Heart Beat Sensor

>Heart Beat Sensor

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I played the fuck out of this when I was young, probably the game I have more hours in after TF2

I basically only used riot shield in that game.

Heart Beat Sensor was a load of shit. Only good for spotting campers behind the next wall.

Silencer on the other hand. Silencer as a weapon attachment is cancer. The damage and range reduction is almost no penalty at all since it means you need an extra bullet at most to kill someone. Something that's negated by automatic weapons.

The advantage of not appearing on the minimap when shooting means it's too good not to use. You either use a silencer, or be at a big disadvantage against those that do. Which is everyone.

sounds like you're a faggot who didn't play hardcore


I'm all out of laughing reaction images.

>He play casul

>not wanting people to know where you are

Sounds like you were shit

>Longer TTK is more casual

You're making a fool of yourself. Hardcore fags are deluded if they think increased damage and no HUD means they're somehow better.

I used to play Hardcore, but only to use my M-21 build.

M21 with silencer, and all of the stealth perks so that I was literally invisible to everything other than the naked eye.

That shit on Hardcore Search and Destroy was the shit. Used to sweep house erry day.

>B-but it's called hardcore! That means it takes more skill!

When will they learn, brother?

>low risk low reward
>not casual
Stop kidding yourself

>implying there's not a UAV up all the time anyway


How does that guy have an AC-130 if he only has 3 kills?

Taking 3 shots to kill someone instead of 2 is a huge disadvantage. That's 50% longer it takes to kill someone than if you weren't using a silencer.

>dual wield M5Ks

He died while having the kill streak and doesn't have a 3-kill streak replacing it

An extra 0.001 seconds for your hitscan weapon to kill a guy is irrelevant

GJ, silencers are now the reason every weapon is an instakill because it removes all recoil.

Surely this is better.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
Bad players literally get less kills this way.

Not possible. His whole team has total of 3 kills. He hasn't made more than 3 frags in that game.
150 points give that away.

My nigga.

>Stopping Power
>Steady Aim
>Akimbo 1887s


>p-please fire a warning shot first!
antisilencerfags are the worst

3 kills, Hardline perk bumped care package to three. RNG smiles upon him with a Sky Raper

If only you could save 360 messages

+ danger close + the resupply one + nube tube

Enjoy your dead game.

>Heartbeat sensor
>Sleight of Hand Pro

Racking up those EMPs every match


ghaha he's too retarded to get it

I think I'll jump to some CoD4 servers, just for some nostalgia.

>marathon lightweight commando with tac knife
>marathon spas
I want to go back

I cant put into words how much I loved this gun

Sleight of Hand
Stopping Power/Cold Blooded

Just flippin this over your shoulder and popping niggas from across a room

So good


>with silencer
It was ridiculous.
We called it the mosquito.

You have to be 18 or older to browse this site.

>marathon,lightweight and ninja on every class

Your game's dead. Because it was shit.

>CoDMW2 + DLC is £37.99 on steam

Why do they do this?


Modern Warfare 2 was the first truly awful CoD and, looking back, that was also the start of my distaste for multiplayer games as a whole.

>Nov. 2009
user it came out 7 years ago, I'm 22 now

So that no one buys it and just plays that instead of the equally low player count shitty new CODs.

I still can't decide if making shotguns secondary weapons was a good idea or a bad one.

It was also had the best multiplayer of any CoD.

It definitely killed my taste for mindless FFA and TDM.
You're literally not meant to buy it.

And yet there is something comforting about playing it.

It's like watching a shitty action flick. You know it's garbage but it's also not so offensively bad that you want to stop. Just a good way to waste time.

You can't write and what you're trying to say is wrong.
Sure you're still not underage?

>tfw streaming last night
>got 2 nukes in a row
>everyone stopped playing

hoping it goes back to normal soon

No, of course it didn't. The entire experience was utter garbage.

nice meme!

>scav pro
>stopping pro
>ninja pro

>M16 holo
>M93 holo
>ninja pro

>UMP silence
>scav pro
>stopping pro or cold blooded pro
>ninja pro



>MW2fag calling other faggots
This is it.
The day has come.

>ump45 silenced

>favela was never brought back to PC


>Climp up top with grenadelauncher and OMA
>Enjoy free nukes

Was forever disappointed with them being primaries in future games. Who the fuck wants a primary that is only good at certain ranges rather than a primary that works at all ranges?

RIP in pepperoni Secondary shotgun

Why do you post this and not leave in the first place then?

thank god

>Marathon instead of sleight of hand

You never needed to sprint forever
The faster vaulting was ok, but still


I preferred stopping power personally

fellow 22er here

Got my first nuke on Favela. With the AK47

Never forget. Was so hype I was nearly shaking

>tfw getting a savage harrier
>bzzt bzzt bzzt
>gets like 8 kills

My niggas

The summer after I finished secondary school, hopping on MW2 and playing with the homies all day every day was the tightest shit


I miss my online friends I had on xbox, sadly I can't log into my old account to try to play with them :(

22er here too.

Never really bothered with MW2 that much.

Played Black Ops 1 religiously and owned everyone. Like in Hardcore SnD where I'd be the last man standing and still win the game.
That made them rage quit. Got to Prestige 15.

Felt good bruh.

>ywn exploit the fuck ton of MP glitches ever again

I miss javelin suicide runs and running around with a knife at sonic speeds

If you didnt use Harrier/Pavelow + AC130 + Nuke the get the fuck out of my face

>stare at heartbeat sensor
>get killed in between beats

Retroactively stolen from overwatch

Not if he's using the same weapon without a silencer. And it's not an extra .001 seconds, more like half a second, which is huge in low TTK games.

>use steady aim
>close enough so where hitting is 99% likely
>spray and stay strafing because no reason to bring up the sights
>get cod children screeching or sending hate mail

Good times

>that teaser video with the snow mission
>holy shit all the shit you can attack to your gun
>the dedicated server controversy
>the boycot even though everyone bought it anyway
>remember no russian controversy
>the most hollywood ass campaign ever
>fun as tits multiplayer
>all the shit you could unlock
>literally cod 4 on steroids
>stealing other peoples care packages
>getting on top of that crane on that small ass rooftop map
>couldn't wait to get home from the shitty summer job to work on those prestiges everyday
Still the best multiplayer FPS game, those were the days.

>tfw I'm actually considering getting infinite warfare and mw4r for the ps4 after playing the free weekend
This was actually fucking fun. I played BO3 on PC and it was honestly a lot worse feeling than this with especially worse maps. Plus cod4 was my favorite cod with over 30 days played.

>hatemail from cod kiddies
the good ol days

>Steady aim on ump45
>Pinpoint accurace on hipfire all the way across the map
This game was so bad it was good.

This nigga runs in and slaps your killstreaks ass. What do you do?

activision jewery

>get harrier and chopper so fast the enemy team has no idea what to do




You forgot not balanced for lean

Man I've done this so many times.

Yeah. Its like the devs gave absolutely zero fucks about balance and shat that abomination out unhinged.

BO3 has fun multiplayer

BO are the only good games now.

Are the models still viable? I've always wanted to use them

I was that asshole running hardline, uav, counter uav, and a missile launcher to shoot down enemy UAVs every time I heard them get one.

Infinite warfare is great despite Internet memes. People are literally too shit to play the game.

Not the MP.

always feels goo

Not him but you really can't fault IW for having guns with better stats hidden in cash shop boxes when it's not the first CoD to do it


IW is literally the best MP since black ops 1. It's leagues better than BO3.