Take your favorite game and name a single change that would make it better

Take your favorite game and name a single change that would make it better.

Pic related.

>Kirby: Planet Robobot
>More sections based on specific abilities

I swear to god I searched but I can't find right now.

>fallout new vegas
>fix all bugs

Romance in Don't Starve

>That one tumblr fag that tried to make a more "inclusive" version of the Lord of the Rings

i support this

more like
>Fallout New Vegas
>make Enclave remnants a separate faction

Warcraft 3
Improve graphics + new campaign.

Naw, doesn't work thematically. Enclave was wiped out decades ago. It's bad enough the Brotherhood is still a thing, but at least they had the sense to make them broken, defeated and in hiding.

Being next to a romantic partner either stops or rejuvenates sanity.

>all those made up words for shit as things
>no white cis
real fucking diverse

>he'd rather have his dead shitclave then a stable and perfectly operating computer game

>Make it even harder

>Dark Souls
>Force Miyazaki to fix the entire second half of the game.

>any game
>protagonist is now a strong, beautiful transwoman of color

What the fuck do those words even mean



And delete unit cap, but make units sturdier and costlier

Get with the times, grandpa.

Hitler could have prevented this

I second this question, it's like you turn your back on them for few seconds and they come up with twenty new labels that sound more and more like someone played scrabble while drunk.

for singleplayer?
how the fuck would that work

Rape a rabbit.

bi gender looks like a confused french magnum PI

>the only actual male is a black dude
It might just be Sup Forums's autism rubbing off in me due to browsing Sup Forums, but this really does seem like propaganda to me.

>Transman: A woman who thinks she's a man
>Gay: Attracted to the same sex
:Genderfuild: Thinks they can switch around multiple genders at will
>Aroflux polysexual: I got nothing
>Transmasc: What?
>Demiromantic pansexual: I don't know the first one, but I know Pansexual is someone who would fuck anything that identifies as anything. So like Bisexual, but for people who want to be an even bigger snowflake
>Transwoman: Man who thinks he's a woman
>Lesbian: Female gay
:Demiboy: IDK. I know Demigod is child of a god and a mortal, basically a halfgod, so maybe someone who think's they're only half male?
>Asexual: Doesn't care about sex
>Bigender: Think's they're both genders
>Nonbinary: Think's they're some imaginary gender that's not male or female
>Bisexual: Would fuck a man or a woman
>Not sure what Aromantic is, maybe scent fetish? But maybe Demisexual is like half asexual?

I don't fucking know. Notice how not a single one of these is captioned "straight", and how they totally skin-washed Sans and Papyrus.

>Aroflux polysexual: I got nothing
This is what happens when you google it.

I think it's time to end things.

I recall demisexual was that they first have to get romantically connected before they can fuck you, so basically a non-whore.

Oh okay... I still don't get it.

>only divorced because he went off the deep end
>still loves his wife

This is so fucking stupid it hurts.

Aromantic just means you're not into emotional attachment. It's less of an orientation and more of an edgelord philosophy.

Don't bother thinking too much about it, just remember to approach with caution.

Because it is, look at how 'produced' that magazine and you'll see that Sup Forums was right again.

funny thing is, I'm jewish and totally agree with you

Look at those special snowflakes.

>F-Zero GX
>More Courses

>pic related is from GOOGLE
>only white guy is a numale with hipster beard and glasses

hmmmm.... really makes you think huh

Will we look back at this haircut/beard combo in 20 years and cringe like the mullet of the 80's and 90's?

>two trans females

If being a woman is so hard why do so many people want to become one?

tfw they were all white men who did all the work.


only good thing to come out of that

Would fuck Napstablook

Mullets are retrospectively cool, the numale look will be more despised than the toothbrush mustache.

That's the tiniest fucking nose ever.

no, you're just a neo nazi and literally hitler stupid goy

lot of them an hero in the end

So religious people would be demisexual? Why is not being a skank an orientation?


The reason I got banned from Sup Forums.

>Asgore, transman, gay
>has a son and ex-wife

These niggers.

it's a competition to see who can be the most oppressed

>you think it's hard being a woman? what about being a TRANS-WOMAN?
>you think it's hard being a trans-woman? what about being a BLACK TRANS-WOMAN?

>Fix all the bugs
>Not giving the Legion more quest so they have some stuff going for them

No, it's anyone who is only sexually attracted to people they know as friends

Forgot to reply to you, here
For demisexual

hopefully we can look back and have a good laugh about this in 10-20 years when its not the new phase thing

Why make a whole new sexuality for that shit?
Just say "I'm not into people I don't know very well."
Unless you're a slut or someone who fucks on the first date, that's perfectly logical. Don't go around saying "I'm demisexual" like a fucking dipshit.

I really have no idea. But I tend to dismiss anyone who describes themselves with any of these special snowflake things. I just know what they are since I go to a campus full of them

Quick, everybody try to name a game that would NOT be improved by fixing all bugs.

I'm so happy I finished college before this shit hit the fan.

>Portal 2

A lot of the transition puzzles in the latter half of the game boil down to "find the portal surface that's really far away"

Halo 1

also Halo 2. Superjumps.

ride to hell: retribution

Aromantic people are incapable of feeling romantic affection or attraction.

Basically all they do with other people is fuck.

I am aromantic and most people think I'm sociopathic but I do actually care about my friends quite intensely.

Street Fighter, the first one.

Dwarf Fortress with a real interface.

>Megaman X
>Being able do defeat Vile the second time without needing Zero to self-destruct

>Some days I'm attracted to you romantically. Other days you're a fucktoy and I have no appreciation for you whatsoever. This changes according to how I'm feeling when I wake up, when you do something I do or don't like, or just generally whenever. I knew I'm expected to be attracted to you based on commonly accepted definitions of relationships or romance, but it's 2016.
The lack of consistency would drive me fucking mad.

>it was 4 white men and two white women, one of which was fat enough to be mistaken for a man.

A better first 3-4 hours, I've had so many friends I recommended it to that lose interest in it before the ghost ship where the game actually starts properly.
Alternatively, remove the voice acting. Or add actual good VA. Either way, get rid of what it has now.

These looks like fucking clowns, LITERALLY

It is. Pansexuality. Willingness to fuck pretty much anything.

everything allowed on multiplayer is also allowed on singleplayer, or at least the missions

mario 64

Not have a story that's more broken than a crushed bone.

what the fuck is an aromantic demisexual

There are difficulties with being women, but being a man is much harder. The difference is that feminists don't care about men.

FPS control for movement, PLEASE.

And a proper soundtrack

aromantic means they don't fall in love romantically
demisexual means they only have sex with people with who they share a strong emotional connection.

Basically, they mean straight and monogamist in a special snowflake way.

i want a remake of this so bad, i used to play it when i was younger but if i were to play it now the nostalgia goggles would come of so hard the earth would split in two.

>cuddling with spider


A fucking walking contradiction.

crashes add to the game

Was it tank controls before? I don't remember.

oh thats just me, i guess

gayest way to say "straight" ever

Doesn't want romance/a relationship
Will not fuck anyone who they aren't good friends with

Honestly? Skyrim. The bugs and glitches are the only entertaining things about that game.

oh you....

You dont play Blade edge of darkness...it plays you!(srsly though it was so fucking clunky you pretty much had to pray your way through half the fights)

>regular male
>no regular female
Honestly surprised here, I was expecting normal males to be the only thing excluded here.

yep. Maybe I'll reinstall some day and configure joytokey so I don't need to push the fucking strafe button.

Original team is disolved, sadly. Not sure about who owns the IP, but a sequel/remake/remaster don't seems viable at this point.

It's a same. These days you can't see a game with that TECHNOLOGY. It's the little things, like the blood physics or the pathfinding of the AI

Wouldn't a robot-themed Kirby game just be Megaman?

It is really hard, and those guys will never know why

Have you ever thought of suicide?

>If being a woman is so hard why do so many people want to become one?

You can avoid a lot of problems because if you are Trans and somebody criticizes/ makes fun of you / disagrees etc etc

he is instantly called a homophobic/transphobic/racist cis white male

So as trans you get a free pass for pretty much anything these days at least in america

Skate 3, easily.

Legitimate mental illness, or people with unrelated mental illnesses willing to grasp on to any answer or promised salvation.


Marvel 2

Reminder the captions were added by Sup Forums later as some sort of bait.

Isn't everyone? Doesn't take a lot to be a friend in some sense