This is a slut. Say something nice about her

This is a slut. Say something nice about her.

Would be perfect accept for the accent.

i enjoyed her in the books

game triss sure is a cunt though

Fuck she was annoying. She literally couldnt get on that boat fast enough to get the fuck out of my life. Yen was annoying too but not nearly as bad as Triss.


Guys one side of my face is twitching and I'm scared I'll need brain surgery

She is tight.

she is more woman than you're ever going to get


>"role playing game"
>can't roleplay a gay


She wanted you to come wth her so the two of you could make fuck in front of a fire while it's cold outside for eternity.
You can't even pick up video game signals let alone real life ones

delet this



Uh, she shit herself an impressively long time and volume?

Nothing is said of the volume of her diarrhea in the books though. Just the tasteful thickness of it.

I think it can be inferred by how much time they spend cleaning her shit.

She lacks the top bantz that Yennifer/Geralt has.

That's not really a nice thing is it? I like her red hair?

I hate this passive agressive whore. Also default save in TW3 made you fuck her it annoyed me so much

>Implying I care about what a dumb cunt wants
Her sass during the mission to save all the shitty mages and get them out of the city was the last straw. I also told her to kill that guy whose balls she warmed up with her magic and she wiped his memory instead. I bet Yen would've killed him. Fuck Triss.

But I liked how Yennefer addresses this.

Fuck Yen.

You gotta give credit to a girl who will use a man's amnesia to get the D

I love the bit in Skellige when that guy calls Yen a barren whore or something and she makes him ill.

>Fuck Yen

That's pretty redundant with Geralt.

>people prefer Yennefer "have sex with rich people for power" of Vengerberg

Is there a lord or merchant she hasn't let inside her?
Geralt literally first meets her while she is fucking a guy to sleep at his house, because the inn isn't fancy enough.
She is the emperor's "adviser", as in she advises him to fuck her harder every night.

Triss for waifu.

Yes. Definitely settled my choice and had no regrets

How did she and Geralt balanceo n the Unicorn?


She's fun at parties.

Triss is a nobody that geralt sees as a desperate schoolgirl. He doesn't respect her and spent a chapter literally wiping her ass for her.

That's the mark of a quality pussy user

I can't bring myself to tell her no.

I thought the delivery on her line where she says "You happened to fuck a very good friend of mine" with some anger in her voice when she explains that she threw out your old bed because it had strands of red hair in it.

>ill meme myself out of here


>That's the mark of a quality pussy user
I guess its true that several thousand experts all tested her and rated her highly, but I might want to go for some indie pussy instead of this commercial state wide one.

Remind yourself that Triss is the Sup Forums girl, while Yen is the tumblr girl, it helps.

I bet you watch TBBT

Triss is a cheap, desperate whore.

I chose Triss but later realized I fucked up bad after it was too late to go back. I picked her because I knew her better from 1 and 2.

>mfw yen throwing the bed out of the tower and triss asking where it is when she comes later

>Sup Forums is STILL arguing about Triss and Yen

>Triss is the Sup Forums girl
What does that even mean

Yeah it made me hard

Does OP have a hunch back or something?

I don't get the connection desu

She does?

Reminder that OUR GUY Chris would always pick the cocktease redhead over the femme fatale bitch.
You wouldn't disappoint him, right?

Oh you mean how she verbally abuses Geralt?

>the Sup Forums girl
So she's a disgusting obese virgin that never showers?

He's not my guy

Couldn't fuck white orchard herbalist. Best ass in the game

I don't even know who this is.

Bantering with your girl is entertaining. Only dudes that got bullied or thin skinned pussies would take issue with it.

>You gotta give credit to a woman who will pretend to be the girl you're in love with while you have amnesia

Yeah, sure.

i dont give two fucks for both, im mad as hell that you cant fuck Salma

>game doesn't let you fuck either of the twins
Seriously what the fuck

I'd much rather have a slut than a cunt who yells at me for getting amnesia and acts like I'm lying even though she had the same goddamn amnesia.

First she throws the bed out of the tower, the one that Geralt fucks Triss in in TW1 (there is a collectible card with it), then if you ask about it she throws you out of the tower too, into the lake.

>she verbally abuses Geralt

What a little bitch you are


What about Sawyer though?

Are Yen and Triss the Sup Forums version of Asuka and Rei?

>I don't even know who this is.

Black Isle/Obsidian writer who has redhead girl NPCs in his games.

>that face

If you can't passionately missionary a girl there's no point

>She is the emperor's "adviser", as in she advises him to fuck her harder every night.

I never played W3 but i fucking love these threads

>on /v
>pretends he wasn't bullied
This meme needs to stop. People acting like they were these super cool normalfags in school aren't fooling anyone. You wouldn't be here otherwise.

>Verbal abuse

Geralt can give as good as he gets. Triss neverever challenges Geralt though, ever.

Triss is cute. CUTE!

>mfw she tries to talk shit to vessimir and the other witchers tell her he isn't geralt and she should shut the fuck up or else

Only a cuck like our dear Geralt has the patience for her.

>this projection

Lmao sure most are pathetic like you but not all

People just weren't really bullied in my school. I got along with everyone. I even played on a sports team.

I also played a fucking ton of video games and didn't know people in real life that did so I went on gamefaqs and then here. Don't assume everyone had the same experience you did.

>literal normies are actually on Sup Forums
Chanology was a mistake


I was never bullied and actually get along with most people, it's just that I'm introvert and like vidya

>Your only options are the whiny bitch who yells at you for everything, or the backstabbing slut who betrayed her BFF just for some of that witcher dick

shite game

literally every other girl was superior:

If you weren't bullied you don't know SHIT about video games.
You lack the frame of reference to understand and discuss the vidya and should go drink a bottle of aspirin, step in a warm bath and open your wrists.


Fucked her as soon as I got the chance. Bitch tried to backstab me too but I got the research papers back

I like her

If this model were used in Dragon Age, people would bitch its a manly face, and that she looks like a tranvestite.
Yet all the fanboys love her and call her their girl.

Sup Forums really is partisan when it comes to The Witcher. I never got that.

>I'm sorry Yen, the magic's gone

I mean, you made it sound like Triss asks about 'the bed' as well.

This. And the gameplay doesn't have a lot of depth but it gets a pass too

>Actually wanting those human females when there's succubi in the game
Absolutely laughable

>Drink a bottle of pills
user, I think the bullying affected your schooling if you think someone can drink solids.

Also guaranteed the normies have better taste since you probably fill the void of your inept social life with weebshit.


This, everyone around Geralt recognizes what a problem Yen is

I think she did, when she goes to the fort later before the final showdown there.
You need to have done certain things and it will come up in the conversation.

I was about to reply to asking why they turned best girl from 1 into a tranny

I think if you're just using video games as escapism you're not enjoying them properly and need to fuck off.

I actually came here for the first time in 2007 I think so that would make me pre chanology. I get your point though, might I suggest visiting r9k?

>that tattoo

Reminding you of the good old days with the TW2 girls.
I wonder if Yen's heart breaks every time she sees the ink on Geralt's neck.

>better taste
Yeah Madden, FIFA, and CoD are really great. I'll keep my weeb shit any day

Shani is the Sup Forums girl. For me Triss is the reddit girl just because I like her icon on the witcher reddit most.

If you take posts posted here seriously you need to drink solid pills as if they were liquid, bottles of them.

Does it depend on who you chose?

But I have so much to live for.

my cock is so fucking hard

If you think you have much to live for you should literally kill yourself.

How does it feel to know that the games aren't canon, and that Geralt actually just gets stabbed by a pitchfork and fucking dies, and Yen dies trying to revive him?

THE END. Happy reading, folks.

You have to be with Triss, since the conversation is about humping her.

Why would I do that friend?

>Yen is so sickened by the tattoo, she pretends it doesn't exist
>Triss likes it and teases Geralt about it
This truly is the confirmation that Triss is best girl.

I must see this