Play a game for 15 seconds

>Play a game for 15 seconds
>realize it is absolute fucking dogshit and an atrocity of software

really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:


>can't defend garbage game
as expected

>genre of games is so fucking garbage, so shit and unreemable there isn't even a general for them on /vg/

I know you are exaggerating with only playing for 15 seconds but if you are so trash that you can't even play one of the better rhythm games ever made, you should re-evaluate your choices in video game genres.

Basically, git fucking good.

Osu is also spyware.

>he play rhythm games
how non-white are you my lad

Most top players in Osu are Asian and White.

I play tons of games, to be fair, I'm just good at rhythm games because I'm a musician.

Some of the best osu! players are white too.

>electronic """"""""music"""""""""

>Look how good I am at eating shit

>I don't like genre because I don't have good timing
Ok we get it you didn't have to waste your time on this thread

how arguments

electronic music is fucking garbage too

>rhythm games

do you suffer from not having hand-eye co-ordination or something? Do you have no sense of timing? Or are you just fucking retarded?

You made absolutely zero points as to why its a bad game

Rhythm games are for women, faggots and asians

But you haven't given any points on why its bad user.

If you are bad just remember

guitar hero (was) a good rhythm game
osu is not

mouse is a fucking garbage controller for a rhythm game

>complaining about a genre of music in a game where you can play any genre

then why are all the opening tracks garbage electronic shit?

face it, rhythmtrash is syonymous with synthoshit

>white people don't play rhythm games

I see two insults on the people and the music and not the gameplay. The other complains about mouse being a garbage controller when most people use tablets anyways.

Partially true, get a cheap 20 dollar tablet or something if the mouse movement isn't good enough for you - though you should just adjust the sensitivity if it's terrible somehow. I played on Mouse for a couple years before I decided to get a tablet, and I'm not even that great.

>this fucking guy calling any form of electronic trash
>Mystery Skulls, She!, Vocaloid exist
Get the fuck out, I bet you listen to only metal bands or MUH LED ZEP.

Pretty much this desu, practice

ah ok, even further confirming it's a shit garbage game for women, faggots and casuals

not heterosexual ones

>the metal boogeyman
wew lad

except it's a bad game made for bad music genres and played by bad people

what kind of cuck would play let alone _practice_ this shit?

>Insults a controller as a point against the game.
All people that use guitars for guitar hero are retarded for not using the standard controller. Do you see how stupid that sounds, cuz that's what you sound like.

You still have not made a single point as to why its actually a bad game.

This entire post makes me think you are just baiting the thread hard.

Go play the original if you don't want cancer

How is it shit as a software? I play it from time to time and it works just fine. Besides the game itself is free and has shitloads of maps to play.

Sup Forums exists to make people mad

This game is for people who are the opposite of this websites demographic

It's also trash with a mouse and has awful music

If rhythm games are good why don't you have a general

git gud shitter. you probably played 15 seconds of an easy song and failed even that.

Pretty sure most of those go in /jp/

>nu-males who play rhythm games trying to cop niggerspeak from the FGC

cannot fabricate this shit

>has awful music
This just means that you have awful music because you put MUSIC SCORES INTO THE GAME YOURSELF.

>shit game forced to be contained on the worst board on Sup Forums

so basically AnimeNEETs are also a demographic here

They were the default songs you fucking retard

>implying Sup Forums isn't the worst board

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the worst though

Found some AnimeNEETs

>one of the better rhythm games ever made
i wouldn't even put it in the top 10, osu players are just ignorant to better games

i'm a Anime Not in Education, Employment, or Training?
that sentence doesn't make much sense

You can still dumpster those and get your own. That one's on you.

stay salty, my friend

>Makes fun of Weebs
>Browses Sup Forums

>nu-male this upset because he can't play the harder genres

So why not put your own fucking music in the goddamn game, instead of bitching about the demo songs? Are you braindead bruh?

Just so you know I'm not considering Different beatmania iterations as different games individually (though I should I guess in context) which would mean that there's a FUCKTON of amazing rhythm games, and GH series(being one of the better ones as well) wouldn't be on the list either.

Sure are a lot of triggered rhythmcucks on Sup Forums

yes, you a two dimensional character who stays home all day. Your eyes are the size of dinner plates, your hair color will likely be pastel colored, and you hang around a talking furry animal. You are an Anime.

You're a NEET addicted to anime

so people who refute your shitty arguments are cucks?

but john, you are the cucks

I'm mad

at least it's better than being a shitposter who can't git gud i guess

Is guitar hero the only non-weeb rhythm game?

considering the definition for what a weeb game is, not at all.

kill yourself weebs.

>work 25 hours a week
>live in a house not at home
>own a ton of things that make me happy and I can afford anything I want to grab
>get tons of free time each week
>starts getting buttflustered when someone calls Sup Forums the worst board
get a hold of yourself user, stop projecting

>he doesnt know about Tuba Croc


Rhythm Game General is on /jp/. I imagine it's due to the fact /vg/ doesn't like having to put in some effort to see tits.

fuck off nigger


Every single bemani game is better in every possible way. The actual Ouendan games are decent though.

I tried out some rhythm game one time, but I concluded they're not really for me. Just seems like you're redoing the exact same sequence over and over, though I guess maybe it gets easier when your reflexes get better. Still, I can't do the same song over and over like that. At the same time I like racing games even though they're kinda the same in that you're going around the track over and over

>rhythm games are a containment genre


>This whole post

that's some cringe shit my anime addicted coposter

It's quantity over quality. The sheer amount of content makes up for the sometimes lackluster mechanics.
Although there IS really good shit in there, you need to look for it, such is the nature of any community driven game, specially so for "hardcore" rhythm games, which require a ton of effort to git gud at.
Personally I've moved on from osu!, but I really liked my experience with it

The Rhythm Game General, and the rest of the community, fucking hates osu. Really makes you think.

nothing in that post implied anything about liking or watching anime though

>bemani games

They are literally inaccessible and have not even 1% of the song library available to osu

It contained several animeNEET shibboleths

Look forward for the next couple of months of OP trying to force a rhythm game meme.


Nobody wants an actual talk about alternatives to osu.

Jpop is LITERALLY badkpop.

such as?
i saw a normal sentence with game names

Simply knowing those names shibboleths (gives away, for you burgers) the fact that the poster is an animeNEET

>77 replies
>23 posters

Because /jp/ is filled with elitist fuckheads, it's common knowledge that osu! is "baby's first rhythm game", and osu!'s community is fucking trash. None of that necessarily means that the game isn't fun
>They are literally inaccessible
>He doesn't know
At least do you research dude

Rhythm game-fag here, let me explain why osu is absolute trash:
>community is absolute fucking cancer. It's a bunch of weebs who don't play any other rhythm games.
>most of the charts are just shitty anime music.
>ranking system is shit
>timing is shit
>the HP system is absolutely useless
>no keysounded maps
>maps themselves are shit
>game itself is easy compared to other rhythm games like IIDX, SDVX, or Pop'n (webm related).

Osu is a rhythm game for people who don't know what a good rhythm game is, simple as that. It's like people claiming to be "hardcore gamers" but only play casual surface-level shit like Madden and League of Legends.

>atrocity of software

What? Osu runs so goddamn fucking smooth and the UI is amazing, get fucked.

your entire genre is weeb cancer my man

>elitism is bad

>it's common knowledge that osu! is "baby's first rhythm game", and osu's community is fucking trash
What common knowledge are you even drawing from??? osu! is a great game and it's community seems to be just as good and bad as all other rhythm game communities

Post gud gameplay

>easy compared to other rhythm games like IIDX
Lmao, i've played both and they're both as easy as the next, shut the fuck up

Elitism is, in fact, bad

Not really. Some games are worse than others in regards to their weeb shit. The best songs in IIDX and SDVX are all just EDM for instance.

so how 'bout that migu?

>community is absolute fucking cancer. It's a bunch of weebs who don't play any other rhythm games.
>most of the charts are just shitty anime music.
True, but there are thousands that aren't, these days you can make do without resorting to them
>ranking system is shit
pp is ok, not great but ok.
>timing is shit
>the HP system is absolutely useless
>no keysounded maps
True but that's a necessity to keep shit simple
>maps themselves are shit
Subjective. Many aren't.
>game itself is easy compared to other rhythm games like IIDX, SDVX, or Pop'n (webm related).
False. I can see the skill ceiling being somewhat lower but it's not something that should concern an average player.
>Osu is a rhythm game for people who don't know what a good rhythm game is, simple as that. It's like people claiming to be "hardcore gamers" but only play casual surface-level shit like Madden and League of Legends.
Somewhat true
I didn't say that
You can stop posting any time my man
>What common knowledge are you even drawing from???
I'm talking about /jp/

Fun but casual. If you like the soundtrack then sure, if you're a try hard then skip.

Man I suck at rhythm games. I have no idea how some people can hit notes that fast on expert.

A lot of the Japanese games are still in arcades so you have kids walking in for an hour or two daily. For everyone else you just have to no life it that much harder.

Rhythm games don't take any skill.

>I'm just good at rhythm games because I'm a musician.
I can assure you this has very little bearing on how good you are at rhythm games

The only good Rhythm games are Fever and Heaven Ds.

>not posting best song