Best ff game

>best ff game

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Here, the only thing worthy out of bravely second, i saved you from a bad game.

maybe he meant bd

It was alright.


that's not much of an accomplishment when ff is the Naruto of RPGs

Naruto peaked at about chapter 70, during the chunin exam prelims, and ends at 700.

This means that FF, which peaked around FF6, will have 60 games in the series.

How does this make you feel?

It has good gameplay with a shit story, so no.

>Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Yeah but it's no FF


Its music surpassed ff thats for sure.

It was better with the uncensored costumes. Glad I emulated it instead

I don't understand why so many people here dislikes the Bravely games. The job and battle systems are great and the plot is not bad, art is also nice

It's funny how there were about 4 million threads about the Bravely Second censorship and then like 10 about the game, since it was underwhelming.

I swear this board picks the dumbest shit to get its panties in a twist about

Naruto peaked at Zabuza arc.
Chuunin arc was meh at best and that's being nice.

Guys the twist is that the slutty, obnoxious fairy that berates you all the time is super secretly evil. I don't know if you got it or not.

Garbage gameplay. The battle system is bog standard and does nothing to elevate boring encounters and shitty copy-pasted dungeons.


Pretty sure we all got it.

Sup Forums really does have absolute shit taste

T. Pizza Boy

I'm glad you had fun with it user, but the general consensus is that it was all right, but not amazing.
great music

General consensus here is that mount and blade is amazing, ffxv is decent, and undertale was goat.

This place sucks

Every jrpg needs to have battle speed and encounter rate settings. That was one of the most amazing things BD did.

The plot is terrible but everything else was pretty good. The music is the best part IMO

i'd say only the Sasuke parts in Shipudden up until the Ninja War are pretty good

Why did everyone dislike Bravely Second?
I thought it was better than Bravely Default.

I meant the general consensus everywhere

Also Mount and Blade is great and XV is decent

Undertale sucks tho

I say it do best in gameplay, but pretty meh in ost and worst in side stories.

Butchered characters, music and generic story was all it took for me to drop it and I loved the first game. Didnt even mind the loops.

>meh in ost
Yeah. It had some great battle themes, but that's about it. Really a shame.

>but the general consensus is that it was all right, but not amazing.

Oh user... The point of listening to others' opinions advice is to help form your own opinion not to overwrite your own.

If general consensus is that a romantic movie was good but I don't like romantic movies, general consensus doesn't do much for me.

You have to learn to extrapolate from input that is not your own and use it to supplement your choices.

Well i like the two soldier theme. That pretty rad. My favorite battle too.

>XV is decent
Opinion discarded


One of my favorites too, really like the beginning.

Wish there was a version without the vocals, though.


This is awful

Great gameplay
9/10 characters are shit
story is stuck in it's own ass

3/10 Wouldn't replay, but hope they recycle the gameplay mechanics for some other games.





>got an error about duplicate file

I still haven't finished BD. Got to the repeat shit, did the "bad" ending (which felt like a good ending to me) did a couple of the repeats and just stopped playing.

These are fucking atrocious and you, along with these "girls" should be thrown into fire

god damn it got one too

oh well

Why have we been getting so many Bravely threads lately? I'm not complaining, though.

Ringabel best boi.

Eh, vocal what make me like them. Sound ala nazi theme.

Objectively correct.

>Playing undub Bravely Second
>Voice sounds serious, like they're talking about getting revenge
>Text is about gravy.



What did he mean by this?

I really hope he's the main character of Third. Or at least very plot-relevant and playable again.


They didn't put the nip audio in Bravely Second? That sucks, I love Edea's Mio voice.

Don't be such a faggot, user.


Maybe you should have read our conversation? I was just saying that most people had agreed it was only all right, not that I was assuming that was correct because it was the general opinion.

Also, in this case, I've played the game, and the general consensus is correct. It's fine.

But you're wrong?

Bravely Second already has dual audio.

Gravy is serious business, user.

The dialogue in Second fucking sucks. It somehow manages to come across as even more childish than Default.

I didn't know that. I just wanted the uncensored version.

Oops, you're right. Misread who you were replying to.

But my point still stands: consensus means nil when you've already formed your own but means more when you're trying to make an informed purchase.

I know, I was slightly disappointed with his screentime in Second, even if the screentime was great. He better be a party member next game.

Why do Canadians have no lips?

Because the censorship directly affected the story. Remember how they changed the entire side-quest system so that no matter what you do, good things happen because they were afraid of hurting everyone's fefe's?

>loved the party chat in Default
>Second adds those tent scenes
>think it's more amusing character banter and maybe some backstory
>they literally just talk about food, even in the fucking final dungeon of the game

Fucking B team.