Hey guys are there any good Japanese dating sims with knee expansion?

Hey guys are there any good Japanese dating sims with knee expansion?

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Exploding knees are more to my tastes

kek dont start with this shit

Retarded fetish.

Wattu da fucku

Weebs need to me shocked by Pence


>mfw this was posted in /d/ the first time

>having a black people fetish


>""Weebs need to me shocked by Pence""
What did he mean by this?

Ok, no, this is too far now. This isn't a real fetish, you are just making shit up now.

/d/ called, they want their thread back


Go nuts.

>They with lumps



Have you forgotten rule 34, user?

the moment it was made, it became a fetish

Hahaha i wish.

My sides

This isn't even its final form

Goddammit /d/ this is why nobody likes you.

I don't understand what this is.

Well i cant say im surprised at this point.

Not as bad as the /d/orse.

Still not as good as chin pussy blowjobs. No one will ever top that fetish.

Absolutely disgusting.

Link now.

You've gone to far this time /d/

Ever wonder what people that save and post pictures like this look like?

>Knee ahegao

Is this a joke fetish? it has to be a joke

/d/orse? wat is ""/d/orse""

>50 years ago 20-30 year old protested against 'Nam and fucked like rabbits
>today they post disgusting fetishes

Really makes you think...


Dylann Roof would hate this fetish because he can't stand knee grows

You don't want to know. Trust me.


oh cool ironic fetishes
i am, like, soooo disgusted le cringe XD

since when did /d/ get invaded by normalfaggots

I had a friend look "knee hyper inflation", for someone that likes scat, guro and rape, that was the fastest I've seen someone close a tab in my life.


wtf he looks just like me

/d/ is getting more and more depraved each day.
Even futa is somehow "too casual" for them, that's all going to /aco/ instead.



called trump, you have to go back carlos
yes im mad

OP here, (what a coincidence) thank goodness my white father raised me as an atheist.
And thank goodness Britannia isn't gun nuts.


goddamnit user I thought I'd forgotten about that evil and now you had to remind me of it


Nobody takes this seriosly on /d/, even tf and growth fags don't care for it

i just googled it




You know that this is a /d/ meme, right?

What is it

Oh, I've seen nose expansion like 15 years ago, can't say I'm surprised anymore.

I can't even fucking describe it

google "Sup Forums dorse" if you think you can handle it

you can't

Why would you google it when you can just go to /d/?

It's really hard to find but imagine a big chin taking in a cock through some imaginary opening. Not a mouth but a chin, mouth is still there.

"Horse" people.

what the fuck

some weird fetish on /d/ where a girl gets captured and turned into this weirdly shaped horse thing with multiple rows of tits, a ballgag, and a giant constantly-ejaculating cock.

>butt expansion
>Notably high ratio of female fetishists


>Queen Stallion

>cars stuck in mud
>moldy oldies
People are weird.


can't say I go to /d/ much, but I sort of knew it's a joke. I saw a knee thread last time I went there, looked like they were fucking about.

but I do mean it when I say those guys are becoming too depraved, unironic knee expansion threads wouldn't surprise me one bit

It's not even that bad
Lurk more you faggots

You can't tell redditors to learn anything on the site that they can't just get from google user :^)

it's pretty fucking weird breh. someone should make a human caterpillar esque horror movie of a girl getting kidnapped and turned into one.

When you're basically addicted to porn, it's kinda like a drug. You seek more and more extreme things, the old stuff doesn't sate you anymore.
/d/ are the crackheads of the site, they're too far gone.


>Four Leaf Bhutanese Cutting Board Forums Productions presents:
>/d/orse: Human Horse

/d/ is the purest, you can go only so far into the rabbit hole before you realize that loving consensual sex is the best fetish.

Considering I just saw a few videos just today of some japanese cutie playing with her obese boyfriend's belly, I wouldn't put it past them to want things they can just grab and jiggle.

my fucking heart stopped for a second on that one

By that logic, I'd be swimming in bitches.

I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm finding knee expansion to be weirder than /d/orse.


Took me 10 minutes.

Now I'm laffin.

you sick fuck

>highly specific chart documenting commonly crossed wires people have
>whole chart is a bunch of crossed lines

>It's all going to /aco/ instead

Blame the mods. moot didn't want a western porn board because he felt that japanese hentai was what distinguished this site as being dedicated to Japanese content. It was also an argument of quality as western porn tended to be poorer. However, nips didn't have content for all the fetishes and thus the western posters were very persistent in trying to use /d/ for their porn, which the mods eventually accepted.

Then Sup Forums got their western porn board and the mods of /d/ decided to purge all western content and redirect it to /aco/ despite years of western porn on /d/.

Why does queens stallion remind me of pewdiepie?

/d/ here. You're all pussies

Something must be off with this chart, I don't see cubed fetish on there.


Isn't that good?
At least the scenario you're describing.
Because when I went on /d/ recently, I still unfortunately saw shitty western art being posted.

so who's more degenerate: /d/ or /trash/?

/trash/ is just furries and erp


is he on death row yet?


go back to your shit board and its 21 flavors of g-rated futa sexcapades, fag


furries are always the most degenerate since they want to fuck actual animals

Holy fuck, this is the best pun I've seen in a long time

Congratulations OP. This is a new one for me.

What in the actual fuck.

anything involving furries is immediately the worst.

Futa is way too vanilla, I wish it was forced off /d/ and banished to /h/ or something

They could have laxed it now because of the constant /qa/ complaints, but no it wasn't good.

Unlike most porn boards /d/ not only had board culture, people were perfectly fine with bad western porn. They knew they were a garbage can and that western art was just a side effect of nips not having art for specific bizarre fetishes.

Instead, they pushed all the people onto /aco/, which was a board dedicated to western porn with the same standards /h/ holds for hentai.

They ruined /aco/ and /d/ simultaneously over a retarded eastern/western dichotomy.

