
Now that it's in early access, is there anyone playing this?

>windows 10 only and kikesoles only
yeah its dead

>$10 to unlock a single character
>in a world where Overwatch, Dota, and Smite provide all characters for free or a reasonable price

Defend this. And "LEAGUE DOES IT TOO" is no excuse.

It has some nice looking stuff but it was dead before it was born. Why can't people understand this type of multiplayer games are a horrible way to go?

>sign up for the alpha as soon as the game was announced
>eventually get alpha access code in my email
>try to log into their new website with old account
>they can't find my old account, tell me to make a new one
>make a new account
>no trace of alpha access
>Sign up now for a beta code maybe eventually!
Never bothered after that.


>for a single character

lmao even Low-rez does better then that.

what the fuck was this game thinking

Trying to get onto an already saturated market full of players incredibly loyal to their own game, only available for windows 10 users, and lets not forget >that art direction

If it manages to do better then Battleborn it'll be a miracle.

>windows 10
Just as many people that played Shadowrun on Vista.


Overwatch isn't free


Are you both fucking retarded? Overwatch gives access to all characters as part of the entry fee.

>only for Windows 10
You guys really need to be more informed about a game before posting in a thread about it.

It's not Windows 10 anymore. It's now owned by Perfect World which is ten times worse

>pay $40 for Overwatch, get all the characters
>pay $40 for Gigantic Founder's Pack, get all the characters
>or don't and only pay for the characters you like
I don't see what point you're trying to make. If anything Gigantic has more options.

It's better than OW and Paladins

PW has a fairly bad track record but so far Gigantic's F2P system isn't any worse than similar F2P MOBA games

>pay $40 for Gigantic Founder's Pack, get all the characters

Is this a permanent thing though, or is it like a preorder bonus? The game is not going to survive if every potential new player is turned off by being price-gouged for characters. League only gets away with it due to inertia. HotS can only just barely get away with it and that's a Blizzard game.

Founders pack gets you all current characters and future characters plus exclusive skins. So it's literally like paying 40 bucks for OW and getting all the characters and future characters.

It's the most popular free game on Xbox One. Beating Smite, World of Tanks, Warframe etc. I wouldn't say dead.
>muh epick Xbox meme

Yeah, I was in that pretty okay thread we had yesterday. Real fun game.

I never see threads here. Real shame, it's better than other games of its kind.

There were actually two yesterday, I'm sure they were made by the same guy. OP is probably the same guy as well. The first was something like "wow guys have you played gigantic yet" and then the other was a worded in a way that would incite an argument, which unsurprisingly lasted longer.

When the thread is solely about Gigantic it lasts 50 posts maximum and boils down to:
with little to no actual discussion, or partying up. There was a guy making webms during the last couple of closed beta test weekends though, but he's likely playing on W7 and can't join in on open beta festivities.

Yeah, exactly. So far every Gigantic thread has been memed to death by Overdrones who just spam the same garbage over and over again
>not Windows 10 lol dead on arrival
It hasn't been W10 exclusive for like a year


>memed to death by Overdrones

No need to throw blame to another fan/playerbase boy. I love this game to death but even I'm willing to admit it's not going to last a long time, so I'm gonna spend as much time with it as I can before it dies a very slow, unfortunate death.

Dumping a few fortune cards since the art on them is really cute. The placeholder ones were really boring.

isn't early access w10/xbone only? why do people keep saying it's not

>Windows 10

Nice digits but I disagree. It might struggle on PC because of the Arc client and because it can't shake the Win10 stigma but it's already doing pretty well on Xbone. It's only in open beta and it's the most popular free game on the store.

Yes, early access is only w10/Xbone for some reason but full release won't be

I don't ever get digits, that's neat.

I'm not sure how long that popularity can last, it might just be a flavor of the month thing, but it only took a week for them to climb to that spot. In an AMA I think they said they want to unite all the PC players, W10 store version and Arc people in the same pool despite there being some friends list fuckery going on.

Open beta is only on W10/XBONE right now. I don't know when they're going to go open beta with the W7/Arc client version.



Well Xbone and W10 are already cross-play, not sure how Arc would work into that equation. If they were smart they would have published on Steam, but greedy fucking Microsoft had to push their meme platform that no one uses.

Regardless, I play on Xbone so I'm not worried. Free games always have huge success on Xbox just because they're free and the store features the popular free games. Smite, Warframe and World of Tanks are all pretty big on Xbox.

So what's the game like?
Is it yet another moba/fps "class based" snorefest?

I wouldn't be surprised if they launched on Steam at some point. That's the one thing I'm banking on to keep the W7 pool of players from sinking. It won't matter too much to me since I can play on any of the platforms, but the bigger the pool of players/tighter community means more games happening faster.


It's like a MOBA without the boring aspects of a MOBA. No minions, no lanes, no grinding. But it's not like OW either.

Does it do anything other MOBAs aren't doing? Any interesting mechanics that make it worth picking up?


Yeah, because right now the W7 players, the biggest group of players on PC, are totally isolated. They don't get to try open beta and they don't get crossplay with the W10/Xbone people. It's like they're totally setting up the Arc players for failure. I'm not sure exactly what kind of strategy this is but I hope they get their shit together. Launching on Steam (like all of PW's other games) would make all the difference.

No lanes, no minions, faster leveling, lower TTK. Towers aren't actually towers but "creatures" with special abilities. Killing creatures and other players gives your team "Power". When a team reaches 100 "Power", their "Guardian" (basically their home base) charges the other team's "Guardian", making it vulnerable to attack. If you deal enough damage to a vulnerable Guardian, it gets a Wound. 3 Wounds kill the Guardian and make that team lose.

Pretty unique, if a little complicated at first.

Any weird classes working with placeable stuff?

Placeable stuff? As in turrets?

Right now only Griselma can place "turrets", she's definitely weird and unique.

are you?

OW costs 40/60$ you dipshit
pretty much every fucking character in a video game is game is free by whatever shitty logic you have

>bgame looks good
>has a playable frog
>but it's windows 10 only
I have Windows 10, but I don't even want to touch this because of how dead it'll be.

Download Wu's game!!!

what said, granny puts hands everywhere that shoot weird magic pellets at enemies. There's apparently a guy who has turrets/sentries of some sort coming out in the future, and I don't know if they're going to act the same way.

>the W7 players, the biggest group of players on PC, are totally isolated.

I heard there are more people playing on the W10/XBONE version even before open beta, as in people would be getting into matches faster. I could be wrong though.

Not bad but at the rate they work I don't expect many future characters at all.

You are a retarded animal. $40 is a reasonable price compared to the P2W insanity of League. Gigantic will die if it tries to go the League route in today's market. That was my fucking point, you dumb fucking moron.

W10 gets crossplay with Xbox Players my dude

I'm in the W10/Xbox pool and my queue times are faster than Overwatch some nights. No joke.



I love the art of the new Fortune Cards


Why is it so small

Any EU player wanna play sometimes?
The crew system sucks tho

They're making changes to it iirc