How alive is this game right now? Is it worth the 35 bucks from G2A?

How alive is this game right now? Is it worth the 35 bucks from G2A?

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I do would like to know the answer of this. I saw this for as low as 28 on cdkeys.

Can't say much about the pic scene but it was dead on PS4 a month ago, with 10 min waits on some modes, actually has a decent story mode though. Gameplay sucks in comparison to the 1st. You have no momentum and after every action you just hang in the air for a second while having less health than before so cod kiddies can instantly kill you. Long and short just play a better game unless mechs are your thing.

It's probably my favorite game of this year. The PC population is lower, mainly because of it being on Origin.
On consoles, it still has a decently sized player base.
The population is split depending on your region though.
This guy probably is in the Oceanic region which has a very low player base.

worth getting cheap just for the single player campaign, but MP is fairly dead. I'm on PC (Europe) and whilst it's easy to get games of Attrition, nearly every other mode is sparse and you'll see the same names in nearly every match.

The game also has terrible maps and poor balancing, the latter of which still hasn't been addressed. New maps & modes may be free, but that's only worth something if they actually release any and if the maps are any good.

I do like the game but until they drop better maps and address the balance issues I can't be bothered to keep playing.

The campaign is good, but I just can't bring myself to really enjoy the multiplayer.

Getting constantly kicked in the side of the head by dickass advanced cloaks ruins most matches.

SMGs > everything else in multi. They can compete with shotguns for damage at close range. They can reach almost as far as regular rifles without the ADS penalty.

Pistols, why did they even bother to add them?

Anti-titan weapons are only good for being annoying. Expect a swift head kick from any enemy pilot or titan fist at any attempt at sustained damage. Any decent pilot will pop electric the moment you rodeo.

The speed is nice.

Its at a constant 7-10k on weekends on PC. Otherwise, 5-7k on weekdays.

It should be made evident this is a shitposter or a kid who sucks at T2.

>Pistols, why did they even bother to add them?
The Mozambique is great. Perfect hipfire, one headshot kill up close, 2 shots anywhere else.

Should I actually get this on PS4 instead of PC? I know the controls aren't as good but I want to be able to play it for more than a few more weeks before it's dead.

>Getting constantly kicked in the side of the head by dickass advanced cloaks ruins most matches.

Work on moving backwards if this is happening until you can work on your reactions and reply in kind. Its sometimes faster to melee than to shoot, especially with certain guns (if its not a SMG or shotgun, you're going to lose at short range)

>SMGs > everything else in multi. They can compete with shotguns for damage at close range. They can reach almost as far as regular rifles without the ADS penalty.

Not going to explain why you're wrong here. Every gun has a specific range for a specific scenario as well as preference. Example, I'm into the two shotguns simply because I like projectiles and close range and can move fast.

>Pistols, why did they even bother to add them?

Pilot vs. Pilot exists. Certain builds don't use quick reloads on their weapons. Its totally preference. Why complain about options?

>Anti-titan weapons are only good for being annoying. Expect a swift head kick from any enemy pilot or titan fist at any attempt at sustained damage. Any decent pilot will pop electric the moment you rodeo.

You can hide your ability to rodeo as long as you don't grapple while you have that particular perk. You shouldn't be going after titans solo. Popping the smoke off titans is sometimes an advantage for team mates who are in titans as the electric smoke is a vital necessity to the enemy pilot who has to pop it off.

Anti-titan weapons are fucking godly, or at least the grenade launcher. The laser is not exactly my forte but I've seen excellent shots taken at pilots with them. It tends to serve as a good secondary to if you have a shotgun.

Where the fuck do you live?

>How alive is this game right now?
Still going strong for a game that had little to no advertising. Has a large dedicated playerbase. $35 is a great price for it.

>Can't say much about the pic scene but it was dead on PS4 a month ago
Don't listen to this retard. I play on PS4 and there's always 10k+ players on at a time.

It plays perfectly fine on PS4, though if you want to reliably bunnyhop and airstrafe, change to the Evolved control scheme.

I really do wish the damn game could get off Origin, though. Its so easy to see how much its hurting solely for that. Especially given BF1 is apparently ALSO dying.

It makes me wonder if I'm in the wrong to assume it should be on Steam, though.

>Anti-titan weapons are only good for being annoying

This is where I stopped reading

Literally git gud, Titans are ridiculously easy to hide from and take down

The PS4 version has more players and a motherfucking FOV slider. Controls are tight as hell, get it

They're dying because people on PC would rather play OW, CSGO, Dota 2 and LoL unfortunately.

Bullshit. During the day there are no waits however after like 11 pm eastern yea then there are waits for certain modes. Like I play hardpoint all the time during the day it's fine at night I wait at most 1 minute to start a game. Sometimes I just join the largest group and set up a group play and people join me in seconds. It isn't as bad as this guy says but it is jarring how low the population is for such a great fucking game.

Please don't let that put you off. Sure EA can go eat a dick but Steam being a monopoly is bad for consumers and we should try to avoid that.

I really don't understand why it bothers people so much. Just remove Origin from autostart and it will start automatically when you run the shortcut

No, I get that, Titanfall 2 came out in a fucking clusterfuck of a year.

Imagine my surprise that of all games to come back, it was Siege. Siege didn't just become niche. It boomed. Then it made sense in essence because while the premise of the execution is unique, its still a easy to pick up and play shooter compared to Titanfall 2.

There's this worry I have, you know, that people don't want the return of movement based systems. I see bits here and there of people complaining about bunnyhopping and I just don't know how to respond to that given its an incredibly easy technique. Do people just not enjoy the option of being able to run out of a firefight they can't handle?

I mean I say that while Overwatch exists. It provides means of escape. Lord knows its why I main Dva. I just like being able to move.

Oh I have it, mate. Don't worry. Fifty hours in and growing. I just want to like think from a business perspective and wonder how to get the numbers going up.

Just think about it, it released between CoD and BF1, okay, makes sense it didn't do good. It went on sale. During a Pokemon release. Fine, that's understandable. Then it had a free weekend after like a month so it had new players getting their shit wrecked hard by the veterans because matchmaking in the game can't deal proper players against each other on their skill.

Its infuriating, its fucking infuriating that this shit is happening to a good game.


use the MGL launcher on titans m8

The MGL launcher is the most blatant visual example of tiers I've ever seen.

It has such a wide gap ahead of every other titan weapon its hilarious that it hasn't gotten a nerf.

I fucking love grenade launchers, though, so it works for me.

>Is it worth the 35 bucks from G2A?
Why would you buy it from such a disgusting cancer site? Do you have absolute no morale?

And why didn't you buy it for 20 from Amazon just two weeks ago?

People like you are fucking insufferable.

Okay, can somebody explain to me the strafing technique on PC? Apparently its you bind hold crouch to your mouse, hold down, and jump?

I've gotten a good handle of never touching the ground but I wanna be fast if I have to touch the ground since the floor is lava.

softball for life nigga

>It has such a wide gap ahead of every other titan weapon its hilarious that it hasn't gotten a nerf.
I like the orange heatshot thing with instant shot the best.


Well there's obviously some bad blood between EA and Respawn so that's really the biggest problem behind its half-assed release

dont you need to use sprint as well?

Because everyone loves loosing money over a few hurt feelings. You really think EA would fuck themselves over for something so petty? I know they can be pretty stupid sometimes, but come on.

wont be surprised if Zampela from Respawn ejects EA like they did from Activision

No people like you are insufferable who try to act like you're superior and mighty because you're a complete fucking retard and think that all their keys are stolen. Please fucking kill yourself. I know you'll never reproduce but you should still end it all now

>You really think EA would fuck themselves over for something so petty?
It's not petty if you think that EA is playing the long con, wanting to buy out Respawn cheap.
Right now they're just partners and Respawn even owns the rights to Titanfall.


Never forget that Betheseda threw its entire reputation away just to screw over the New Vegas devs and to ruin a fucking company making their magnus opus just to force another company to overwrite their universe.

Oh, and Konami. If your'e a corporation, you don't have to give a fuck about fucking another company over. Especially when they're tiny compared to you.

Its sad, but I feel like they get away with it because the passage of time heals all wounds.

Dude this is textbook. I've worked in the industry, EA most likely want Respawn on their knees so they can buy them out. It's not the first time something like this happens and it's not surprising considering Respawns history

What is autosprint`?

All these people calling me out. Back in early November this game would go sub 5k some days. Thier free for all mode would have less than 300 on PS4. Mind you I play mostly weekday mornings. I bought battlefield, cod, and t2. If you care about how alive the game is just know it was once almost dead, and apparently that's changed since release according to this thread. I honestly recommended another fps. Hey though roll the dice.

We get it, kid. You wanna shitpost a T2 thread.

Also I'm sure him saying he'd buy it off G2A implies a PC purchase, so CoD's automatically outta the equation.

I don't know why you would recommend BF1 if he's looking at T2. They're clearly nothing alike.

Once again, where do you live?

European here, been playing the game almost daily since release without experiencing anything similar to what you're describing

Game is shit. If it was really good, more people would have Bought it. Don't fall for the bullshit about it not having advertising or it falling between bf1 and cod. Game is on life support and won't make it past January.


Op: how's the pop on game on October
Me: last I played it on a leading platform it sucked for some modes
You: lying troll...
Me: ok here are the numbers and why I resold the game before its value tanked, maybe that shit will happen again like it did in t1, and back when t2 first came out. If you care for a high pop game thier are more pop games.
You: troll

>I said some numbers so its automatically fact
>What's visual evidence


Does it average greater than 200 NA players online during peak hours?

How similar are the movement mechanics to quake 3/live?

Is there air control?

Is there instagib/freezetag?

How cancerous is the unlock system?

Don't listen to blatant shitposters.
It has 16k people on PS4 alone right now.

>Does it average greater than 200 NA players online during peak hours?

Peak hours is 7K in NA

>How similar are the movement mechanics to quake 3/live? Is there air control?

Why not just, look up videos?

Its nowhere near as fast as Quake. It has air control, air control, and slide hopping akin to classic strafing.

>Is there instagib/freezetag?
Instagib for certain types of kills, otherwise no. No freezetag.

>How cancerous is the unlock system?
Its the best implementation of the fucking prestige system because you just buy what you want forever with the credits and then restart over for skins. Otherwise, the medal system is the best leveling thing ever despite it kinda being pointless in this genre. I just like that its not stupid XP.

Btw, peak on WEEKDAYS is 7k, on weekends is 10k >

everyone fucking sucks ass at this game

players are fucking retarded

no one plays the objective

no one understands the game modes

no one is good

it's just faggot kids running around and shooting at walls

every fucking nigger either mains tone or northstar

there is no point in using weapons that take actual skill because the balance is shit

team-based shooters were a mistake

>How similar are the movement mechanics to quake 3/live?
Wouldn't know personally, but the options are definitely there.

>Is there air control?

>Is there instagib/freezetag?
There's a gun called the Kraber, EPG, and Softball that are instant kills if hit, but are projectiles.

>How cancerous is the unlock system?
You can buy the stuff you want by with credits, which is the in-game currency earned by playing. The stuff you buy with credits is kept when you regenerate, which is basically prestige. Said it better. There's 50 levels per regen, and you level up really fast.

You da real MVP

I wish I could pull this bullshit off but I'm just a shitty fucking sprinter.

I need to practice the grapple hook on empty maps.

What is coliseum mode? I have a ticket but am too scared to play.

Thanks guys I think I'll pick it up

1v1 with a set load out
>EPG (Tribes disc launcher)
>Phase Shift
>Frag Grenade

1v1, not sure why its ticketed. Its decent fun and it should be more alive if it wasn't for the ticket thing. I feel like that'll insure that's a dead mode later down the road.

NUmbers aren't facts:

10 players user. I though I had it shit but ten players on launch user.

Stop shitposting, kid. Its a game that gives you the numbers and some outdated (inaccurate) article isn't going to prove shit when you can launch the game and prove you wrong.

it is worth for like 60 bucks

>16k people on PS4
On PC it has between 3k and 7k, depending on the time.

Why is it ticketed? Do you win a reward unique to that event? Also what is considered the best load out and boost right now?

I think they just want to keep it as something exclusive and I don't really mind that too much.

>Also what is considered the best load out and boost right now?
Depends on the game mode.

So why the hell have I been seeing the Devotion of all guns being used more and more prominently anyways? I woulda figured the star of the game woulda been CAR or at Alternator.

I don't know why 1 vs 1 is ticketed. Its a dumb decision that I'm sure will be removed in the future. You get tickets like crazy for it, though, so don't worry.

There is nothing unique about the event. Its 1 vs 1 on equal footing. Its pretty fun and intense. I guess its just to make sure you are of an appropriate skill going in since you'd get blown the fuck up in seconds if you don't know what you're doing.

As for loadout, you should test everything. Everybody has a difference preference. The only universal thing I'd say is, and I'm sure people can argue with me on this, is you get Low Profile as soon as possible.

Try every gun possible. It should be emphasized that the guns you get at the start are the fucking strongest in damage. The CAR, Alternator, and EVA are sitting at the top and are the first guns you get. That doesn't mean they fit every situation you need for them since guns like the Devotion have taken up popularity in the Meta for some reason.

Mix and match, user. You'll find something unique to you. If you want to know what I use:

Amped Weapon Boost
Fast Regen
Low Profile
Satchel (Alternating with Firestar)

I'm built for speed so I need to focus on getting as close as I can to targets. It should be made evident that at long range, I lose with this but otherwise, I'm always at the top of the scoreboard and its a very objective friendly build.

So there is no universally considered broken guns? I heard SMGs are broken is that true and which?

There is no broken gun in the game. There are guns that you have a clear disadvantage of you using them (like the mastiff, as its projectile in a game with mostly hitscan weapons) but nothing that insures you win because you're using it.

I remember when people thought the EVA was broken. That was hilarious. Its range goes to shit at med range.

Still getting into matches very easily on PC, slapping nerds

this is reckless playing on my part, but I can't help chasing people down

I wouldn't go as far as saying broken.
Some have very good features, like the CAR being quite precise with good dps, but several are viable.

Actually after close examination I found that this is untrue.
Each of the anti Titan weapons fill a different niche, mgl is best at doing pure damage to an enemy Titan but you'll also generally put yourself at risk and it works best in quick sucessive shots.
Charge rifle is best for crit shots and instas pilots as well making it the railgun from quake if you want it to be
Archer is great for forcing counter measures, and disrupting a Titans fight. Not to mention smart use of it can run them out of boost and it's an almost guaranteed kill on doomed titans while freeing the user up to move around while shots enroute
The thunderbolt works best as a utility when the titan phase hits to quickly build another titan and do group damage

>Leave titan cause you know they'll be shooting at it rather than you

You cheeky little cunt, I love it

I honestly like the game more on foot because I can get cooler kills, so sacrificing my titan as bait always works well

>Charge rifle is best for crit shots
how do you crit shot?

Fire at the cockpit.
You can deall damage with any gun by critting the titan

Still alive on Xbox I don't know about the other platforms

If its alive on the fucking Xbox of all things, its alive on the other platforms.

Its got a learning curve, but I literally envy those who can move w/o, cuz now I need the hook or I'm lost. Love it with the epg, lets me position like a mother fucker on steroids. And its the best feeling when you use it to get out of tight spots.

Just remember to hook for increased momentum. I rarely use it when im not going fast, as its super slow and obvious when you are at standstill. Just keep your speed and reach for walls that have unnaturally large gaps.

Also play around with where you aim after the hook sets, you can swing to where your cursor is. this lets you slingshot yourself for even more speed and accuracy.

Speed is life, hook is hometown

>Never forget that Betheseda threw its entire reputation away just to screw over the New Vegas devs and to ruin a fucking company making their magnus opus just to force another company to overwrite their universe.

What do you mean?

consoles almost always have the upper hand in population for online games. Its also a much safer platform regarding cheaters.

Its a shame the game is not on sale, i mean it was a couple weeks ago but only that i've got the interest and money to afford it.

As much as the hook is nice as a way to gotta go fast I don't see how people don't use the sonar pulse it is just way OP. You can use it in any mode to get positions and as a counter measure when someone sonars you.

Its pretty funny to get a round ending kill on enemy titan by flying past his face unloading a mag of amped R201. Nades are cool too.

And Betheseda forced New Vegas to come out earlier and bug ridden so that it can get lower metacritic scores, thus denying Obsidian bonuses.

It almost caused Obsidian to go into bankruptcy if it wasn't for Kickstarter.

Betheseda is a fucking vile company but that particular history of theirs has been forgotten with Fallout 4 and the inevitable Elder Scrolls sequel.

Its just this sad realization that shit happens in the industry and its swept under the rug.

Because of the giant "SOMEBODY THREW A PULSE KNIFE" message you get that notifies the enemies?

Sure which is an excellent way to flush people out or get them off their game when they start getting paranoid. You may know you got pinged sure but you still don't know where the enemy is.

I'm pretty sure that the winner just gets an Advocate Gift

No I know but you can't deny that the element of surprise is not entirely absolute. There are things like for example, me using Stim on reaction of sight around a corner to make myself a harder target.

Its deadly on certain maps, though, especially in an open field.

I'm not really sure why the Devotion got so popular, but it's pretty fucking reliable if you use it as a Wall tactical with the threat detector scope. That said, most LMGs and even snipers work well with Wall

On PC? Not at all. Do not buy it. More than half the modes are dead already, let alone 2 months from now or 6 months from now.

Do you like Titan VS Titans battles? Too bad, you can only play the 2 most popular modes and a mixbag mode. Like CTF? Well you better hurry because in no time at all it'll be dead unless you know people to do private matches with.

Buy the PS4 or Xbone version and enjoy the freedom of being able to play any weird mode you like 24/7 and instant queues. All versions run at 60fps. All versions have 110 FoV. All versions have advanced aiming settings.
Even if M&K is your thing you can play with a mouse on consoles.

PC version is inferior because the community is half dead this early on. Any other advantage you might think of (hummm higher rez textures...?) literally doesn't matter if you can't play the game in the first place.

I'm going so fast that I don't have time to stop and look around. Constantly being behind spawns due to my speed. By the time I'm in an area I'm out. Been enjoying grenade launchers so I just fly in bomb out. sonar knife isn't going to save me from a titan, or let me have extra mobility when I need it. I don't want to wait and see if I'll get an oportunity, I want to pressure the enemy and I prefire anyways. Sounds are enough for me to realize where the spawns are, and if its a pilot then its just gonna be a fight anyways. Just feel like why use pulse knife when theres maphack.

Honestly the sounds you get are enough for me that I dont need the help of sonar visuals. Only pistols can be silenced and who does that, so its easy to be aware w/o a visual aid. I mean pilots are already highlighted, that was enough for me.

Why you gotta be a dick about that? Like, for real?

The PC community is active enough. You have higher numbers on consoles than on PC to get into certain modes more easily, that I'll agree on. The skill level between the two is quite different from what I've seen. I don't know about the whole mouse and keyboard on consoles thing.

Why couldn't you just phrase it like that? Why start a fight, man?

>the element of surprise is not entirely absolute.

True, but the pulse knife's ability is an advantage no matter which way you look at it. If you were shown where the guy who threw it was, then it'd be pretty shit. But as it is now you don't know if he's far away or with three other guys. Your best chance is to get out of range, imo.

That said, I don't think the pulse blade has that great of a range. It's best for small quarters, like the side buildings in that one hangar level.

lmao as a user of it, i mean huge clip count, turns into a lazerbeam of bullets in the last 20 rounds. easy to get multikills with, practically 2-3 shots. lol i dunno, once you get the sprint perk for it, just start winding up as you go into a room. no smg will outplay you, sure they will know you are there if you prefire, but the sheer firerate with 55rounds (w/o extended mags). It blows people the fuck out. Not to mention at close range its hip is pretty good. Great prefire gun for sure, as you just have to hold the trigger to win.

Just buy it off origin with a korean VPN

how much is 35200 chingchong in USD?

God, I wish the world was explored more. Why do I find the Pilot and Titan symbiotic relationship so fucking fascinating.

>Just feel like why use pulse knife when theres maphack

It depends on your build. I like most of the classes in this game, but I've had a lot of success throwing a pulse knife at a smaller, frequently-passed through building and placing a turret at the entrance. Most people are so worried about getting out of range that they walk into the turret.

G2A is a shitty, scumbag site that only cheapasses with no dignity use.

After all the obnoxious shilling this game got, i'm just happy it bombed hard.
Seeing the desperation of the cucks who unironically play this just makes it even better.
Futuristic shooters are completely dead, and rightfully so.

Jesus Christ, Bethesda is like the fucking Mafia

Welcome to how the meat is made. Its depressing fucking shit.

>Why do I find the Pilot and Titan symbiotic relationship so fucking fascinating.
I love the game but that shit is pretty generic. I do like how the story felt like Half Life 2 again that was nice. Really nice. I like the whole lone wolf on his own in enemy territory gotta escape and survive shit rather than the COD be part of an overwhelming invading force bs.

>Futuristic shooters are completely dead, and rightfully so.
Here's the thing, games like Infinity Warfare do future shooting bad and should die. Titanfall is an example of a game series that does it right but since there is so much utter shit out there it gets anchored down. In a perfect world only Titanfall would do games like this so the pool wouldn't be diluted.

Oh I didn't deny its original, but its apparently a trope I fucking love.

>The PC community is active enough.
No it's not. It definitely isn't. At all.

> to get into certain modes more easily
No, you can get into certain modes on consoles and not on PC. Point. End of line. There's nothing else to add, no nuance required.
Sure you can enter the dedicated LastTitanStanding mode once every blue moon on PC when 8 to 10 players are on that playlist, but in reality no one does it. On PC you only get titan-VS-titan action if you are lucky on the Mixtape playlist and still you need to suffer through shit like AmpedHardpoint to get into your prefered mode.

>Why couldn't you just phrase it like that? Why start a fight, man?
Because I'm being honest. Respawn did an amazing job porting all versions. They are all equally good. When the console versions are clearly superior (by the fact that every mode is active, rather than half of them) I don't see why I wouldn't tell the guy to buy those instead.