Holy FUCK someone shoot the voice director of this game

Holy FUCK someone shoot the voice director of this game.

Why does Ocelot have a different voice in the tapes than he does in the cutscenes? Same goes for Kaz. Fuck this game and fuck this shitty inconsistent acting.

Why does a Russian have a Southern drawl?

People around different on tape, idiot

>TPP is a shit game
Wow, color me surprised

Because he is a revolver fanatic, and a lover of the old west.

More baffling is that why Ocelot acts so goody two shoes on this.
Where's that cocky bastard from Snake Eater?

>Why does Ocelot have a different voice in the tapes than he does in the cutscenes

That's the fucking point. Ocelot is a supreme lover of America. Spaghetti Westerns are his favorite thing ever, besides Big Boss. It's also to show how multi-faceted/duplicitous he is.

In "serious" moments like cutscenes, he retains his "normal" voice. A gruff, neutral accent that calls back to his voice in MGS1/2/4.

In calmer situations like the tapes, where he's having conversations at Mother Base with others, he lets out his Southern drawl that he probably spent 9 years perfecting in order to impress John. It's no different from a weaboo trying to speak Japanese to impress their senpais.

>Same goes for Kaz
Kaz maintains the same accent throughout. The only thing that changes is intensity, for example when he's angry or when he's calm. Is English your second language? A lot of non-native English speakers can't differentiate Kaz from Ocelot, even.

He's a harcore Westaboo, just like Kojima


Whenever Kaz talks to you on the radio he sounds like the Batman.
Whenever he talks on a cutscene he sounds like a normal person.

Stop defending shitty voice directing.

I like to pretend this game is a god tier vietnam simulator in disguise.

He's a Russian Burgerweeb.

Wait those are real? I thought it was just a JoJo meme.

Can girls be Westaboos?

>yes, I speak Russian but I will not translate it to save Benedict "American History X" Kazuhira



Because everyone you meet in the game is actually a fake carbon copy that's been memory wiped and programmed to act like the real thing.

You're all the medic. Everyone.

>best spy in the world
>can't speak French

>More baffling is that why Ocelot acts so goody two shoes on this.
Because he's not a villain in this game, he's working for the guy he lusts over, and he was a 19 year old brat in MGS3?

Who cares about what Sup Forums has to say.
Obese Sup Forumsedditors have been claiming MGSV is shit since it launched.
Meanwhile, 93 on Metacritic, 96/100 on Steam and in launch day alone it made more than twice it's budget.
It's a great game that got the reception it deserves.
A bunch of neckbeards on a random place of the internet won't change anything, and rightfully so, since Sup Forums's opinions having an effect on videogames could do nothing but destroy this industry.

Nigga, Kojima is a fucking westaboo

lmao one of these guys "ignore anything Sup Forums says" and then comes on Sup Forums anyways.
Konami was shilling for this game prerelease, plus it's a brandname game. It'd have to tank so fucking abysmally I don't know how they could've made people hate it aside from it being unplayable like Arkham Knight.

It's like the star wars movies. The prequels are shit on now, but back when they were coming out it was fucking amazing and you can't criticize anything about them. DaS2 went through the same shenanigans, and now most of the DaS community will say that it's the worst of the three.
Time will tell. I do think you're completely ridiculous for disregarding any criticism just because it comes from Sup Forums and you disagree with it. Notch did the same thing and ran to reddit. And then ran from reddit when they disagreed there.

>The prequels are shit on now, but back when they were coming out it was fucking amazing and you can't criticize anything about them
The complete opposite happens to Sup Forums
People shit on the latest entry, and proceed to praise the latest one.
Lately it's been happening hard with MGS4 and GTA 4, two absolutely terrible games.

Thus, Sup Forums simply has nothing of value to say.
This is a place for shitposting purposes only.

Stop making excuses for shit writing, his entire personality doesn't have to change. Ocelot loved fighting and showing off for Big Boss, he even fucking dies fighting his clone son because it's the closest he can get to kicking Big Boss's ass again before he goes. And as an old man when he has calmed down from MGS3 era he's still a weird bastard when he's scheming. MGSV Ocelot is boring as shit and nothing like himself in any way, which isn't surprising because Kojima has never actually written Ocelot without Fukushima around.
>MGS4 brainwashed all game except for 2 minutes
>PW doesn't even mention him
>MGSV brainwashed all game except for 2 minutes
Ocelot is old quirky Metal Gear, he never fit into Kojima's post MGS3 writing style. That's why he's neutered and looks like Troy Baker in V, Kojima has literally no fucking clue how to write the guy.

I don't think anyone disagrees that MGSV is a great game. It just isn't a good MGS game. The story just plainly sucked dick.

How come no one remembers the tape where it explains why Ocelot is different from himself in MGS3?

>Can girls be Westaboos?
Yes. But it's called getting bleached.

It's not a good game.
It's not a good mgs game.
And fuck you.

He doesn't. What the fuck are you on about?

You simply need to understand there are things above "good".
Lots of things, actually.

He likes cowboys. I mean, that's his thing.

he's technically french

Why does Big Boss slur and pronounce character's names differently now? How did they give Venom Big Boss' voice? Why didn't they record more lines of dialogue for examining things with your binoculars? Why didn't they have more characters comment on things you examine? Why didn't Venom comment on things when you were playing as a different soldier?