Even neofag is sick of Bethesda's shit, remember, studios read their forums

Even neofag is sick of Bethesda's shit, remember, studios read their forums.

Check out this thread, it's just 6 pages of people shitting on how bad the engine/writing/voiced protag/role playing elements are.


I get very upset every time someone asks Obsidian to go pick up the slack for Fallout again. That series is dead and Obsidian are better off making their own shit. Bethesda can keep raping the series all by themselves.

Obsidian needs the work senpai

Might as well get a good Bethesda-esque open world out of it. With a reasonable budget/deadline we could get a GOAT Fallout game

They're getting plenty of work already. Working on Pillars 2 and Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky (You know, two of the people responsible for Fallout) are working on a new series that will probably have new inspirations on its sleeves.

Again, Fallout can go fuck itself. It's irrelevant now.

>I dont like fallout so dont bother discussing how to improve it
Kill yourself

>Bethesda-esque open world
>Implying this is a good thing
I want this fucking meme to end
New Vegas would have been a billion times better if it was more focused instead of a generic Bethesda empty map simulator

GAF & Reddit threads should be a bannable offense.

I'n not even kidding. Its either falseflagging by posting some outrage, or its insecure shit like this like this that basically screams "look what the actual forum does!".

If Sup Forums threads about Bethesda shit arent enough for you, then fuck off.

It's unlikely we're going to get another Obsidian Fallout because IIRC Josh Sawyer once said in an interview that whenever Zenimax plans working with an outside studio more than once they typically buy them (eg. Arkane studios).

They did not buy Obsidian.

isn't the reason that bethesda won't outsource it to obsidian again is because they're jealous that obsidian made the better fallout game?

wtf I love Bethesda now

>obsidian will save the day!

KotOR2 and NewVegas Obsidian might have.
but Pillars of Eternity and Tranny Obsidian? i'm not so sure anymore.

sure, it would still be a big step up from todds shit, but not quite as good as back then.

I don't want a game that I can consume in 50 hours, I want a platform for modders that I'll play around in for 500 hours.

I've heard from friends working under Zenimax that they're extremely butthurt that the general consensus after Fallout 4 was "God I wish Obsidian made it instead"

>I don't want a game that I can consume in 50 hours, I want a platform for modders that I'll play around in for 500 hours.
In other words, you want a time-wasting simulator rather than an actual game with decent depth to it. Say no more, senpai. Bethesda and CD Projekt Red can fill you with the shit you want.

Daily reminder that Bethesda agreed to pay a bonus if NV got a good enough score on metacritic, which they missed by one point.

Daily reminder that the biggest complaints about NV on launch were bugs.

Daily reminder that Bethesda was in charge of QA for NV.

I don't actually think Bethesda screwed them on purpose, it's just fun to remind people.

>They did not buy Obsidian.
I can see why, everything they've made is over budget, behind schedule and had a ton of content removed to meet deadlines.

I like Skyrim.

The better the base game is, the better the platform for modding

Daily reminder that Fallout 4 got an 84 on metacritic (same as NV) despite pumping everything they had into it for 4 years versus Obsidian's 18 month development cycle

The bugs that got the most complaints are things that Obsidian must have noticed during development, like how NV animated everything in the cell regardless of if the player could see it or not. How did they not stumble on that? And a fix was released (by a modder) literally three hours after the bug was discovered.

Get Obsidian to make it on id tech 6. Or better yet, get id/machinegames/arkane to design the gameplay mechanics and build the world and all Obsidian has to do is write the world, characters, plot et cetera for them to follow. Let Todd write a side quest and then have him market it.

All Bethesda needs to do is tell the tech wizards at ID Software "we need an open world engine that supports the kinds of games we make, with extensive moddability", hand Obsidian $100 million dollars and give them 30 minutes on the E3 stage.

Literally a billion dollars profit for a couple discussions and putting them on a stage.

>Get Obsidian to make it on id tech 6
I'd be happy if Bethesda made Fallout 5 on id tech 6, at least then we could have ladders.

>Neogaf shat on New Vegas for years
>It's now the best in their eyes

Did they really shit on New Vegas?

The id tech engine can handle open world games, Rage was open world. Moddability is more about releasing the tools, although any not-gamebryo game would have less mods simply because the modder only know how to work with that engine.

The Obsidian that made New Vegas is dead.


Assuming they moved to a better engine (including a better toolset) there is no doubt in my mind that modders would be able to adapt.

Like, we'd be going from Source Hammer to Unity in terms of user friendliness, sure, it's different, but it's also significantly less convoluted.

NeoGAF a shit.

They need to organize a collective suicide.

One would think they did, and left it to Bethesda to fix it, because it was Bethesda's job to fix it.

Well then it would be their own fault, why leave the quality of your product up to a third party who is going to be paying you based on the quality of your product?

Because most people expect others to act in good faith and not deliberately fuck them.
