So now even the Nintendoddlers are dropping the "hybrid" euphemism

So now even the Nintendoddlers are dropping the "hybrid" euphemism

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I want the normies to leave.

>twitter link
>"lol Nintendo BTFO XDDD"

Disgusting niggers, why isn't America just purging them all?

>Twitter whore.


Wait whats Maxwell versus Pascal?
Maxwell is the old ass chip?

You're trying too hard to fit in

Nevermind, just looked it up. It's using the same shit the Nvidia Shield had LOL.

I can't believe people need to be told a low end mobile device won't be as powerful as a real home console.


>32GB storage
>all modern games are 50+GB
are nintoddlers going to carry their external hard drives with them everywhere

>I can't believe people need to be told a low end mobile device won't be as powerful as a real home console.
It's a scam trying to sell a mobile game device (which usually flops in all markets except Japan) as another home console.

Why buy Nintendo when xbox is better

A weak home console is still a home console.

>Of course it's less powerful than PS4. You can only cram so much power into a portable device + battery life. :-p

They admit it.

>A weak home console is still a home console.
Normies don't know what a "weak home console" is. They buy it for the gimmick and then realize, nobody makes games for it, because it's a Pretendo 69.

Then it's their fault for being retarded, isn't it?

>Emily Rogers
Everything that comes out of her mouth is bs.

>Then it's their fault for being retarded, isn't it?
It's not the fault of consumers being scammed.


Yes it is.

Is Mother 3 coming out on the 21st anniversary?

hahahahhahahahahahah HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Posting this stupid attention whore should be ban worthy.

Of course it's portable, it's getting the next mainline Pokemon.

Nintendo has always been one gen behind.

No one ever assumed or said it was as powerful as the PS4.
please fuck off

Don't worry, the next Tegra they'll put in New Switch will be (nearly) as powerful as PS4! Too bad the PS5 will be announced by then.

Pascal is a die shrink and Nvidia is making the hardware this time not Nintendo.

it'll be as strong as Xbox one

>Emily Rogers

That's victim blaming.
False advertising is not the fault of the consumer.

Nintendrones won't need extra storage because they only buy Nintendo games, which are not that heavy

It's not false advertising though.

It was always a 3DS successor, I don't understand why this is something we need to argue. I am excited for this BECAUSE it is an HD handheld, - and being able to pop it into a TV for HD pokemon and other niche handheld games is perfect for me. When it's hacked, I will also have a portable Wii/GC emulator. It will be amazing for me.

I am completely uninterested in PS4/XBone - most games for these consoles will end up on PC anyway, which I do intend to upgrade. I'd pick up a PS4 for Last Guardian way down the line.

Presenting a 3DS successor as PlayStation-tier home console is false advertising.

>I'd pick up a PS4 for Last Guardian
Don't, it's tedious garbage

Back when everyone 'knew' NX was a normal stationary console, some even assumed it'll be closer in powerful to PS4K and Scorpio because "Nintendo would be retarded to release an underpowered system in the middle of the gen". It turns out that the worst case scenario is worse than we thought, and it's a tablet that's not even as powerful as XBO.

Pascal isn't just a die shrink, you absolutely ignorant motherfucker.

Go look up what FinFET is, and why it's the most important step for graphics processing in the last 70 years.

They didn't though.

Linking to twitter should be a bannable offence.

>It was always a 3DS successor

So this is just Nintendo trying to gracefully back out of the console market they've been in since the 80s.

Yes, yes it should.

Of course they admit it. It's always been like this.
>Sure it's old-gen, but at least is new, creative and fun ;)

And then they get no games.

It's clever. Now they can sell their handheld games at full console price, as well as trick western developers to make games for it.

>I'd pick up a PS4 for
If you have to, get it used. Preferably the games too.
Don't support systems that charges for online play.

>It's clever. Now they can sell their handheld games at full console price,
That's the scam.
>as well as trick western developers to make games for it.
That still won't work.


>Don't support systems that charges for online play.
80 % of video games don't even have "online play". Because guess what? Most people don't like it!

And? That's no excuse for supporting the practise of charging for online play.
And no matter games with online components being in the minority, any such game is essentially gimped and with cut features without online play. It's ridiculous and something you should not have to pay for.

For those wondering, this is what the chip is capable of, here's The Witcher 3 running on it.

X1 = slightly under Xbone performance, X2 (or whatever they're calling the new chip) is between Xbone and PS4 performance based on rumours but the X2 is much better in terms of power usage.

Will be annoying if they don't use the X2 as it's a better chip in every way and would likely not cost Nintendo any more to use but if you're looking at the console as a portable it'll still be the most powerful handheld around.

>trusting anything Emily Rogers says
Fuck off, Neogaf.

>Buy PS4
>Don't buy PS+

My dad works at Nvidia and just told me it is Pascal architecture.

>posts a multiplat game


This looks the same as the other shitty console versions.

This is false. That is Witcher 3 being streamed on there. It's not run on native hardware.

The X1 is way under XB1 and PS4 power. It's confirmed that Nintendo Switch will be X1.

>And? That's no excuse for supporting the practise of charging for online play.
You fucking don't get it, autist?
They don't give shit about spergs like you.

>It's confirmed that Nintendo Switch will be X1.

That's streaming you tard.
And even the X2 is nowhere close to ps4.
X1 is about 1/3rd Xbone and X2 is half the power of the Xbone. That's when docked of course, performance will drop even further when mobile.

No, being an uninformed pleb is.

I'd rather pay for online than pay for underpowered overpriced machines like Nintendo hardware.

It's confirmed the dev units used X1. We don't know what SoC will be used


I agree.

Who honestly gives a shit you fucking autist

Translation: "The employees I'm fucking for information know nothing else"

Being interested has little to do with it though. As I keep saying, it's not a practise one should support.
It's not something you should be charged for, and it can only become worse from there.

For instance. Personally I haven't purchased a second hand game in almost a decade. But the practise of being charged just to be able to play second hand games is likewise a practise that should not be supported at all. It's the same shit.
People should not accept completely arbitrary fees that they should not be charged for.

She's fucking a marketer, apparently. So the most she can do is 'reveal' vague details a week early.

Maxwell vs Pascal isn't a big deal graphics-wise. You're talking about 512 gflops vs 750 gflops. Both are shit and fall far behind even the original Xbone

The main place it's going to hurt is worse battery life. The smaller die process would have added ~30% battery life, and less throttling in handheld mode

Anyone can give me source or more pics of them pls

>Needing internal storage when the games come in cartridges

but that's completely wrong and you're retarded

Not even him but saying most people don't care about online play is completely retarded.

The NANDs Nintendo uses for 3DS cartridges are shit tier class 4 SD carts with write disabled. They cap out at 10MB/s which is less than half as fast as a fucking modern optical disc format.

You may not have played a 3DS game lately because you're just a stupid marketer, but if you had you'd notice that even cartridge games have load times. It may not be noticeable sometimes because Nintendo first party games are so small and graphically simple, but when it comes to loading a real game with real assets, it's going to take forever over a shitty cartridge, and Nintendo will probably be cutting every possible corner on this thing considering it's an X1

nice source

If you've ever dumped a 3DS cartridge you'd know how slow it is.

What about people who buy digitally? SD cards don't provide adequate storage when console games are 70+ GB each.

noone cares

Most games top 10-15gb games maybe more with dual audio, 50-100gbs are a fucking uncompressed mess.

They're going to have to use better quality flash for the Switch. Loading times are already pretty bad on the Vita (Gal Gun is probably representative of an UE game and the loading in that is frequent and painful) and the Switch would be worse.

Unlike current AAA developers who bloat the fuck out of their games, Nintendo has proven that they can actually code games.

Several Wii U games could fit on 32gb no problem.

>2017 and nintendo still cant into digital games

>They're going to have to use better quality flash for the Switch.
But we're talking about Nintendo here
If it will cost and extra 20 cents per unit, they won't do it

You can get a 256GB card for under $100. That's more than enough for the average user.


They can compress them on Switch. There's no real difference anyway, it's lazy devs being lazy.

3ds supports 128gb cards.
And you can slap a external on WiiU.

More like retards dont rescearch

Oh my god, they aren't even using the new Pascal chip in this thing? Fucking dropped

>3ds supports 128gb cards.
No they don't. You can only install up to 100 GB onto it. Yeah there are ways around that but they are clearly completely incompetent when it comes to modern technology

didn't the WiiU used SSDs instead of HDDs

not really, she is right with a few things, but most of it, is bullshit

>1TB SD Card

I can only imagine how fucking slow it'd be to move shit to that.

I have an SD card that reads at 150MB/s and writes at 90, which basically makes it faster than the PS4's built in HDD.

They arent incompetent,they are cheap.

Wii was supposed to be bundled with Motion plus right off the bat but Nintendo didnt wanted raise costs.


Not so much.

insert, thank you gif here

>They arent incompetent,they are cheap.
Supporting 128GB in your hardware but not in your software means that it's no fault of your technology partners who actually made the hardware (Foxcon, AMD, Nvidia, IBM, etc). It's yours for being too stupid to support it.

Most of 3DS and WiiU stuff is reused from past console.

3ds still uses a old ass reader and carts, WiiU still uses a shitty Powerpc tech. They are really cheap user.

Not arguing they're cheap
I'm arguing they're also incompenent

Nothing about the 3DS hardware doesn't support 128GB, it's only glitched because their software is shit

Should I even need to prove how incompetent they are when their software has more security exploits than any other console maker?

It took 4 years to get a working exploit on 3ds and WiiU.

Just because shit is wide open dosent mean they are stupid. But yeah 3ds not supporting 128+gb is dumb but they arent stupid of using proprietary cards.

And all consoles get hacked in one way or another but people have more interest on Nintendo related stuff.

>Wii was supposed to be bundled with Motion plus right off the bat
stop talking bullshit