What do you think of the current state of shootan games?

What do you think of the current state of shootan games?

>Overshit takes more skill than RNG strike

>Titanfall takes skill
>Titanfall has a playerbase
It should be in the bottom right corner, along with CoD

>overwatch on the chart at all
holy shit

>right corner

the only way arma3 is that high is if patience is a skill

>Arma II
Having a superior rig to win isnt skill

Here's the real chart lads.

>What do you think of the current state of shootan games?
I don't see any games in your picture.

BF has more players than cod.
Cod is dying at this point.

CoD is selling like hotcakes just like always though

to be perfectly honest as a massive arma fag

Even if you play with organized groups like I do, multiplayer versus "skill" is not very high, it's moreso about the tactics and maneuvering and using terrain

I'll give an example of a game we did yesterday

>30 defending with some retard AI mixed in directed by human squadleaders
>40 with a lot more retard AI directed by human squadleaders
>I was attacking team with a fireteam
>our job to overtake the enemy positions within a certain time limit and kill most of the defenders
>defenders to hold their line and use fallback positions until they can be successfully extracted within a time limit
>spearhead attacking forces are a couple BTRs that we send ahead to scout, mainline infantry follow up
>my fireteam is on flanking duty, we take the long haul to try to get to an elevated position
>battle breaks, defenders were tenacious and set ambush position along road in forest instead of sitting in their fortified position
>massacre from what we pick up off coms, two BTRs down and patrol with them are getting hit on both sides
>we set up facing the ambush
>HQ tells them to give it up, full flight to our position
>for the next 10 min we have allies running past us to form a new attack group
>finally ambushers try to follow fleeing guys, thinking they're broken/disorganized
>we light them up, unsure on actual casualties but we hit them hard enough to make them fall back


fps games are garbage
they've been bad for years

>below BF
>below titanfall
>below overwatch
>Arma II
>high skill requirement
You fell for the memes hard, son.

This is more precise actually but Overwatch should be far closer to BF/CoD group.

it still has more players on console

PC cod is completely dead but consoleshitters keep it alive

Never made sense to me why they started killing it ever since MW2. Even if the console sales were big, so were PC sales. They trashed their reputation in the eyes of PC gamers when it wouldn't have taken much effort at all to keep them pleased.

Threads like these are easier to pick out who has never played overwatch or CSGO

This. The games have a nonsensical reputation here. Many posters imagine them to be very different from what they actually are.


>amount of players
Oh you...
We all know only 127 people play that.

Where's rainbow 6 siege?