Mistakes Were Made

I purchased a HTC Vive and I think I made a huge mistake. I did a ton of research on the hardware and felt like it was the top contender for me to dip my toe in VR. I then realized it has nothing but shit indie demo games or Elite Dangerous and nothing else. I checked the 2017 lineup and couldn't even find anything via google for vive steam releases. That being said, the Rift has a lineup and the sony money grab VR has a HUGE line up of games too. Am I just panicking due to a large purchase or am I just going to spend my time laying on the floor jerking off to porn via my headset?

Also, I'm not into FPS shooter games and I think that's silly for VR. I'm into exploration and social experiences.

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you spend that much money without researching the games? you "dipped your feet in" with the most expensive option ???

>laying on the floor jerking off to porn via my headset

do you really need anything else?

Yeah, I dun goofed, I'll admit it.

You'll have a lot of social experiences with the 27 other people who own and regularly use a Vive

I just want a Rift to be honest, it was good enough for me when I tried it out. If anyone is in the Christmas mood then please send one over

OP here, so fucking true. I am really handy with home projects / carpentry so I already set up a wall mounted retractable cord system and made sure it would reach the floor. I should probably buy a carpet to put over my current one because reasons.

The cool thing I discovered about the rift is that there is a program for the vive that lets you play rift games. That's the only saving grace I guess.

Last I checked you can play the games for the Rift on the Vive. That was when the Vive first game out though.

OP here, maybe I will just buy a PSVR too once a good RPG or exploration game comes out for it. Money isn't an option for me because long story short, worked for the gov, accidents, now I'm paid a shit load to do nothing.

Change "HTC Vive" with "high-end PC" and "Rift/PSVR" with "PS4"

Your feelings of panic and resentment and doubt perfectly represent what every PCuck out there truly feels inside.

I got the Rift with Touch and find it's the best option, really. Better controllers and the two point tracking is good enough if you're not planning to jump around your living room.

Just a shame all those exclusives are selling at shitty high prices because you can only buy them at their store. Climb looked fun.

I own a ps4 as well. Someone really dislikes the PC.

Can rift do porn though?


Sold brb purchasing

If you're not into h-games VR is not worth it currently desu

In theory SteamVR allows all VR games to play on the Rift. The touch controllers just work like vive ones.

Though I haven't tested it. In AltspaceVR, Touch users have hands but some activities like sculpting don't work on them yet. That's probably more to do with the game recognising them as Touch though.


Can you play Vive games with the rift? I want to see how that Dota 2 VR thing works.

Serious Sam TFE and TLH VR
The Gallery
New Retro Arcade
The Lab

This is patently false though. Vive has better tracking and controllers, rift has a lower price point initially and exclusives, though 95% of their exclusives can be played on the vive with a bit of wizardry.

Steam itself is better because of the return policy, and that it's gonna be easiest to work with in the future.

Sorry but the Touch controllers are better because they're not giant clubs with steam controllers glued on.

Arizona Sunshine is also pretty good, as well as onward.
Neither are the vive controllers, they look like dildo holders, but they're pretty much the best vr controllers. But it's good that you have a different opinion man.

The extreme majority of Rift titles are just timed exclusives. Theyre coming to the vive dude.

>I'm into exploration and social experiences.
You should have bought a dildo then, faggot.

I'm with this guy

VR is failing bc it's a gimmick that is way too expensive. It will not catch on, like all its iterations before (3d included).

Look up ReVive - lets you play anything on the Oculus store on your Vive. The controllers map slightly awkward but are not difficult to get over.

Arizona Sunshine on steam is good game. So's Onward. Check out the Doom 3 VR mod as well. Croteam is releasing Serious Sam The First Encounter in VR in like two days. Doom2016 and Fallout 4 VR ports next year.

Don't sweat it. You chose right, the Vive

Also seeing that you want more exploration games - check out Obduction and Subnautica

He's a sonycuck. It's natural to be mad at a platform that runs games better and doesn't have paid online.

I know you probably repeat this in every VR thread for (you)s but it's pretty fucking dumb to think that pic related was anything close to what we have now. You're only making yourself sound like an idiot in front of others.

It is expensive though, both for the headsets and the computers required to run them. however both Oculus and Vive are selling way over their quota to profit, so they're far from 'failing'.

it really is not a gimmick, if you try and vive or oculus, shit even just a samsung gear, you would realise the potential is there for this to completely revolutionise , this isnt like shitty 3d tvs or other genuine gimmicks, this is really fucking cool.

PSVR is cool but I dont know where you got the idea that it has actual games

This. I tried a demo and it was better than I expected but I know Sony's history with it's gimmick stuff. It will be a miracle if we see any more psvr titles for 2018.

>tfw played the long game and got a rift, touch should be arriving this week
>tfw can play all valve/steam/vive games no problem
>tfw can play oculus exclusives (some of the best VR games like Superhot)
>tfw devving my own games and already made half the cost of my headset back

vr feels good man

I just discovered waifu sex simulator today, only had a rift for a little bit so far.

It's pretty neat.

Can you use PSVR on the PC yet?


Pretty great once you get used to 'drawing' in 3D. Major downsides to the voxel thing is a lack of crease and grab tools though.

I'm hoping somebody's doing something like it with auto-retopology mesh, like you see in Sculptris and SculptGL.

You got taken for a ride

these also Porn and watching 3D movies instead of going purchasing a shitty 3D tv or going to the cinema.

basically enough for a purchase for me, i won't though not until after maybe a year or more because i know the tech would become better.

Don't worry user, it can get worst.

Like when both the Rift and Oculus will drop to half the price when the new generations comes next Sprint.

Rift also doesn't require as much space for room scale VR. I still don't understand why you need a giant room when the wires won't let you go far anyway.

>I "dipped my toe in VR" by purchasing an $800 room scale setup where you need to nail sensors to the wall of your warehouse sized room

u seem stupid

The rift has exclusives again? I thought it was all ported over

There are many wireless addons being made but I can't imagine the battery life and latency is great. Maybe it will be a standard in the next gen.

No, Oculus just gave up on stopping people using revive to play the exclusives.

Thank you for participating in the social experiment "How stupid is the average American consumer".

Your input data will be of great use to milk more money from the folks that call themselves "gamers".