Holy fuck user you've been playing for seven hours straight, take a fucking break!

Holy fuck user you've been playing for seven hours straight, take a fucking break!

What do you know? You are just a cat!

Fuck off kitty I'm clutching.

If I'm hallucinating my cat talking to me, maybe it is time for a break.

>That fucking keyboard
What kind of deformed being uses keyboards like that?

this is why i dont like animals

doesnt pay the bills, enjoys free everything and still manages to be a fucking bitch somehow

Shut up, cat. You can't even talk.

I wish I could play for 7 hours straight anymore. Even playing a multiplayer game unless it's with friends I can only play 1-3 games at a time before I just get bored.

I used to be able to play literally all day.

I have played 35 hours without sleeping and in between taking dump and eating.
Whats the deal with 7 hours?

>7 hours
joke's on you kot, I sit on the computer for 16+ hours every day. only getting up for food and bathroom or an occasional stretch

My dad had one like that. They're pretty comfortable. Designed for your hand to be comfortable resting on it.

That's it Kot, no more blini for you.

What is the longest time you've played anything straight? Mine was when Phantom Pain was released, 16 or something hours straight

I don't have a cat.

Why do you think I'm on Sup Forums you dumdum

There are no brakes on the game train.

You mean naleśniki

probably 7 hours without getting up, 18 hours if you count getting up to use the bathroom.

MS Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000.

Mushy keys, the 6 is in the wrong place, nice idea poolry executed.

I mean blini.

Will a cat care about me and be my buddy?

What kind of cat is that


Jazz Cat.

Fluffy one.

blini kot

I stayed up for 74 hours with friends back in high school playing Halo Reach when it first came out

smug kot

>playing for seven hours straight
>on PC


post more blini

Jesus Christ kot put the knife away before you hurt someone


>Play modern Nintendo game
>Five hundred million hours of tutorials with "you should take a break!" wedged in every fifteen minutes
>But then you get to the special worlds or hero mode and it was all worth it

The S worlds in 3D Land/World and Hero Mode in LBW were such a fucking blast.

How about you bring some blini first?

Theres a sincere lack of blini in this thread

i've searched around every corner of the web and i still find edits/photos that i've never seen before
is there some sort of secret .onion website run by a nepali crack den which distributes this shit? i have no other idea.

Why does this cat fascinate me so much?

You just have to keep looking.

Because he is a qt


How does life with cat looks like? I'm thinking about getting a pet.

That's a very handsome cat.

I want to give Miss Cat a big, wet, adult kiss!!

Blini knows.

My cat is a sweet little ball of fluff who is very well behaved and doesn't do much besides sleep on my bed or sleep on my lap or sleep downstairs on the couch.

Alternatively, you might get Satan in cat form

It's hard to say


first search: instagram of that cat
i'm fucking retarded. 2 years and it was literally in a watermark

i'm going to proceed to tie a fucking noose now

It's a roll of the dice friend, like said

>posting moeshit on a blini thread

How would a blini cat game play

Are they messy creatures? Can they take care of themselves, or should I be prepared for cleaning shit from my bed?

My cat is better and more cute
Fuck off blini cat, you're nothing


Cats are fucking assholes, get a dog.

You don't have to be rude user.

soft and glossy

you'll have to change its litter box every few days, but yeah they're quite clean besides that. not obnoxious pieces of shit like dogs either

Once they grow up they clean themselves and usually hide their shit in the yard or other secluded places, Unless you live in a apartment, then you should buy a litterbox

Kittens shit and piss everywhere, because they don't know better

Prove it.

Fucking kot

sleep tight kitter

Depends on a cat, some breeds clean themselves every 10 seconds and some generally don't care. But even those that don't care are generally pretty clean.

Later in life cat can start to piss everywhere, so you better castrate him before he does. Do not castrate cats too early, it can fuck up their growth and make them extra fat. Do not castrate cats too late, it can fuck them up.

kot approves of /an/ threads on Sup Forums

Cats instinctively will know to use the litterbox to do their business in (outdoor cats are not a thing anymore, please, do not keep an outdoor cat), so the only way they'll get messy is if you're a lazy piece of shit who won't clean their litter box. Cats are spitey and won't use a dirty one.

If your cat is reluctant to use the litterbox, consider one that's easier to climb in and out of, and if that doesn't help, after your cat eats and you know it's going to do it's business soon, lock it and the litterbox in the bathroom so they can get reacquainted with each other.

Aside from their business, they are super clean and take care of themselves. They're like dogs on easy mode.

Unless, you know, you get Satan in cat form

sleep tight kitter

>tfw you can't remember the last time you played a game for 7 hours staright

>Do not castrate cats too early, it can fuck up their growth and make them extra fat. Do not castrate cats too late, it can fuck them up.

Any vet worth leaving your animals with will tell you if it's too early or too late to safely neuter/spay your cat, and by law, I think they need to outright refuse, no matter what, if the cat is under 6 months old and they can tell.

I've probably approached a 48 hour stunt with Rocket League in the past year. Definitely a few 12+ hour days.

Last one I did was Civ 5 but now I force myself to take breaks with that shit or else I start strategizing how to conduct a successful invasion of the Greeks at the dinner table.

I miss my puppers.

Cousin you've been watching TV for 10 hours straight

Don't tell me what to do

>posting grafics
Old news

What are some hypoallergenic cats that don't shed much?
And please no hairless creatures.

>tfw memories of getting home on a Friday night after renting a game from blockbuster and playing it like 18 hours straight trying to beat it before you had to send it back, while wrapped up in a blanket in bed eating gummy worms

Fallout 4 (on release)

When Brawl came out, I went to Wal-Mart at 9:00AM on the dot when they opened to get my copy, and didn't turn it off until midnight

Then when I realized Paper Mario was on the virtual console, I bought that after I woke up at like 7:00AM and literally didn't stop playing it until I got to Star Haven.

I had to force myself to stop because both times, I didn't eat or drink or use the bathroom, and I felt like shit at the end.

you just described yourself?

>tfw my cat died 2 days ago
i still miss him

Its never "too" late though, its just that habits they had while not being neutered will still remain (IE: Marking their territories)

And for god sakes get all their shots. it really does make them have a longer life if they can fight off the viruses that turn deadly.

My cat is 16 now, got him neutered at 6 months and got all of his shots within his first 2 years, never had a problem.

play dragons dogma

>decide to play an AoE II mission
>sun goes down

>Its never "too" late though
My cousin's cat couldn't be spayed at 9 years old or else she would have died during the procedure

That being said, I don't think cats are going to be pumping out kittens reliably at 9

It's going to be a great day when this faggots meme fuck of a pet dies, fuck off with this stale shit.

24 hours Le Mans race.
I wish I'd still have the same willpower and stamina to actually repeat that.

I want to pet this cat


user, what the fuck are you doing?

Is this scat

played Skyrim for like 14 hours on launch day

back before i discovered Sup Forums and became a depressed cynic who doesnt enjoy videogames anymore

CTR please go

sleep tight kitter

I imagine this is what my cat is saying when she jumps in front of the screen.

Yeah I've heard of those kind of cases, pretty rare but mostly in females. males never really have a problem at any age. Hysterectomy's are more harder on female cats then just a male cat's neutering (snip, snip, sew, done).

t. cat

makes sense you'd be a literal shitposter, considering dogs do nothing but shit everywhere

actually I haven't played for a single minute, but I probably shitposted for 7 hours straight



sleep tight kitter

24 hours I think, just to see if I could do it. after ~12 the fun quickly ends