NieR: Automata

What do you mean, Taro? What the fuck do you mean?

I feel like I’m losing hope
In my body and in my soul
and the sky, it looks so ominous
and thus time comes to a halt
Silence starts to overflow
My cries, are inconspicuous

Tell me god, are you punishing me?
Is this the price I’m paying for my past mistakes?
This is my redemption song
I need you more than ever right now
Can you hear me now?

‘cause whether I’m shouting loud
Even if my words seem meaningless
It’s like I’m carrying the weight of the world
I wish that some way, some how
That I could save every one of us
But the truth is that I’m only one girl

Maybe if I keep believing, my dreams will come to life
Come to life

After all I’ve had to face
Signs of life all washed away
I can still, still feel a gentle breeze
But no matter how hard I prayed
Signs of war have still remained and I, I speak on my enemy

Tell me god, are you punishing me?
Is this the price I’m paying for my past mistakes?
This is my redemption song
I need you more than ever right now
Can you hear me now?

'cause whether I’m shouting loud
Even if my words seem meaningless
It’s like I’m carrying the weight of the world
I wish that some way, some how
That I could save every one of us
But the truth is that I’m only one girl

Maybe if I keep believing, my dreams will come to life
Come to life

'cause whether I’m shouting loud
Even if my words seem meaningless
It’s like I’m carrying the weight of the world
I wish that some way, some how
That I could save every one of us
But the truth is that I’m only one girl

'cause whether I’m shouting loud
Even if my words seem meaningless
It’s like I’m carrying the weight of the world
I wish that some way, some how
That I could save every one of us
But the truth is that I’m only one girl

Maybe if I keep believing, my dreams will come to life
Come to life

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I'm not even reading that cause I feel like the more expectations I have, the more disappointed I will be if they do come true

It means Automata is Pinocchio but Geppetto is dead.

Damn, what edgy 15 year old wrote this?

Taro-sensei himself.

>Tell me god,are you punishing me?
Funniest part is,he probably is.
Not because of any crimes,but because he's an asshole.

Meanwhile, God is sharing a beer with Taro.

It's obvious right now that a hidden exclusivity is at work. SE and PG should have no problem porting this over to PC, but they have been awfully silent since August. Like what Microsoft did with Tomb Raider last year, Sony came to SE and dumped a big wad of cash at their desk in exchange for allowing the game to be exclusive for the PS4 for a while. This is probably a response to how PC got Tomb Raider 9 months earlier than PS4 despite the Xbox exclusivity supposedly having a 1 year duration.

We got shafted, bros. Corporate money wins again over customers.

Please don't spread console shitposting to another thread.

It's too late. The combo of steamfags and platinumdrones have ruined Taro threads forever.

Hilarious. As if blind Taro fanboys weren't as bad.

Will it be comparable to MGR?

so did they get rid of emi evans?

So there is a faggot here who thinks writing "2B will marry me" is going to make it happen.
Sorry bub, i'm the one you are trying to steal from and it's not gonna happen.
2B will become real and marry me.

Okay buddy. Sure thing.

considering it's a completely different kind of game, no

Nope,she's still in.

>completely different kind of game
It honestly looks exactly the same, she even has sam's dash and katana.

it's a JRPG first and an action game second


No it isn't.


Yes it is.

How can 2B and 9S have better chemistry than these two?

Not that user, but it is, in structure more an JRPG (or JARPG) than a "classic" Platinum game.
Semi-open world, a certain focus on exploration, story-driven side quests, lots of dialogue and lore, slow-paced storytelling, etc. You would know if you played the first Nier.

>Sony is paying Square Enix a big sum of money to PRETEND the game is only on PS4
>They've officially announced that the game is coming to Steam in "early 2017" which is still on all official materials and every one of the game's websites, as well as named in nearly every press article about the game

Come on, user.

They haven't announced a date for the same reason they waited several months to announce the non-JP release dates; they're waiting to make sure that the port-specific stuff is on track to be completed in time to meet whatever date they choose before they commit to it publicly.

>taking out the mythical language and replacing it with a "LAWDY LAWDY" singer

shit game

It's got the same goddamn singer as Nier, and every song save one is in gibberish just like Nier

Every fucking single interview up until now says it's a jRPG first and action game second.

Just from the footage we've seen it's clearly much more like Bayonetta than MGR.

It doesn't look any more like a "JRPG" than the first Nier did. It looks like a standard ARPG with a heavy action-game focus, just like the first Nier.

No matter what happens, Zero will always be the best girl.

I don't have the interview link, but Taura said that the team are fans of the first game, and are planning on keeping the same "feel", and that is a JRPG more than an action game.

I don't know what press materials you're talking about because I'm sure as hell don't see Steam's logo in any of it.
>It's really difficult to put into numbers, but the image that I have is that maybe 30 to 40 percent of the game is action and then around 70 to 60 percent of the game is RPG. So it's not really a 50/50 - it's actually more RPG-oriented.
>Up until now we've been saying around 25 hours, but when I actually told the development staff that it would take 25 hours they actually said 'No, no, it'll probably take a lot more than that to complete the game.' [laughs]

>keeping the same "feel"
seems like it
>and that is a JRPG more than an action game
Bullshit. Did you ever PLAY Nier?

Look at this shit. This is the opening sequence of the game. It's got more flying enemies than Dynasty goddamn Warriors.

Calling Nier "more JRPG than action game" shows either a total ignorance of Nier or a profound misunderstanding of what "JRPG" actually connotes. I mean, yes, technically it is a Japanese Role-Playing Game, but it's a damn sight closer to Bayonetta than Bravely Default

>profound misunderstanding of what "JRPG" actually connote
Let me guess, dark souls isn't it a jrpg

Read JRPGs aren't just about turn-based combat or stats. The term is a lot more broad than how is usually considered.

I seems the one with the misunderstanding is you. A game doesn't need to be turn based to be an JRPG. Final Fantasy is as much of an jRPG as Dark Souls.

If Dark Souls is a JRPG, so is Bayonetta

It doesn't matter though; arguments over what genre any given game technically falls into doesn't change the fact that Nier Automata is very clearly the same "kind" of game as the first Nier, and the first Nier was as much an action game (just with a badly-designed combat system) as most of Platinum's catalog

>those veils
it means that the islamisation of the world really happened?


Back cleavages are a wonderful thing.

That is their ONLY acknowledgement of the Steam port. Magazine scans, gameplay teasers, and streams do not mention anything about Steam at all.

>the man himself saying that it will be on steam
what else you need, bitch ass nigga

Most of the announcements have been directed to the japanese audience, and in japan no one uses PC for gaming, only for VNs

that's some good backpussy

Well, and this

dont talk shit

>pcucks buttmad that they have to wait a YEAR to play GOTY 2017

>early 2017

localization :^)


>believing vague dates
>when publishers are known to push back releases

I'll believe it when it shows it entry here.

I legit miss her.

I fucking love her cosplays

Do you meet anyone from Drakengard 2 in Drakengard 3 or NieR?
Are there any references to this game at all?
I am really seriously thinking about skipping this one.

How is the gameplay compared to the first one?

Nope,just skip it.
The gameplay's better than 1,that doesn't say much,though.

They've nailed every vague date so far. We only just got the western release date like, 2 weeks ago, and it's still within the "Early 2017" window.

The gameplay is slightly better, but pretty similar. It has nothing to do with anything other than DoD1, and because it wasn't directed by Taro, most people just skip it.

The story is pretty generic too, and the characters are all shit, the only reedeming part is Caim, but he only shows up a couple of times.

Yeah But DoD3 was fucking terrible story and gameplay wise.

But it still has the weird and crazy stuff Taro fans like. DoD2 has none of it, and that's pretty much the reason people play those games in the first place.

I wanna play with 2B and A2 all day long while A2 sits on my lap.



Then why is 2B hotter?

You know,I finally figured out who 2B's cold personality reminds me of

I guess you can't when you've being sold to a brothel as a child. Zero never knew virtue, she's a shit.

you know it releases the same day as ps4 right?

That was bad info.


They managed to make the combat even blander because the weapon types are tied to characters and you can't freely rotate them until NG+ so get ready to swing that fucking sword a lot.

DoD2 is skippable as hell but I reccomend seeing a video online by Clemps or something, just for Caim and Angelus cutscenes.

Playing DOD1, am on my way through Chapter 5.

I've been using Caim's Sword this entire time. Is there any similar weapon that's better that I might be missing out on? Are there any weapons I should be using?

When I come up against the magic immune enemies they're the fucking worst and I'd like anything I can get to mow through them fast.

I finally got a ps4 pro so now I can see if motion blur actually looks good or not. 1080p will be nice too

Allies' magic works against red enemies and Ariorch's hold triangle attack is the strongest attack in the game.
As for weapons,longswords are recommended.I used Caim's Sword until I found and maxed Moonfire.The game is mostly not that hard,anyway.

Just bought Nier on PS3.
Is there any DLC and should I buy it all if so?
ALSO should I do my first run on normal or hard?

Thanks in advance

This is my roadmap...

>Buy an Xbox One gamepad for Windows and configurate it.
>Emulate Drakengard 1 through PCSX2.
>Emulate NieR 1 and Drakengard 3 through RPCS3, and pray for a solid gameplay with the pre-alpha.
>Buy NieR: Automata for Steam.

Am I doing something wrong?

>sony launch date announced
>people ask about pc release date
>"Sorry, we are only announcing ps4 release date, pc is still 2017"
>hurr durr pc is cancelled

fucking stupid fags.

Chapter 5, Verse 6.
Talk to every npc you encounter (and one of them will give you a katana (you need to speak to him twice if I remember correctly).
Max it up and enjoy easy mode.

There's DLC but it's not that important.Buy it if you want to.
Go with Normal difficulty.

>Please enter your name.
Uhhh, user I need more help!

Get a ps3 you dumb nigger.

Why normal difficulty ? Any reason ?

Is this even a thing?
Drakengard 3 already runs at sub 30 fps on real hardware.

I have Drakengard 3 on my CFW PS3. I have the Japanese language DLC but I'm not sure about the Intoner DLC. How do I know if I have it, and if I don't does anyone know where I can get it? It's available for NA copy?

Higher difficulty modes just make the enemies spongier. It's tedium not difficulty.

Alternatively, should i name my save Papa ?

Nier's the canon name.
Hard mode is just enemies with bigger health and you level up a little bit faster.

So there is no secret weapon for higher difficulty only then ?

Fuck,was Nobuyashi that good?I was going to max it but stopped very early on because I got lazy.

Any major big budget title like Nier is already constructing the game with localization in mind and already localizing the game for western audiences while they develop the Japanese version. Localization will add a short delay to the western release, but the PC release is likely going to be delayed due to a timed exclusivity contract more than it is due to technical or creative localization needs.

Prove it.

Nope.There isn't even a trophy.

"J'Nique" means "I fuck" in french.

Another stupid nigger name

Glorious heritage.

As a CFW person,I tried a lot to get the DLC,but it was to no avail.I hope you'll have more luck than me.

>hire the black woman with "I fuck" as a name to sing the theme and by extension 2B's theme
>"I fuck" as in "I do the fucking" as in "I have a cute robot girl dick"
Taro does it again. Pure poetry. Absolute madman.

For me it was perfect.

>bringing up a singular god in a universe that canonically has multiple

Jap version has singular.
Tranlsation got plural.

This is, indeed, confusing as all shit.