Levels you don't want them to fuck up in the remaster

Levels you don't want them to fuck up in the remaster.


how do you fix aspect ratio in this

widescreen fix but it'll make the game look like this on the 2d levels.

ty sempai

No problem, and have fun.

I'd end up replaying these more if emulating was less of a hassle.

Why can't we just have a PS1 emulator that simply works without any input lag or anything?

Even on regular levels you'll see some clipping on the edges of the screen. Crash's engine used a very aggressive culling algorithm. IIRC since the camera is completely on rails they pre-computed the culling statically.

>looking forward to a remaster
>considering buying a remaster
>wanting anything to do with a remaster

If you want a more vanilla experience
go with Mednafen

if you want an "inaccurate" experience go with PCSX-R PGXP that has widescreen fix and fixes the wobbly games.

>implying I'll be buying the remaster and not looking at gameplay footage to see if the levels hold up to the original besides the ones we say in the demo.

>Those fucking jumps in the tomb/ruins levels
I actually hope they fix the camera

All of them. Oh wait...

Fucking all of them!

But especially the creepy ones in Crash 1 and the ruin levels in Crash 2.

Also the music in tye jet pack levels. They will fuck that up, no doubt.

I will buy 2 copies just to support Crash FUCKING Bandicoot.

I don't give a fuck, I am in it for the triumphant return of our Lord and saviour.

What game?

The first two. Third one is bullshit that fucked itself up already.

The jet pack levels were already fucked up.

How can you fuck up a garbage fire?

The worst they could do is toss more trash on it, and they might even put it out by accident.


Not the fucking music.

Glory of Satan bear why must you talk badly about the Crash Bandicoot.