What are the best lewd games for someone with a VR device? Preferably weeb

What are the best lewd games for someone with a VR device? Preferably weeb.

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Monster girl island is going well.

That game seems to be very early in its development. Do you know of anything more fleshed-out?

Neogaf told me summer lesson is a rape simulator

How well is it going

Custom Maid 3D


Well i've fapped to it

You honestly cannot deny that sex dolls and sex sims are nothing more than rape. VR is going in a direction where perverts can live out their rape fantasies with no consequences.

You have to go back

>17k dollaridoos per month

think about the lolis user

>sex sims are nothing more than rape.
I dont even want to know the mental gymnastics that one has to do to come up with this bullshit.

And this is wrong why? Better they do it in vr than irl, no?

both of these women look like they are in very uncomfortable positions




Best girl coming through

the money is in the porn

Where are our cheap(ish) $300 VR sets?


Look no more!

There are cheaper ways to induce vomiting, user.

Imagine creating some weeb game in your free time and that acknowledges that it has nothing, but pandering, and getting paid like a CEO or a surgeon

I believe the Chinese are working on headsets. I wouldn't be surprised if we see some lower end Chink headsets before the end of 2017.

>You honestly cannot deny that sex dolls and sex sims are nothing more than rape
>Sex dolls
>Raping an inanimate object

Neck yourself