Time for some good ol fashion nostalgia. Nostalgia thread Sup Forums

Time for some good ol fashion nostalgia. Nostalgia thread Sup Forums

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I'm probably the only one here on Sup Forums who played this

Remember when You were able to get demo discs for PlayStation back in the mid tomlate 90s at Pizza Hut. I still have like 5 of them one of which isn't even open.


Oh god I miss demo discs so much. I mean now you have to download demos which is more convenient but still it's just something about demo discs that made me feel great. Same with game manuals. I wish they would bring them back. I use to love reading the game's manual

>Hey user. You've been good all week and you did you good on your tests. You can have one game and one movie for the weekend



>yfw viewtiful joe 2 demo

I played this game repeatedly I don't know what was so fun about it

I saw this cover at the grocery store one day and begged my mom to buy it for me. I was so fucking hyped for San Andreas. I read this magazine every day until San Andreas was released. Goddamn it blew my mind

Same here. It was a simple point and click game but I was so heavily into it. I guess because I was a major Spongebob fag as a kid

All that and they wouldn't even buy you a vhs, just one for the weekend? Did you parent's hate you?

>cue March of The Empire OST


Played it. Game felt like an acid trip as a kid.

The gameboy color looney tunes game was fucking dense and well designed anyone play it?

Game pro, gone, EGM, gone. Nintendo power... How the hell did game informe come to be the last survivinggame magazine.

Nickeledeon was my life as a kid. I bought all the Nick VHS tapes and literally bought any Nick vidya game I saw. Some games were hidden gems like pic related

Oh shit a Ren and Stimpy game. Is it funny or just fun in general?

Both actually. You can actually make Ren slap the shit out of Stimpy. I would spend like 15 minutes just slapping Stimpy

System? Wish I would have had it as a kid to develop nostalgia for.


Sega Genesis

All grown up.

I had it for game gear. Probably the only good den and stimpyngame.

>tfw Pokemon had the chance to be as massively successful and popular as it was in the 90s with Pokemon Go but Ninatic fucked it all up
We almost got Pokemon Takeover 2.0 fuck Ninatic


It's lunch time user. Trade you my milk for your pizza

>mfw my friend had FF8 demo from pizza hut
was hype as shit


>tfw used to trade my pizza for gold in Runescape.

>The dog use to eat the carton of milk instead of drinking it.
This triggered me so much as a kid. Dumb fucking dog

move out of the way for a real mans game

Why did I buy this piece of shit?

take me back

>tfw no more Fruitopia and vidya game



Nostalgic faps?

Anyone got a link to this and similar games? The internet archive thing pulls some toonami games but they're hit or miss.

2 > 3 >1

So much cum sprayed to this show

Anyone remember this?

>All the music, AMV and music videos you want
>50% chance what you downloaded was porn
>25% chance said porn would be child porn
>All while giving your computer super aids
Limewire was amazing


>Licensed games will never be as God tier as they were in the 90s
Why are licensed games so shit now?





Looking at this picture makes me miss the 90s so much. Look at those colors