How does pic related hold up?

how does pic related hold up?

Needs to be updated with The Last of Us, Uncharted 4, Uncharted 3, Uncharted 2 and Uncharted at the first five spots.

Why the fuck is earthbound so high


>Cave Story

Portal should be replaced with Portal 2, but otherwise this is a really good list for coming out of Sup Forums

>nintenyearolds in charge of rating games


Pretty shit list. No Pokemon game deserves to even be in a top 50 games of all time, nevermind being first place.


>Chrono Nigger
>No more heroes

well you baited me into posting congrats

>Top 100
>Ends at 90
Of course Sup Forums would be this retarded.

>that high
Grow up manchildren

It was vote based, #90 has 20+ spots

Mad shoutout to whoever put FF 9, replaying it right now and still great.

I like 7/8/9 so I'm not saying fuck those, but 9 holds a special place for me.

>Sup Forums's
stopped reading there

>yoshi's island and tetris not in the first column
shit list

also what the fuck is going on with those numbers

What is the red supposed to mean?

you have no idea how happy I am to see Red Alert 2 on that list

The list is worthless.

>no quake 3
>unreal tournament is at 90

whoever decided this is retarded


Best game isn't even on there.

Tied. This was vote based

First one was better, thematically it wasn't so weird. It was campy, but not hammy.

Everything past number 5 is a tie. That's way too many ties, did 4 people vote?

>Undertale not #1

Shit list

>MGS2 #60

No Skyrim, so it's a shit list.

>pokemon as number 1
>OoT even in the top 10

I already knew it was a shit list right here but lets continue onwards

>more fucking pokemon immediately in number 4
>starcraft being that fucking high
>top 30 games literally have multiple fucking Zelda and Mario titles
>multiple fucking Metroid titles
>multiple fucking Final Fantasy titles
>multiple fucking Metal Gear titles
>Goldeneye even in the top 50

I can't go on, this is a shit list. This sounds more like someones personal favorite games list where games from his favorite series are weighted so they can cluster up the top spots.

Garbage quality list. Not even gonna look at the other 3 columns.

>vote based

shit system, it was doomed to end up the same as every other fucking internet poll, vote spammed by manchildred nostalgia fagging nintenyearolds. Look at the top of the list with every fucking nintendo series shoved in the highest place they could get it.

Zelda fags and fucking Pokeniggers especially. This is basically a chart measuring the size of a fanbase. Games with bigger sales will always win this shit.

first one is fun. Stupid like hell, but still fun.

>sc #3
>gta3/vc/sa bunched together

in its defense, tf2 was only a year old by then , still a solid and fun multiplayer shooter

What about this one.


>Hey guys lets vote on our top 5 favorite games series
>PC guy can't choose between including Ultima VII or Underworld, is definitely putting VtMB and Deus Ex on there but is unsure about System Shock or Thief, can't pick between which System Shock and Thief game, wants to put one of the classic Fallout, Baldur's Gate and Diablo gmaes on there but can't fill it with too many RPG's since he also loves strategy games, but there are so many subgenres', does he pick from turn based with Xcom, from RTS with Total Anihilation/Supcom/Red Alert/Starcraft/AoE2/Dawn of War, grand strat with Victoria, 4X with Civ/Alpha Centuri, or a Total War game, or does he go for a Real Time Tactics game and pick Men of War or Blitzkrieg when suddenly remembers he needs a spot for Doom, Quake, FEAR, Blood, Duke3D, Unreal and maybe Half Life Op For as well.
>In the end he picks Deus Ex, VtMB, SupCom, Blood and Thief 2, other PC fans choose Deus Ex and 4 other completely different games, and only Dues Ex makes it high on the list
>Sony guy can't choose between, Crash, Spyro, Jak, Ratchet and Clank, Sly, Gran Turismo, Socom, Metal Gear, SSX, God of War, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Forbidden Siren, Haunting Ground, Burnout, Destroy all Humans, Shadow of the Colossus, Twisted Metal, Medal of Honor Frontline, Final Fantasy, Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted, Infamous, Dino Crisis, Oddworld or Demon's Souls
>Sony guys picks MGS, FF7, Spyro, R&C and Forbidden Siren, but only MGS & FF7 make the list
>Microsoft guy has to choose between Halo, COD, Ninja Gaiden, Kingdom Under Fire, Blinx, Kameo, Splinter Cell, Conker remake, Strangers Wrath, or Lost Oddysee
>Regardless of his picks, the only 2 games Xbots go for enmasse are Halo and COD
>Nintenshitter walks in, picks Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Metroid and Smash
>all 5 make the list since literally every Nintenyearold owns that trash since it's the only crap on the system and it's on every version of their shit systems

Nintenyear olds always win "Top games of all times" popularity lists because their systems lack a diversity of games to fucking choose from, even if a Nintenyearold only liked Smash and Mario and though Zelda and Pokemon were meh tier, what else is he gonna put on his list to pad it out?

Nintendo has no fucking games, so the few games they do have get overrated so much since the entire fanbase on focused on them, compared to other systems or PC where there is so many games that the fanbase is spread thin over them all. Nintenyearolds just blop around their 5 fucking series forever.

Keep crying

Mad that you've been exposed nintennigger?

MGS4 getting so much praise everywhere still boggles me to this day

Hmm, I'd put OOT for number 1. It's my number 1 that's for sure.
After that idk. The kotor series and mgs series would definitely be among the top 5.

I don't really like rating lists when it comes to "best games of all time". It's hard as fuck to just pit every single game in existence against each other. It would be better to just have a list labeled greatest games of all time without any rating. Just list the most memorable and impactful games.

I just get overwhelmed when I see those lists. So many supposedly great games I have never played.

literal bait

Most aren't really worth it. These lists tend to be the most popular ones, which generally means the ones which sold the best. You could probably just play any Pokemon or and Zelda to get an idea about the series, then decide if you wanted to play more.

>secret of mana
holy shit other people played that game?

Are you kitten me? It was one of the most popular SNES RPGs. I'm surprised to see it placed so low.

Legend of Mana was better

>pokeman/ocarina of time top two
reddit tier shit

Honestly a shit list with taste as bad or worse than reddit.

nvm I was thinking of sword of mana (?)
something like that

>no Shenmue

Is pretty decent outside of the pokemon games and some other terrible games.

could have been a passable joke if you hadnt included uncharted 1, that game was mediocre at best in any regard.