ITT: game series where 1 > 2 > 3

ITT: game series where 1 > 2 > 3

dunno about that
but here is a series where 3 > 2 > 1

What possible argument would one have for believing TW1 is better than the other two?


For me it's actually 1 > 3 > 2.
I dunno why, but I didn't like 2 very much.

The plot and dialogs, mostly. Way better than in 2 and 3, even though they're not bad.

The prime example

Locations, quests, story.
Actually, everything other than grafix (which don't matter)

>everything other than grafix
...Including gameplay?



More like 1 > 3 > 2.

I mean it's close, but 2 was definitely the worst really.

>2 being better than 3

fucking hilarious that people actually feel this way. 2 sucks

Fallout. And 3 shouldn't be even in it.

half life

witcher 1 was fucking awful, stop being contrarian

are you 18?

Mass Effect.


Dark Souls

>2 > 3

You should've said 2 > 1 > 3 if you wanted to sound the most contrarian my man.
It's __objectively__ 3 = 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 though


No. You're just a kid who can't understand it.


Mass effect would be an easy one. Fable, Fallout, Golden Sun, Samurai Warriors, Yoshi's Island, Call of Duty all come to mind.

patrician taste op

Witcher 2 is the weakest but not leagues behind the others.


But its 1>3>/=2

I like you user

TW1 > everything else because it had pic related 2bh

This guy was a bro, but then he just went full retard in the late game.

Witcher 2 is absolute fucking shit
the combat manager to be even worse than 1's, which I applaud them for because that was really fucking hard to achieve, yet they've managed it
what a fucking piece of shit game


He was a great guy early on, but he turns into such a massive moron that the only sane course of action is to murder him when you last encounter is virgin ass

Why is the second Witcher better than 1 or 3?
>dude it has two different areas for act 2 and different paths for act 3
It also has:
>awful inventory
>awful skill tree
>stiff combat
>alchemy system with 2 minute potions that forgot to implement pausing potion duration for cutscenes
>dice poker gutted compared to the perfect W1 version

witcher 1 is pretty amazing.

The only thing 2 has over 3 is a better art style and music

Witcher 2's aesthetic is pretty amazing.

>tons of shitty orange filters
get your eyes checked

what the fuck are you talking about? I'm sorry your shitty pc can't run witcher 2 on ultra with ubersampling user I truly am

You start OP

So I wasn't the only one who thought he did a 180 on his character during the Bank part. I hate the scoia'tael but fuck me

>Witcher 2 music
>better than 3

What in the fuck?

no spoilers pls im 48 hours into the game and only on chapter 2

it's a really long game

Unfiltered capital T Truth incoming

Witcher 2 has the best main story, everything else is done better in either 1 or 3.

It's very close, but it's 1 > 3 > 2


Sonic Advance.

Silent Hill

dead space

but I am running it ultra, it looks like shit, even in the fucking main menu
so please tell me what about this looks amazing

umm that literally looks better than witcher 3.

oops, sorry, user


>shit that's 5 meters away is already blurry
are you legit blind?

I haven't played 3 but I'll believe that

>the way the main menu looks has any impact whatsoever on the games visual quality
>he turned on bloom

are you an idiot?

Literally the only reason anyone says they like Witcher 1 more than 3 is because it wasn't popular. The gameplay is ass and the story is a fucking mess.

Are you blind by any chance?

>Bloom and dof out the ass


Don't play 3. Don't fucking play 3. Pretend the series ended at 2.


if you think witcher 3 has graphics anywhere close to this youre fucking retarded

3>1>2 is the patrician ranking. OP has shit taste or is just being a contrarian.

>even the witcher emblem is blurry
fucking lol


witcher 3 has better graphics than witcher 2 guys i swear

I can agree with that, but I personally didn't care for the politics of TW2.

The Witcher is so much more than politics, and that's why I liked TW3 more.

Check-mate atheists.

Holy shit, I don't rememeber SH1 looking THAT much like ass.

Witcher 2 world is tiny and everything past 5 feet is blurred like a bitch.

>1 was the best Witcher game
It was a fucking garbage game, you retards just think it was a good book.


that looks like fucking shit. literally all of witcher 3 is low res

bloom, DoF and lightshafts off,
it looks even worse, congratulations

2 is the worst of both worlds (lower production values than 3 but also features garbage consolitis design). It's also the shortest (even if you count second and third act twice), the story is too impersonal (as a narrative, it's probably the best in the series, but it's a story unfit for an RPG) and it's by far the worst in terms of the series' standout areas like atmosphere (although still decent). Although all in all, it's still decent.

On the other hand, while 3 represents a return to form on a number of accounts, the original still has best atmosphere and most character, I find its severe pacing issues in act 2 preferable to open world shit, the story doesn't shit itself after the first half and is in fact very satisfying, I find action combat tiresome while there are some things I like about the system the original has (like its use of historical longsword stances and techniques for a lot of steel sword animations) and I find its design more commendable in general (for example, TW3 has that outrageous potion autoreplenishment system even though TW1 had an elegant solution to the problem of having to grind for specific ingredients with its alchemical substance system, and consequently alchemy and preparation aspect overall are much more enjoyable) and a little clunkiness is a small price to pay for not having to endure batman vision and other garbage CDPR felt obliged to add presumably because "we're an AAA developer now" (whatever their reasons, TW3 feels compromised to me while TW1 is a labour of love and it really transfers to my experience).

So this the power....of a 2011 game....



its a weird angle

Nope the rhythm combat in the first game is leagues better than the consolized combat in 3. Also 3s story flatlined shortly after leaving velen

Are you kidding?

Flotsam and the surrounding forest has some of the best atmosphere in modern RPGs.

2 > 3 > 1 actually. atleast from a gameplay perspective.

3 sucks even more


fucking kill yourself LMAO

try playing it on 4580x2800

nah my man you are a fucking idiot

from every perspective

relevant how?
There is no borderless windowed mode and I aint using shitty thirdparty software

that's a 1>3>2 case

>Nope the rhythm combat in the first game is leagues better than the consolized combat in 3. Also 3s story flatlined shortly after leaving velen


Also leaving Velen didn't make the sidequest, the best part of the game, go away. So the stories remained strong.

How the fuck you gonna say 2's combat was anywhere near as good as 3's?

I agree with you user

Metal Gear Solid

check my resolution fags

do people actually believe witcher 3 has better graphics? Not even mods can save that game.

got a problem with 16:10, pleb?


Sup Forums told me 3 has bad combat because of muh Dork Sols

like, Myzaki didn't even make Witcher 3...

obviously DA

>all that orange
looks like shit, kill yourself
bet you shilled for that movie-''''game'''' as well

Dark souls is a fucking meme franchise literally shit

I never touched 3, but if it was worse then 2, that's pretty impressive.

Such a fucking blurry mess.

im sorry man but witcher 3 looks awful in all respects.

I really get baffled when people say Witcher 2 had better combat.

Do people even remember Witcher 2's combat? Because to say TW3 is worse is asinine.

Does TW3 have amazing combat? Not in the least, but it's more than serviceable, and really shines in certain areas(Fighting more than 10 enemies, fighting any of the enemies in the DLCs being a few examples) doesn't though?


>a six year old game with 20x less budget has better character models and sharpness than a 2015 SUPER GIANT

>lighting is vastly superior
>REAL draw distance
>much, much larger world
>fantastic animations
also the wind makes my dick hard