Why do PC gamers hate Fallout 4?

Just returning from a ban for pic related post.

How accurate do you feel said pic is?

> inb4 b& again for inciting or starting a flame war

Firstly, who even uses the term flame war? Secondly, this whole board is dedicated to shitting on what other people like. It's not my fault my post was so accurate it garnered so much anger.

Other urls found in this thread:


you massive flaming homo

Please don't make comments like that against homosexuals, I consider it as starting a flame war.

>banned for sperging out
>comes back and spergs out again

Please don't make comments relating to "sperging", I see that as a means of instigating a flame war.

Please just discuss the gaming related issue that my post addresses, no insults or anything that might cause any kind of controversy. We're not on Sup Forums now, mister.

Stop sperging.

>look at my ebin post i got banned for, aren't i kool?
you should go back to plebbit, you flamboyant fucking faggot

Please no comments that could be construed as inciting a flame war, just focus on the gaming related topic.

Please no comments of hate, I'll report you for trying to incite a flame war, can we please just discuss video games and the subject of the thread.....

you ain't funny, boy.
stop the sperging and go do something else with your life

On a scale from 'very' to 'it's on fire', how much does your butt hurt right now?


I can't answer that effectively because I can't imagine what the other choices would be in between the 2 ends of the scale you gave.

If you can expand I'll try.

OP shut the fuck up you don't even want to discuss video games.
You're literally asking
>why do people like this thing i don't like????
Here's your answer:
Different people have different tastes.
/thread, now stop sperging.

How come the ban wasn't permanent?

he's trolling, retard
lurk more

I think Fallout 4 is better.

Shit taste confirmed

That's an oxymoron

Please do not make comments like that, it might be construed as inciting a flame war.

No it isn't.

I never really connected the thought that Obsidian made games for primarily PC. For me it was more of Fallout 4 was a bad RPG in the way the dialogue were just false choices. Once I noticed that there was no point in trying to play a character. I found if I played it as a post apocalyptic Far Cry with more looting, it got more fun.

My reasons are:
>every dialogue option is yes, sarcastic yes, no, more info
>bad gunplay
>badly done settlement buidling
>stupid plot

I don't like New Vegas because it's made by Obsidian, Obsidian are shit and their only other good game is KOTOR2 and that's also unfinished as fuck just like NV

> bad gunplay

But infinitely better than NV

taste is subjective, you can't have either good or bad taste.

Yeah ill give you that

How are bethesda counted as a AAA developer when they are so incompetent they can't even create a climbable fucking ladder

I mean what the fuck

>instead of point and shoot with varying spread for each gun, now each gun has recoil
>so went from cheaply made rpg shooter mechanics to mediocre rpg shooter mechanics

Gun play wasn't exactly redeeming. Sure as shit better, but not redeeming.

Also, npcs have a tendency to hang onto walls in spite of me being right behind them after passing in front of them. Is this a glitch?

That pic.

Doesn't only one gun actually have projectiles?

because the gameplay is horrible
and gameplay is something that is more important for Mustards than Sonyggs

>i loooove taking a big steaming shit and rolling around in it then playing superman 64 but you CAN'T say that's in bad taste you bigot, it's all subjective!

You might have actually fooled someone if you wrote out a halfway plausable reason explaining why everyone likes it purely because it's primarily on PC

It's a feature :^)

SHUT UP pc cuck, you're just a, a DOUBLE NIGHGER!!! lol XD

> in bad taste
> having bad taste

2 different things, good try though.

Incited it with your rhetoric that does nothing but encourage. Unwad your panties and bait harder.

You're a feature


Fallout is clearly better than new Vegas tho

You deserved it and i'm reporting you again, because you flame and actually defend fallout.

Please Perma ban that retard.

Actually in this context they're one and the same. Trying to play the double speak game is a bad idea in this post-obama error.

>Firstly, who even uses the term flame war?

>I consider it as starting a flame war.
>I see that as a means of instigating a flame war.
>Please no comments that could be construed as inciting a flame war
>I'll report you for trying to incite a flame war

Mods, can he be banned for underage this time? shit's getting obvious.

Yeah, rolling in shit and playing superman 64 is truly awesome and the height of gaming forever!

I'm a PCfag and I enjoyed Fallout 4 for about the same amount of time as I did unmodded New Vegas.

But then New Vegas had mods. Bethesda STILL haven't released the GECK kit for Fallout 4, making the most interesting types of mods impossible for modders to create.

I haven't had the opportunity to enjoy Fallout 4 as much as Fallout New Vegas, because Bethesda hasn't given me that opportunity.

Stop saying "war", you're triggering my PTSD (sorry for the use of 'trigger', an inference to a kinetic action involving an interactive device on a weapon of mass destruction). I hope this doesn't displease, I am pleased to meet your entity

Shut the fuck up faggot.

true, but still not good.

> in this post-obama error

No they're not. You specifically said "in bad taste" I'm your hilarious greentext comment.

In bad taste refers to something that's salacious or inappropriate. Someone's taste in something, whether good or bad, is their opinion on something.

Depends on what you like. Not for me personally, neither the shit rolling nor Superman 64.


>How accurate do you feel said pic is?
About 0/10.
But the fact the you sperged out so much over that crap, and even posted it again after getting b& for it, says a lot about the insecurity of console players.
Given that the "pc keks" wasn't falseflagging of course.

Thanks for reminding me that trump is president elect, I was in a bad mood this morning

That's not the appropriate use of the word inference.

Only the listener can infer. the speaker can only can only refer -- or in this place, corefer. The word you're looking for is coreference, but since it's a pretty rarely spoken word, it might be best to phrase that differently altogether as to not use signifiers of which your reader may not have an understanding of the signified.

Na. It's more the fact that they don't adhere to the old legacy.

I'm talking about fallout 1 and 2. You could win those games going full retard or going full pacifist. Fallout: New vegas was close to this. F3 and F4 werent

I went charm and int in fallout 4. I've litteraly had 3 charm checks. No int checks. Wtf?

You have to go back

Fallout 4 is not an RPG.

Obsidian is a shit company, Fallout 2 was the Reddit of video games for its time.

It should speak waves and waves and WAVES of information to you that they are preferred over Bethesda simply because they're mildly competent where as Bethesda is not even remotely competent.

That's the exact opposite of a coreference.

What user is talking about is one word with two meanings. Coreferences are two+ words that refer to the same thing, like "user" and "he". They're different words that refer to the same person.

There's something wrong with your brain. Get off the internet for a while user, you don't have to go outside, just turn off the wifi for a bit okay?

Fallout isn't good regardless.

Dude compared to f3 and nv you're honestly going to say that? Fucking cognitive dissonance.

>references = reddit!
Fuck off back to facebook and take your shit memes with you, fucking retard

Damn...fallout fans btfo

Fuck off Redditor.

The only good mechanic added to F4 was the gun customization, which was basically just FNV's gunrunner DLC included with the base game at launch.

>It should speak waves they are preferred over Bethesda because they're more competent at making video games
Why wouldn't they be?

Bethesda is a company ran by pure stupid greed, not the smart kind of greed that stops you from hiring morons and their sons/nephews because it costs less.

I think Bethesda just doesn't feel like making RPGs anymore. Next TES game will really show where they stand with that.

Why would you get banned for that post?

Most likely because enough posters reported it. Not every ban comes from a janitor or mod who took personal offense, most of them come from people who have to drudge through tons of reports, and saw one that contributed nothing to discussion aside from sparking a console war. The all caps probably didn't help.

Because shitposting is against the rules. So is flaming. And instigating console wars.

Rules 1, 2 and Global Rule 3.

Should weapon variety be considered part of gunplay? F4 has like what, less than 20 non-pipe guns?

Too bad it wasn't a permanent ban, you sperg.