Potion Seller

Potion Seller.

I tell you I'm going into battle, and need only your strongest potions.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=potion seller

Oh boy I can't wait to repost the same conversation again

Someone buy me his album.

here you go

My potions are too strong for you traveler.

Don't listen to this
nigger, he has no idea how to brew.

Here. My strongest potion.
Good luck.

Before anyone asks, the warrior was in the wrong.

>Selling potions that are too strong for anyone to buy
>Not in the wrold

Are you man enough for the vape of healing?

>potions can't be diluted

I never understood why that video got so popular. It's not funny at all.

Any game where i can play as an alchemist?

Only my strongest potion for you

The clear mix may not look as good but it's slicker


>mfw potion seller wasn't lying

someone else already pointed out that the seller could have been running a business only for the 'strongest' of warriors.

transactions with weaker travelers could cause a dent in his structure, for we dont know how difficult it would be to even make a potion, or how extensive the complications would be if a customer were to die.

what am I looking at here?

here you go

What the fuck is this thread?

>you will never play a game where the emotional knight and dickass potion seller have to reluctantly team up to save the world

Why live?

But how would he know how 'strong' a warrior would be.

How did he know he wasn't strong enough?

based off a meme vid

Dunno, 3m tall, 2m wide at the shoulders, 500kg of muscles, light coming from the eyes, armor is a patchwork of different pieces making him look like a crossbreed between a tank and a clown car...
You typical RPG character

Can you please give a brief explanation?

Alright so hear me out now, the disucssion about potions doesn't actually involve any real potions. The Knight and the Potion Seller are in fact the same person. The Potion Seller is an alter ego of the Knight who constantly strives for perfection and as to push himself further he created the character of the potion seller to allow him to become ever stronger. A lot of people get this wrong but the potions aren't literal potions they are means for the knight to push himself to his limit.

He doesn't, which is why he is in the wrong. Also the knight has every right to buy the potions considering the seller is peddling them. Refusing him service for no reason because he "assumes" the knight isn't strong enough to handle them is pointless, he is hurting his own business and didn't even test the knight to see if he could handle the potions.
Also what sort of potion could ever harm the person who consumes it? I don't trust potions like that in RPG's. The "potion seller" is likely a poison seller instead.


am i the only one who thought it was crazy that a simple fish eye lens made for two decent character designs?

Im just saying, i could easily see the knight in some legend of zelda shit.

Open wide, here come the airplane
lmgtfy.com/?q=potion seller

me to

>Also what sort of potion could ever harm the person who consumes it?

Oh the memories of assassinating someone by healing them to death

Holy shit did I stumble into some reddit shit here? I can't believe you guys are this level of fucking losers

>no fun allowed

>Also the knight has every right to buy the potions considering the seller is peddling them. Refusing him service for no reason because he "assumes" the knight isn't strong enough to handle them is pointless
Would you let a child play with fire because he wants is? At some point, you have to take responsibility for those who can't think better for their own safety. The potion seller is obviously experienced and is not about to let some foolish young naive knight to choke himself to death in the middle of battle for some tiny profit made out of handful of potions.

>Also what sort of potion could ever harm the person who consumes it?
Have you played or read Witcher for example? Just an example but in a fantasy world such different potions of different metabolisms, races, and people might very well exist.

morrowind player abusing stacking restoration spell buffs to raise alchemy skill and make practically inifinitely powerful potions

from level 3