How the fuck is this game still alive and getting more popular?

How the fuck is this game still alive and getting more popular?

What else would you play? It's either MOBAs or awful survival games full of performance issues and bugs.


you can get a overwatch skin

It's improved substantially since release. The Overwatch promotion brought in a lot of players too.


reverse blizzard effect
all their games are hyped up and really popular at release and then die out months later from lack of depth
hots was never popular so therefore logically it will become the most popular game over time

It's got all the appeal of ASSFAGGOTS without the tedious boring shit such as last hitting, farming, complex item builds etc. Just pick your favorite blizzard character and have fun teamfighting and attacking objectives for about 20 minutes.

It ain't half the game Dota is but it's the ideal game for the people who were interested in Dota or League but found the learning curve too steep.

My 24 year old sister plays it every day with her 18 year old internet boyfriend

Pretty much like Rainbow Six siege and arguably D3. The thing with Blizzard games is they change for better or worse. In HotS's case it was for the better. I mean you can't change it being a casual mess but you can at least make it interesting like Overwatch or something.

Because its fun and updated often.

>Everyone in normal/canon appearances
>Zarya is some fucking techno glam metal rocker

Theres a reason the only time blizzard put zarya on a poster for something was her summer event skin. They know her pink hair isn't marketable.

Because it's fun

It's for people who want to be an ASSFAGGOT but aren't tacticool enough to play League or DOTA and can't aim well enough to play Paragon.

Zeratul is in a skin.

Oh I thought that was Dekhaka

This game is basically ASSFAGGOTS but less autistic. I like it

jaina and tyrande are so hot, would play 7/11

>sexualising Jaina
>in her last pure form

pls no user, pick Li Ming instead

>Void sword
As someone who only knows Starcraft from HoTS even that seems wrong.

Li Li is best

Sup Forums said hots was dead so much that it became undead
also this is now a LiLi thread

I didn't notice it

Worship your queen.

Post real best girl Auriel if you're going to post anything

The only time to sexualize her. That sweet naive purity and optimism.

It's got it's pros and cons

It skips the tedious laning shit and item builds which makes the game more accesible but that also makes the game more shallow then the other ASSFAGGOTS.

It tries out unique hero ideas like C'ho'gall, Ragnaros, Abathur, Murky, etc. But since it's still blizzard these heroes are Overpowered and autopick or underpowered and never picked.

The different maps with varying win conditions is pretty cool but it got to the point where there's too much maps and they rotate the map pool every season.

The short game lenght is something they really nailed. You don't spend 30-40 minutes losing a game you knew was lost because you got outdrafted. Short game length is also what draws alot of people.

>Getting into HotS
>Getting back into SC2 with the co-op mode and stuff
I feel dirty, but I'm actually enjoying myself too. Alarak is the coolest motherfucker on the block.

Because it removes all the shit that turns people off of mobas

I remember when all the moba cancer that find last hitting,farming and item builds awesome bashed it. They just have to deal with the fact that this game has done away with all the bad baggage and kept the good stuff and is better for it.

I want to learn him but god damn I always fuck up the pushes. I am so use to dehaka and Diablo by this point it's hard.

>my queen
That's not Sylvanas

It's fun with friends.

There was a time during beta that they had paid masteries/runes a la League of Legends. It was fucking awful.



Yes and it was removed asap.

Pushes are something you gotta just practice with, and if you fuck up pretend it was intentional or something.
I've been trying to use it to push myself instead of enemies but it barely works and I don't know if that's me or the game.

Like a week after they implemented, it was a week too long.

Where is the Li Li?

It's a fun game. Best of the genre.


I played HotS alpha and the 'artifacts' made me legitimately angry

fortunately now the game is more like what it was intended to be - 20~ minutes of fighting for objectives with no breaks in between because anti-mage has to finish farming his manta before he's willing to teamfight

Overwatch has woken people up to the value of waifus and HotS as the best in the MOBA genre.


>picking tyrande for solo heals

The one thing I don't like about HotS is how every hero is locked into specific roles they can't alter. Like Diablo is a good tank but terrible at DPS. Dota 2 is the same way but you can also build yourself to buff out weaknesses with items. Talents are kind of geared towards their specific role and some aren't even viable. Especially ults, Rehgar has Bloodlust but it's seldom picked because Ancestral Healing is much more preferable since most heroes don't rely on auto attack damage. The limitations in design is something they've been steadily working on with heroes like Dehaka to make them more viable, but it's still a ways to go.

Varian is one of my favorite new heroes because he can fill two roles. Ragnaros is also pretty good at pushing lanes despite being an assassin.

What the fuck that's not what I posted!

It has Nova, Tyrande, Jaina, Sylvanas, even Tracer and the fucking Archangel of Hope Auriel, it has all the waifus of Blizzard's top games what did you expect?

>not mentioning Li meme, Chromie and Valla

wew lad

it's actually decent for just playing a few rounds with frens to have fun because it removes all the tedious bullshit ASSFAGGOTS normally have

>its barely scraping by and the the only reason its still alive and "getting more popular" (=not shutdown) is because of shills such as yourself,

>Flagship waifu of HOTS is a canonical coal burner

>It's got all the appeal of ASSFAGGOTS without the tedious boring shit such as last hitting, farming, complex item builds etc

this. it's perfect for people who want to play for fun rather than turning it into a 2nd job

>implying normalfags even know these literally whos

Did they get married?

Literally the only good thing about HOTS is it's thicker models for the women.
Why can't she be this amazing in WOW

Yeah, I think more talents should give you the option to play one way or another if it isn't going to have items. I really like that Aurial lets me decide to make my spells big damage nukes or give them more supportive properties.
But I can understand a little that there isn't that much room for variety when it's only talents. Paragon is more frustrating because it has an item shop with tons of options but characters scale in a way that you're stuck without any real options. Dota characters have stats and spells that kind of make them one role or another but items are so much more important than your stats that you can do whatever retarded shit you want. Like before treant was perma-invisible I'd play broodmother as an invisible support with the huge miss chance on basic attacks and body blocking.

Chromie is adorable and Valla's new skin with midriff and freckles is 11/10.

Because it's fun


Because Blizzard always wins, baby.

this desu

>when Gale Force hits just right and your doing top Hero Damage as support

The HotS team is pretty damn good when it comes to supporting the game, which is probably the reason why it's been slowly rising in popularity.

Constant patches, very creative hero concepts, and a steady stream of new content every month. It lacks the depth of other mobas, but then again, HotS deliberately presents itself as the more easy going game intended for those who don't want to get bogged down with last hitting and items.


>Incase's Chromie art

Best model is Succubus Kerrigan
literally expand ass

Sylvanas is my waifu but I'd fuck the hell out of Chromie desu

Ha ha! Anyone order a one-man wrecking crew?

200 games with mah man



too thick


I must ass you a question

>she played no role in ICC
I am still mad

Think of it as the Smash Bros of MOBAs.

But you can deal enough damage as Diablo, of course you will sacrifice survivability but that's a given.
I do agree however that items currently offer more diversity than talents, most of which are still generic but blizzard is slowly changing them.

She had as much of a role as Jaina, which was helping you get through the Hall of Reflection. The only people who really had any kind of role in the siege on ICC were Tirion, Saurfang, and Muradin

Teamfights are the only good parts about ASSFAGGOTS and this one trims out all the bullshit AND adds objectives that force constant teamfights every once in a while. Also Gul'dan is playable.

what the fuck is that expression supposed to be?

Draenei hero when, I want a sexy space goat with HOTS level thickness

That's some perfect THICC material.

Too bad I can't have this shit in Warcraft 4 instead.

She knows that you like what you see, as she hides her front green bush with her armoured hands.

I hate how rain of fire works. Only does damage in a small zone at random with each fireball. It's stupid.

I'm so happy that the HOTS team doesn't roll over to muh sexualization like the Overwatch team. The men like their women thick, and I admire them for it

Ma nigga

Hots got a huge temporary injection from Overwatch

basically millions had to come over to Hots to unlock skins in OW but that's pretty much about it.

Even I come back from time to time to play some matches and realise again how awfully unsatisfying the avarage matches are in this game compared to either dota or lol. I can hardly believe blizzard is making money out of this game consnidering how much money they are spending on it and how not popular it is even after so much trying.

>even the fucking Angel is too thick

When did everything go so wrong?

She is so cute, i wish she'd be more.

More what?

Doesn't change the fact that she should have been there. Her hatred for Arthas was a very fundamental part of her character.

Oh right, healer. Wish can go full healing like malf.

They have a character literally devoted to be fanservice. Hots team is best blizz team

Hots does seem to have the others blown out when it comes to raw releases. League releases a new hero like every 2 months. Dota 2 takes more than half year per hero right now with a 10 month dry spell after Winter Wyvern.

Every time I see a genji with the oni skin, I am reminded how lazy I am
Then I remember that I don't play Genji, and don't feel as shitty

>Widowmaker skin
The biggest fuck you

She was there, though. But I take your point, she should have made some kind of appearance on the Frozen Throne or something. While we're at it, so should Jaina, or Muradin. All of them are intimately connected to Arthas, and none were there when he died

> Implying all mobers are not low quality autist bait.

Both of the games you mentioned have already a considerably larger amount of heroes available.
No point in doing monthly releases when you have more than a hundred of heroes.

Yeah even with the size buff it's still infinitely inferior to disrupt an entire team for like 3 seconds.