My obsession with Heather Mason has become debilitating. I usually enjoy crying, it makes me feel better...

My obsession with Heather Mason has become debilitating. I usually enjoy crying, it makes me feel better. But this morning, I started crying because I was thinking about how I'll never be with her and the tears would not stop flowing. I finally had to get drunk to make it stop. I don't know what I'll do if this becomes a regular occurrence.

I am same when I think about not having gf

She's pretty cute

I love Reisen!

Move to russia, 30% of grills there looks identical

Shit like this makes me glad I'm gay. Pining like this for a woman either real or meme is just one of the most pathetic fucking things.

h-how do you know?
don't lie, gays can have the same proclivity towards infatuation towards someone they're attracted to

There is nothing good about being a faggot.

haha losers

Goddammit Chad.

I also like Heather but not as much as you do crazy person.

might as well get a pet fags

but I just want to hold her hand and cuddle with her for a bit

Looked like a SH thread, but OP is a massive homosexual as always.

I just started my first SH2 playthrough, pretty good so far except for the janky camera and atrocious voice acting.
Really liking the atmosphere, looking forward to 3.
Should I play 4 or any of the followups?

maybe you should neck yourself for being such a loser

To leddit with you.

loser go get a gf

4 is the last truly great SH game, and even I feel like it gets unfairly bashed upon. It's a very decent experimental title in the series, while flawed, but very very much worth playing.

nah I enjoy looking down on you fags

>Should I play 4 or any of the followups?
Patrician here. Avoid them like the plague.

enjoying your hand much?

Don't you have a cop to get shot by, Jamal?

don't you have a gf to find chink?

>avoid 4
what's wrong with you?

haha faggot

>He thinks I'm a chink
I fucking wish, Jamal.

>it's a pasta thread

It must be hard for you, I'm glad I have my wife with me

>he thinks i'm jamal
too bad fag

erm you know you can torrent it right?


go to bed stanley coleman. she will never love you.

Sup Forums pls go

No spics allowed. This is a whites only website.

I'm a chink but I m here for 9 years

SH threads are a NO BULLY zone.
Stop hurting each others' feelings!! (x.x)


Are you implying that the bad voice acting is a bad thing

chink here, how am i hurting anyone's feelings?

I'd let it cuddle with me.

still looks better than me
that's not saying a lot though.

you a grill?

Dumb Aquaposter.

Yes, it's pretty fucking bad.
I've heard better obscure russian game localisations than that, and boy those are always terrible.


you're hurting my sanity with that avatarfaggotry

post armpits

too bad
aqua best girl


Megumeme is superior.

Rose is a girl

>not junkrat


she's cute but not best

Sure kid. You can keep your autist, meanwhile I'll be having comfy explosions with my superior waifu.

haha loser

4 and Shattered Memoires are worthy; Origins if you're "muh SH especialist"; the rest is cancer

Just kill yourself already. It will make the pain go away.

The helium tank is probably too expensive for him.

>too expensive
wow how rude. Projecting much?

Prove me wrong fag.

anyone else think Heaven's Night is super comfy

The first time I played through it I just hung out there for a while and listened to the ambient music. Dunno what it is but it's so comfy