

I bought the complete game for $30. A decent deal, but BF2 is still a better game overall.

I bought it on on origin. And refunded it 2 hours later.

Good. I fucking hate videogames.

OF COURSE NOT. Why would it, this is EA we are talking about.

Nah man, all the reasons he stated are pretty real reasons the game is trash. It was practically a demo as far as content went on release, can't speak much on it now, but I'm not willing to pay a hundred dollars+ to play it, so I'll never know. The beta was "fun" but not that much fun.

i figured 'deluxe' meant 'all inclusive' as it usually does, especially with games like this
turns out when it released the deluxe edition was an extra $20, and if i recall correctly all it came with over the base game is a pack of guns and a taunt emote

There's ultimate edition that covers everything, try checking "content" page before spending your money

>reading comprehension

again, i didn't feel the need to because usually "deluxe" takes care of that, i assumed it was in there. i didn't read it and just miss the fact that it doesn't come with it, i assumed it came with it and never checked because the thought didn't enter my head. reading comprehension has nothing to do with it.

Nah. It's one of the best Star Wars games ever made.

It's all good user. Try refunding if that's still on the table and look for cheap ultimate edition. 3rd party online stores and resellers should have it cheaper than jew-price on origin. I bought base game long time ago and am unwilling to buy the dlc's although the eye-candy the game is rather cool, way to simplistic for my taste. If only they'd make a good Jedi Knight game, or even Jedi Outcast/Academy remaster... One could dream ;_;

>Anonymous 12/18/16(Sun)18:10:02 No.361053
"I didn't feel the need". And that is how people are complaining about the most basic and bullshit stuff. If you would've read, you lazy sack of shit, you wouldn't be in this trouble, it's that simple.

You must be the most retarded piece of shit out there right now. I love Battlefront and I still play it.

Since when does deluxe mean ALL of it is in there? It is not steam, it is Origin. It wasn't like that in BF3, BF4, Titanfall, Rainbow Six Siege, and EVERY SINGLE DELUXE GAME ON ORIGIN. You are retarded, simple. Read next time, if you can.

i pulled 100$ for it cause of tfa hype

i regret it since last year

game is shit

I bought 4 copies

Battlefront is one of the most video gamey games I've played in a while.

I don't care if it took a season pass to get there.

im not that bothered desu its only $12 and i'm enjoying the base game for what it is
well yeah because the standard is that the deluxe edition would come with something that makes it "deluxe" and justifies a higher pricetag
do you read every word in every EULA you agree to?

I really enjoyed it for about 25 hours then sold it. I'm thinking of getting it again.

I like it a lot. I get bored after playing it for an hour but it's fun and they keep adding stuff
I prefer the old battlefront gameplay style, but jetpacks and thermal imploders are fun too

I bought it on launch and I bought the season pass.

Stay mad.

Great servers.

AMD can back me up on that.

>prefer the old battlefront gameplay style, but jetpacks and thermal imploders are fun too

Now actually give me instant action with 20+ maps and modes, 2 different eras and galactic conquest+ classes with effort put into them


I bought it with season pass, playing it and having fun, fuck off you lonely shill

Yeah it pisses me off how few maps there are. It really can't be that hard to port the Kashyyk beach level or jabbas palace or something.
Classes gave way to more gun/item variety, but its not worth it if I cant be a droideka or the dude with the chaingun

Movie was worse.

That's probably coming in the next game. They worked in basic bot support to all of the main game modes and whatnot.

EA just rushed the damn thing. Given the patches the game has received, it seems that the game has never really stopped being developed. They just moved all of the work to Battlefront 2.

I would bet that a version of galactic conquest is coming in Battlefront 2.

>I buy things without even looking into their content

You're still part of the problem.

What maps will they do for BF2? They already did the obvious locations

I'm guessing BF2 is going to be Episode 7 and beyond.

Honestly don't give a fuck about your whining or obvious retardation. I'll buy and okay what the fuck I like and not take any critical pointers from midget cunt fuckers on Sup Forums or anywhere else.


There's also a "Super Duper Edition" that costs only $35 more and includes different colored lasers.

Colors include orange, purple and white.


Is Rogue One all preachy and whiny about muh white people or is it an actual good movie that happens to have a female lead and a minority-filled supporting cast?

This is the prime example of a retard who himself cannot separate his muh white muh nigger politics shit from anything that isnt a 100% bearded white men safe space

Go fuck yourself retard. Rogue One is the best SW movie since EP5 and it has nothing to do with politics. Idiots like you are the only ones who I see trying to make it be about them

Cry more, pathetic nerd. Get a real life instead of wasting yours on lolgames.

Calm yourself, I was just askin m8. The writers themselves got all political about it on twitter, just was curious if those shitty attitudes carried over or not.

>The writers themselves got all political about it on twitter

Nobody that matters said it has anything to do with politics. At most someone might have said that the Empire is a white supremacist group, which is laughably retarded considering that even Finn (although its technically the first order) is a fucking nigger

>mfw that writer insulted some Sup Forumslack by calling him autistic and then pissed off some lesbian soccer mom with an aspie son

I like it, got it for $15 so I can't complain it's definitely a turn your brain off fun shooter, the sound design is really good, levels look pretty good, well optimized. Could use more content and maybe like a hardcore mode. I played a few days ago on consoles at my friends and holy shit the aliasing. Fun game if you wanna run around with your friend and blast rebel scum.

Ip man and the big black dude feel shoehorned in but otherwise its gr8
Its essentially just a war movie that happens to take place in the star wars universe

>big black dude feel shoehorned in

fucking retard

Saw is from the clone wars series

There was way too much clone wars for me to watch
That explains things though. Was ip man's character in the clone wars series?

I wouldn't have been as mad as I was if they had simply called it Star Wars(TM): Battlefield. The fact they called it Star Wars(TM): Battlefront gave me expectation of what a baffle front game is and was and they took that and raped it. They took one of my favorite childhood games and destroyed it. Not only that but they made a boring as fuck game too.

What pissed me off even more is how they did the vehicles and the lack of space battles. They turned vehicles into a token system and completely removed any space battles.

Also $60 for one fifth the content of a 10 year old game.

I will never not be mad. Fuck you EA, fuck you DICE

I thought this game was one of the biggest wastes of potential ever. The engine it's running on and the basics are all there and good but it just simply lacks content and like you mentioned the on rails vehicles and tokens. I also cannot fucking stand flying anything in the game

Saw is from one small arc from one season to be fair.

I got the game for about $17 with Season pass from Best Buy just today. If that's too expensive you're brainwashed by mobile gaming as well.

lucky you, the season pass is more expensive than the game itself