What type of games would this 'man' be found playing?

What type of games would this 'man' be found playing?

Mass Effect 3

Don't talk shit about my prime minister

Watchdogs 2

Dragon Age Inquisition



Her Story



gone home
dragon age 2

>tfw weed is legal in 6 months

I honestly, 100% unironically don't even care that he's a cuck who let in a bunch of mudslimes. Trudeau is GOAT

Tropico unironically.

Any game where dying makes you win

I think he's not as bad as Sup Forums makes him out to be, and that he's probably a better leader than Trump and definitely Hillary

Some normie Bioware game IDK

Justin Trudeau did *literally* nothing wrong


I swear you faggots are more obsessed over our PM than actual Canadians

Could you please cancerous Sup Forumsfags stop avoiding my filter?


this is vidya related

Well say hello to billions in tax revenue.

Cuck 2 the cuckning on a cuckstation