40+ hour game

>40+ hour game
>it sucks because the last 10 minutes are disappointing

Those 40 hours were pretty damn mediocre to begin with, so the ending was simply the last nail in the coffin.

what game is this

Can be true if the game prides itself on it's "moral choices" system and how your choice matters, only for the final choice to be the exact same for everyone.
Or maybe a shitty plot twist like it was all dream, which they only just decided to reveal in GAME 6.

The implication being what exactly? That me3 was good up until the ending?

Pretty sure he was talking about FFXV. So see this:

pretty sure you're retarded

>40+ minute sex
>it sucks because instead of coming she cuts your dick off

You cant prove that

Real Yvonne is ridiculously more better-looking than this abomination

I didn't expect to find my nigga in this thread

>be me
>never played Final Fantasy games
>decide that 2013 was the year I would play them all
>quit job
>take out loan for living expenses
>buy all games
>stat playing
>8 months later
>debt out the ass
>girlfriend left me
>living on friend's couch, renting my apartment to some Indian family
>had to sell cats
>dislike every game I've played

but FFXV is like a 20-30h game, unless you go autistic with quests

What happened with that infamous 72 hours boss? Was that bullshit or what?

72 Ingame Hours, turns out.


>30+ hour game
>it's good despite over half of the game is a rushed piece of shit

I never understand how anybody could give FFXV a score over 5/10.


And that's how much real time? 1 hour and a half or something?

last ten minutes? they make you go through the whole game over again

Mass Effect 3 was the only one in the series that I didn't want to go back and play. It wasn't just the last ten minutes, only that the last ten minutes were the worst of it. The game started on a terrible note where they had to phone in the plot with a magical defeat all reapers device that worked by mumble mumble something get to work Shepard!

The game is so good, they let you play through it multiple times, in the same session. Quit bitchin