Fixed for you Neil


Other urls found in this thread:

>still flat
Delet this

Looks like a boy in disguise for some 90s comedy.

What with the goat legs?

Mouse drawing

Still looks like something I wouldn't buy.

Keep trying though.

Thighs need to be more THIIIIIIIIIIIIIC

I like how these SJW types want to be there own animal, and be one with themselves and do whatever they want from the norms yet when they want to show that a women is "strong, determined, and tough" they just make them look like the very thing they say they're better than (men).

Just goes to show that they know deep down they cannot escape reality.


>make a girl character
>she's not attractive

Why even make a girl character in the first place?

It's worse than before. You shouldn't make her more girly but more tomboyish cute.

The images are the same, though... am I being tricked?

She's still pretty qt if you looked at the trailer. But Sup Forumsaginas (like (You)) haven't and just want to fabricate another controversy.

Tortanic was a mistake.

This isn't being headed by neil

her eyebrows are different

No they aren't

Are you blind?

And it ALWAYS happens.

I laugh, pull out my dick, fap a few times, then go back to my business.

I thought you meant the scar at first but it's there in both images

They're the same


>that makeup
more like the last WHORE amirite

>That left foot

are those Rick Owens boots?

It's Pat!


We are still better than Neil

>It's another "I don't count it as female because I don't want to fuck it" episode

>no exploding knees

ITT virgins who haven't seen a girl without makeup before

they look exactly like Ellie

There's no such a thing.

Yes, every woman has broad shoulders and thick chin.

honestly the most retarded thing about her design is tattoos

who the fuck gets tattoos during an apocalypse




Muh concealing infection area so people don't assume I'm infected!

The women i know don't look like fucking men. Sorry, user that you live in a country hick hillside town or something.

i don't see a difference and it's driving me crazy

concept art was shit

she's fairly looking like a girl in-game trailer though

>naughty dog
>make terribly unattractive females
>games aren't even naughty in the slighest


brows were darkened(?)

is this actual concept art in the first place or just some user mockup

>They're the same
tomorrow you will get an appointment from ophthalmologist

>brows were darkened(?)
In the first one I kinda changed her eye brows' shape.
In the second one I didn't touch eye brows' shape just slightly darkened.

If either of these images is official concept art that's real fucking embarrassing desu

here's the official one

But the rest of the image is the same?

Christ, how do these people land jobs


shes supposed to be out murdering people right? Why the fuck did they make her so scrawny looking?

>But the rest of the image is the same?
i mean he didn't completely change her whole face but there are still some differences.

she looks even more like a tranny now

Kek she still looks like a fucking boy

this artist must be shot. then shot again.
fuck this is just lazy shit. maybe even traced from some photo

she looks like a mix of Mance Rayder from Game of Thrones and Carl from Walking Dead

none of which are female

Dude I didn't change her whole face, what did you expect?
> maybe even traced from some photo
Actually my imagination

>not even 20
>already balding

I didn't touch her face and just made her bald and added beard.

So they are ripping off walking dead now?

I mean I cant be the only one who thinks that SHE looks like carl from walking dead

i thought that was the original naughty dog artist, if you edited it abit it does not matter though

Let's be honest right now, the only reason any of us played TLoU because we were able to bash the fucking brains out of zombies with 2×4's. The only thing we'll get with the second is an equally boring story with no combat because Ellie is a boring, uninspired stick of a character

Fix'd again.
This is what happens if you make her bald and add some beard.She really looks like a man.

Sorry man.I thought you were talking about mine.

I would play as that woman.

>Sup Forums is still making a stink over CONCEPT ART that isn't even in the game.
Come on now.


How old is she supposed to be now?
If a girl spent her entire young teen to adult life getting the shit kicked out of her by zombos and hobos, living in mud and and probably severely malnourished I wouldn't expect her to be pretty, even less have access to makeup.

It drove me nuts in the new star wars movie when the main girl essentially grew up in an offworld gulag but when she was rescued she just looked a little bit dirty and was even wearing makeup. That shit is immediately immersion breaking. Ellie should be fucking hideous and unfuckable

you are right but i don't think intention is making her fuckable, just making her lookmore girlish? i guess


As in what? Wider hips, slimmer waist, bigger tits, anime chin, long luscious hair, porcelain skin?

I find that attractive but it matters little to a post apocalyptic survival environment. If anything she doesn't look ugly enough

Would you?

could someone post the original? I want to take a whack at this


Went from a dude to a tranny.
Send it over to naughtydog, it's
ugly and diverse enough to work.

This activates my elmonds

is that rick owens

There's no reason for her to wear makeup, a headband, or short shorts. And you didn't fix her shoulders being too broad.
The only thing the original concept got wrong was the shoulders and the haircut. Maybe the face too, but you don't fix that with makeup.


Finally the revenge plot makes sense


my sides

Arent feminists admitting the superiority of men when they try to ape their culture, clothes, aspirations and looks?


Trying too hard

Seriously who care if for once a female character in a videogame is not attractive ?
It's just as bad as pseudo-feminists always blaming sexualized females characters in videogames.
Just let people who make games do what they want, nobody force you to buy this game even if not buying a game because a female character is not attractive is super dumb and force once I agree, a tad mysogynistic.

So uhh, you did nothing?


Why are you so mad though?

In game (from trailer) though she was fairly looking like girl.Nobody denies that.

But most people making fun of concept art because she is really looking like a man rather than a female in there.

>Seriously who care if for once a female character in a videogame is not attractive
Fans of that character, dummy.

There were reasons they liked her before. It's idiotic to think that when the character changed their enjoyment of that character wouldn't.

Best abs


> TFW she's an ugly lesbian now
Its not fair.

Damn that's close

>she's an (ugly) lesbian

You might as well be gay bruh

don't expect dumb anime posters to have any actual taste in women


yeah, your right, not necessary to use ugly, lesbian covers that


Tortanic truly was the beginning of the end.

what's lazy about it? certainly doesn't look traced