Why e-sports threads are here and not in Sup Forums ?

Why e-sports threads are here and not in Sup Forums ?

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Because it ain't a sport

why it is then called e-sport?

To make them feel better that they're actually playing a sport when they're not. Your literally sitting with a controller. Your not jumping, running, shooting, or any other diplay of athletic feat.

Marketing reasons. They want then to be recognized as "real sports" to elevate popularity thus making the shit more profitable.
Videogames can be very competitive but i cant see them as sports.

Strawberry isn't a berry, but why is it called strawberry?

The people who call it "esports" are retarded. It actually requires less physical exertion than masturbating. Technically you could have a jerkoff competition and consider it competitive. More so than a bunch of greasy manchildren sitting infront of a computer screen.

competitive video games shouldn't even use the word sports

every time i try to watch it's like the autism world championships



You can't even catch a break unless you are talking about soccer.

Then why are things like chess, snooker, or racing all considerd sports?

to be clear I obviously meant motorized racing, not athletic.

an activity involving physic𝐚l exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

there was none until you came along
thanks faggot

Motorsports aren't sports. But for some reason "Competitive driving" or "Competitive gaming" doesn't roll off the tongue as well.

Also, gamer faggots have always had an agenda to force-meme their way into legitimacy


Because motorized racing is super physically intensive


See, this is why we constantly have these kinds of threads.

chess really isn't a sport. autoracing at least requires some level of endurance.

Chess tournaments are the most mentally competitive games out there. Chess players would literally use mind games before matches begin to get the upper edge.

What the fuck is snooker?

Motor racing is more physically engaging than vidya

>Chess tournaments are the most mentally competitive games out there. Chess players would literally use mind games before matches begin to get the upper edge.
That's all very well but has nothing to do with the post I was addressing, which claimed sports must be physical.

>What the fuck is snooker?
Cue ball game, like billiards/pool. Considered a sport.

>Motor racing is more physically engaging than vidya
That's fair enough

Video games are definitely sports. The only people who think otherwise are the Sup Forums teenagers so desperate to be contrararian they take up normie opinions

>why have gaemurrrrrrs named a thing they want to autistically make themselves feel better by

To feel as though they're doing something equal to actual sports, so the normies in school that bullied your ass would not think you're such a cuck.


Ok well in that case again Snooker is more physically engaging because it requires movement of your arms and precision of your shots. Like bowling, there's a certain way of doing it to hit all the pins.

I don't even know if they consider chess a sport at all.

Because the thread will be demolished within 5 minutes by an autistic janny who thinks that your thread is off-topic

Well I mean so does playing any shooter. You have to have incredibly precise mouse movements and reflexes to snap to a head faster than they do to yours.

I wish someone would start a meme where they shop vidya pony and other internet shit stuff into model adds

pretty sure it would at the very least be amusing

All shooter games are literally based on chance. Not the same thing.

You wouldn't believe me if I told you chess is more physically exerting and much more mentally than esports

>All modern shooter games are literally based on chance. Not the same thing.

I don't understand the picture.

Because chess takes actual skill and is actually balanced. Any esport game is just an crappy unbalanced version of chess. With a bit of muscle memory in your fingers.

The left column is what everyone agrees is ok the right column looks dumb despite they are doing the same thing

people are conditioned to perceive something in a way for no reason at all

That's clearly a pipe though, what kind of fucking retard made this

probably because its about fucking video games?

>actual skill

>actually balanced
White wins about 54% of the time to black's 46%

How is that more inherently balanced than taking two identical players and placing them in a mirrored room and telling them to go at each other.

How do people in this thread feel about esports showing up on ESPN, and that many universities now offer scholarships for LoL, as well as a handful of them building eSports arenas?

Considering sports scholarships are only there to make money for the university in the long run, I don't see how an esport scholarship is any different.

Universities don't give a shit about what is or isn't a sport, they care about what does or doesn't make money. Only Sup Forums makes such a fuss about this "debate".

ESPN2, not ESPN.

Universities offer scholarships for fucking equestrian horse dancing, it's not surprising. They're often paid for by the company that makes the games themselves.

Esports arenas are just a big room with computers

>Neither sports nor video games

Truly an enigma

>Dream of my son making it to the big leagues
>Grows up and goes to uni for his LoL degree
>finally graduated.
>servers shut down

>equestrian horse dancing
How exactly do you have non equestrian horse dancing, user?

>Son play esport
>gets more prize money that all non mainstream sports atheltes that have ever lived
>Not counting sponsorship streaming merchandise etc

proud of you son :')

The left is girls being paid to advertise products. The right is girls attention whoring.

I don't understand this picture.

and how are they advertising the product?

What are they doing?


>play esports
>maybe the top players in dota make a couple million
>meanwhile every pro athlete in every big sport is making millions a year

Describe the process of modeling

>In every big sport
>a handful of like 10k athletes make bank the rest starve to death
>The other millions of athletes from the other sports are so poor the very best have to sell their olympic gold medals not to starve to death

They're not though they're on /vg/

>being proud of your son dependant on the money he makes.
>and not the fact he's a waste of life
tut tut user I hope your wife doesn't have a kid?

>tfw too intellegent to have /esp/

do and wear what the cameraman says, pose, pose.

they then make it all arts fartsy.

get money

>waste of life
>has a job
>earns millions
>generates revenue for the companies he works for
>Companies invest
>More jobs
>country grows

O yeah he should be running after and kicking a ball for living

>O look its mark how are you doing?
>im fine
>and this is your son right
>what do you do for living
>I kick a ball 8 hours a day and run
>Im so jealous i wish i could make millions of kicking a ball but o course not everyone can be as good as you kicking a ball all day!

The one on the right is normie.

lets say the right ones were employed by a vidyia company to make an ad

What would they be doing?

if chess is a sport so are video games

>Describe the process of modeling

some company says "hey we want you to be in our ad, here's the photographer."
photo guy says "ok now wear this and look sexy"

boom, modeling

Snooker and darts players get paid more than that

Why can't sport fags accept the future and move on with their lives?

but chess isn't a sport
yes its a very intense game that requires a lot of strategy but its not a sport

Thats not all they get paid thats just the prizepool earnings. Then they have sponsors salaries merchandies stream contracts etc.

literally amazing idea
esport shit should go to Sup Forums and lol threads to Sup Forums from now on

it's not a pipe, it's a picture that looks like a pipe. That's the point.

Why aren't all firefighters also fighters? Or fires?
E-sport = / = sport
Its its own shit.

an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

your next line will be
>physical exertion
so i implore you to look up that definition as well and you'll see that moving your fingers and eyes counts as physical exertion

hear my son practising upstairs
>"fucking faggots ass nigger munch"
>feeling proud
>hear a bang
>go upstairs to check
>heart attack from all the mountain dew and the fact that he's a potato.
truly a life worth living.

And you're still talking about money. Looks like you're truly my wifes son I've been looking for

also you just made a point against your own point nigger. choose one at least.

So do snooker and darts players what's your point?

Because Sup Forums will laugh you out of the board.

technically firefighters are fighters

fighters of fire

No one drinks mountain dew, cletus.

same as on the left

They literally fight fires for a living.

>2 million is a lot for a top sports athlete

Are you an idiot?

>moving chess pieces is physical exertion

It technically is.

>mainstream sports make more money
>yes but they get more than all the rest who compete in non mainstream sports
>mainstream sports make more money
i dont understand what do you want

How many of them get paid well?

So then what were you arguing about?

how fat are you that moving your hand is strenuous?

It's not strenuous and you Sup Forums fags are fat as fuck.

Multiple and they don't have to focus all their efforts on winning the biggest tournament of all to make significant earnings either unlike the EG boys

How many is multiple? Neither do esport fags all they care is to qualify to the biggest events


so like 20 dudes out of all the thousands and the money for all but the top is the same as esports

rip xwx

>Last updated 2010.
>Due to the effects of inflation, prize money becomes devalued in later years
>Prior to snooker's television boom in the 1980s, professional snooker players drew most of their income from the exhibition circuit and challenge matches, rather than professional tournaments

o my bad 33 out of thousands

Show me the 33rd best team in each esport that earns £1million+

Because esports aren't sports
Here, have a Sup Forums approved flowchart

It's not a picture, it's just a combination of 1s and 0s

>Non mainstream sports are profitable goy
>look 33 out of thousands make little to no money
>Esports that have less than 20 years already generate way more revenue that all non mainstream sports
>Show me 33 dudes that earn more money
give me a couple of years

Only the top 26 out of millions of DOTA players on the planet are millionaires
The best League of Legends/Starcraft and Counter Strike player have yet to even break that threshold
You said that esports players earn more than every non mainstream sporting competitors yet that's demonstrably false

What about chess?

Sup Forums is filled with fat people.

>physical exertion
Me moving a chess piece requires physical exertion. Just say "can a weak piece of shit do it?" you pussy footing faggots

NerdBoard is not a sport

Read the flowchart. The prerequisites for physical exertion are: strength, speed, and agility. None of which Chess has. Not a sport.

Did you even read what you are replying to? and even then thats just tournament earnings In league for example the tournaments have no priority cause riot pays salaries to team who participate in their league

pick up that fat rook
you have a one minute time limit nigger can't dawdle
if you knock over other pieces that's rude and if no one remembers where the pieces were you forfeit

Yeah Riot pays them minimum wage I'm not sure what you're point is supposed to be. You seem massively in denial about how small esports really are. The money and viewing figures are absolutely pathetic considering it has the draw of a global market and millions of people play their games or in LoL's case 100s of millions as Riot likes to purport

Always Chess threads on Sup Forums and IOC recognizes it as such