So now that the dust has settled

So now that the dust has settled...
What did you think of The Last Guardian?

Other urls found in this thread:

Better than ICO
Worse than SoC

Quirky and unique. But it's also frustratingly clunky and the frame dips actually make platforming difficult as fuck sometimes.

I enjoyed it.

Special game. Love it. Looks good too. Very atmospheric. Tied with Doom for my game of the year so far.

the scene in this pic is not even in the game.
Cut content

It still runs like shit on the normal PS4?

wasn't worth ten years of waiting

Garbage cinematic experience game with zero worth as a video game.

Trico is for pets and cuddles

The Last Guardian got GOTY from EZ Allies.



Literally everything is perfect except for the gameplay mechanics. The clunky controls and occasional AI hiccups retract from the overall game.

Aside from that, the architecture/ world design, setting, characters, music, platform and puzzle design and story are incredible. Trico's the most lifelike animal I've ever seen in a game.

Despite getting frustrated occasionally, the overall experience was unforgettable and worth my money.

Why did they do this after SOTC? You the perfect boss rush game with giant enemies that involve platforming and shit and then you make another boring ICO game.

>"garbage cinematic experience game"
>"zero worth as a video game"
>doesn't realise there are only about 2 cutscenes and the rest is purely actual gameplay with small narrative elements

Easy Allies. The most highly respected and trusted gaming site.

>walking around

It's very good but I haven't had time to finish it yet. I also suspect it doesn't have any replay value and there's nothing to do outside of just finishing it.

>Quirky and unique.

This is neo-Sup Forums

but that's exactly what it is

>“In the end I guess I really was the last guardian after all”.

What did Trico mean by this?

8 hour game
no replayability
shallow as fuck

It's a good "experience game" like the telltale games. I mean, it's got GAMEPLAY at least. I just wish it wasn't fucking eight hours. What's the point of playing such a short thing.

It's a great game.

>thinks puzzle platforming is walking around

Dear Esther, Telltale and Gone Home are walking around, this is puzzle platforming

You think Portal and Super Mario Bros is just walking around too?

Don't know how it took you only 8 hours, for me and most people it took around 12-13 hours.

This game released?

>I waited ten years for a Sony exclusive that ended up being Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Wasn't that good though?