You aren't using Cherry MX blues, are you Sup Forums? Sup Forums gets a pass, but on Sup Forums? nah bruh. you fuckd up

You aren't using Cherry MX blues, are you Sup Forums? Sup Forums gets a pass, but on Sup Forums? nah bruh. you fuckd up

Other urls found in this thread: tester

I don't understand a single thing in that pic

>I'm a fucking faggot
could've just said so op

buttblasted blue switch user spotted

MX Blacks are great desu, I tried Blues once and didn't like them at all

who gives a fuck, you're going to be bottoming out keys anyway. it's all preference

I use my PC for a lot of typing and I use blues as a result. They feel far nicer than membranes and since I'm not being a tryhard in CS:GO or something I've never had any issues related to the travel and reset. Still, my next keyboard will probably be reds or browns.
Basically, different types of switches for keys on keyboards need to be released a certain distance before the next press is registered.

>its not for gaming therefore its trash.
Yeah they're not great for gaming, doesn't make them trash.

Brown a best.

Always has been, always will be.

It's not about bottoming out you fucking retard.

I like typing, so I use blues. I have a gamepad for actually playing games, you baiting cunt.

its actually very relevant you stupid nigger

>implying you aren't bottoming out the switch anyways

Who the hell actually spends time "midpress"? Unless it's a game where you have to spam keys a lot, blues are no different from any other switches.

Black switches are master race desu

Manlet and trapfags with small weak fingers need not reply

Reds are good if you have the strength of a 6 year old girl. Browns are good for pajeets that like the feeling of shit in their hand. Seriously though, browns are absolutely terrible. They feel like a red with a bit of sand in the switch.

Every MX switch bottoms out the exact same way. You absolute fucking cretin.

No one does. OP just sucks and wants reassurance that his hardware is the problem.

>he fell for the mechanical keyboard meme

Enjoy your clickity clackity clack

>blues are no different from any other switches.
Except they are. Why would you even post something so fucking objectively retarded? Blues and greens operate completely differently to the rest.

Reds were too soft for me, never tried browns

So I stick with my Blacks. Love the smooth but hard feel to them. Never misspress shit


Reading comprehension, dumbass. He said they aren't any different performance-wise, unless it's a game where you have to spam keys a lot.

And bottoming out almost always implies that you are fully releasing the switch to it's original position, a full keystroke. "midpressing" with reds offers no real advantage in-game, this thread is fucking gay.


>not playing with register actions on key down instead of up

Exactly. How else am I supposed to half-press to victory?

>he posted it again

buckling springs > fucking everything

>tfw pianist
>Can't even feel the difference in weight from reds to greens
They sure get nosier though

you can say, once you go black you never go back eh?

Placebo keyboards


Don't fall for the meme.

cherry blues for typing you stupid faggot thats what blues were designed for

Nope, browns and that's only because I write a lot of stuff and for some reason, to me, reds feel uncomfortable for writing

Browns are perfect.

>He said they aren't any different performance-wise,
They are though you absolute fucking retard. If you had two robots spamming keys as fast possible, blue and greens will ALWAYS lose out to ANYTHING else because you have to fully release the key to reset it.
>unless it's a game where you have to spam keys a lot.
Read: Every game ever that isn't turn based?
If you have to fully release the key to reset it, then you risk fucking up your inputs. Blues / Greens operationally are fucking garbage for gaming.

i tried blues once and they were absolute shit, i can't believe anyone is unironically using them for gaming

The reset point is right on the pressure point. It forces the switch back up to 0.2mm when it resets. Blues are so laughably bad for gaming.

>he buys mechanical keyboards at all

Yeah, but we aren't robots. And reds have an actuation/reset point 2mm down (4mm above base). If you tell me you can feel the difference between 4mm above base and 5mm above base in a timeframe that's short enough to improve your actuation speed, I'm going to have to call you full of shit.

As such, even with reds, the only way to make sure you're above the reset point is to fully release it.

Why not
Bought mine like 6 years ago, never felt I needed to switch, built like a tank

Let's talk o-rings

I want to try them out but I don't want to commit to a full set until I know I'll like them. Obviously they reduce the distance before bottoming out which might help my speed but I've heard they are uncomfortable and don't work

Cherry MX is trash. Rubber domes are better, and topre is even better

>I've never used either switch. Let me tell you why you're wrong
It's pretty obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. If you ever used blues, you'd know that the pressure bump when releasing the switch forces the switch to push up, meaning you have to fully release the key to reset it. It's absolute garbage for gaming.

Challenge: Give a single reason why you think having to full reset a switch is beneficial to gaming in any way. #

I'll wait.

Like I said: You have to fully release to be sure you've reset with reds too. I should know, I have them. It's impossible to repress faster than a full release and be sure your keystroke registers.

I'm not saying this is beneficial to gaming. I'm saying this is inherent to all mechanical switches, not a problem of blues in particular. Your picture is nice theory, would work with a robot, but doesn't work out in reality.


>Fighting over Red vs Blues
>mfw using Browns combining the best of both worlds

>Falling for the "gayming" red switch
Buckling springs are where it's at.

>using a typewriter for gaming

Browns are baby's first switch.

>making keyswitches responsible for how good you perform in games

people dont actually do this do they?

>something that is entirely down to personal preference is trash because i don't like them and everyone who disagrees with me is just salty
i don't think most people are autistic mechanical keyboard users in the first place, let alone give a shit about which switches they use

Pressure sensitive button master race reporting in.

The only *real* reason to want to buy a nice keyboard is to get NKRO and Anti-Ghosting.

Those are hard to find in non-mechanical, and even harder to find over USB.

Red's feel best for me. I'd like to try blacks one day, since I kinda like the idea of reds that need more force.

weird, I think my reds require just a little bit too much force

>Being this butthurt about the superior choice

Only Clears are better, but unfortunately rare.

I didn't get them because I'm trying to get an imaginary autistic advantage in my MLG montages, I got it cause it feels the best to me faggot.

Das keyboard 4 pro with MX Brown. Nice heavy metal face, two USB 3.0 ports, and sound knob. If you want a good full keyboard at less than $200 than this is it. Loved it since I bought it.

I use mx blues. That's a load of shit you absolutely dont have to completely release the key you can just hold it down half way it wont click but it will still actuate.

Retards actually think keyswitches matter for gaming it doesnt fucking matter unless you are a pro. Silvers in CSGO buying 144hz monitors 1000 polling rate mice and mx reds because they think they are for gaymers, kill yourself.

i have chinese knockoff mx-blues and i dont have to fully release the key to press it again

>are so laughably bad for gaming.
If your keyboard has that big of an impact on how you do compared to other people in a competitive environment, the keyboard isn't the issue.

You could hand me a fucking wiimote and a ball mouse and after enough time with them I'll be decent.

Definitely this.

I've completely forgotten about the pain that ghosting was. Feels good to strafe with W and D, hold walk button and talk on Mumble all at the same time.

wanted black for tat high actuation force but had to settle for red

>good full keyboard at less than $200
>price of a game console including a controller
>for a fucking PC keyboard

you should want 144hz for 144hz not to get better. Kill yourself

I bought myself a Corsair Strafe RGB with MX reds for christmas

did I fuck up?

Way to save the thumbnail, retard.

My man, the good man.

What a fucking strawman argument. If it isn't your hobby then you won't want to spend money on it. I'm sure that you spend money on things others would consider outrageous. And bedsides, you can't buy a new console and controller for $200 or less. Quit being a prick, you just look stupid.

>Scratchy browns are the best

I remember my first keyboard too. Daily reminder that mechanical = meme.

Brown master race reporting.

Brown master race

>If it isn't your hobby then you won't want to spend money on it.
>It is a hobby.
>So you NEED to spend a fortune on it.
That is such an American thing to say.

topre master race here

Blue lovers are autists in love with the clicking noises the keyboard makes.

>have a bunch of ibm buckling spring keyboards
>gf goes through storage and donates them off while I'm away

You're gonna be fine m8. I spent a few weeks clicking keys by accident when resting my fingers on them but after that it's all gud.


The enthusiasts, higher quality choice costs more.

No shit.

I tried a buckling spring keyboard for the first time when I wandered into a random PC shop in Akihabara. I was actually blown away at how much better it felt than Cherry switches.

I really regretted not buying a Model M when I could have gotten them for $40.



Topre feel like sheet compared to buckling spring. Have fun with your overpriced shit keyboard that feels worse than a mass produced piece of garbage from 30 years ago.

>The enthusiasts, higher quality choice costs more.
>overpriced chink trash
>higher quality choice
Oh boy!

Stop whining and get a job, maybe?

There's a reason people everywhere think it's worth it. $200 isn't that much for something you use for hours every day.

>Scratchy browns

You keep saying that in this thread as if it's a thing.

If you think there's any "scratchiness" in the switch action, you're either imagining it or you were using some shit knockoff switches.

I too find myself with a lack of understanding

I don't have to work for monies.
I didn't get there by wasting it on chink trash.

where could i try all the switches in canada?

I want to go mechanical but I don't want to buy before feeling every switch.

I have cherry blue because I program a lot on my computer.
Still able to perform well in a multitude of games/genres.
The only games where it really matters for fast keyboard inputs are games like starcraft 2 anyway. rts games are dead anyway rip
Mobas dont need fast inputs because of cooldowns and fps dont need fast inputs though you could argue that one.
.t global elite on cs, grandmaster on starcraft, diamond something on league etc

>I don't have to work for monies.
Autismbux or living off mommy? tester

smart investments
not chink trash

see if they'd be 5$ i'd go for it but 20$ just to know which one I want and not actually feel what actually typing with a whole keyboard's worth of the same switch type is not good

maybe I could call around computer stores who carry some keyboards.

>smart investments
So, trust fund?

>Glorified Rubberdomes

My membrane keyboard was just as loud desu

I use this

The F9 button is missing

I bought this but it hasn't arrived yet, it has blues. Did I fuck up?

Why do you think autists lube their switch stems? Even clears, which have the most prominent tactile bump, are still scratchy. Let me know how your browns feel in a few months.

>Buckling spring
Even bigger meme