Action RPG

>action RPG


maybe Dragon Quest 11 will be good

Turn based combat is shit


What was the last actually turn based FF?

World of Final Fantasy

Well I like it.

If they had the technology to have a fully fleshed out RPG with real time battles in the 90's turn-based would never exist.

Turn based combat in its entirety is the result of a limitation of technology you faggot.

being episodic is a worse offender
it's pretty amazing how all those "legendary" games turn out to be shit
duke nukem forever was shit, tlg was shit, ffxv was shit and I'm sure shenmue 3 will also be shit

>duke nukem forever was shit, tlg was shit, ffxv
I bet you have not played a single one of them.

Zelda 2 had real time combat with RPG elements on the nes, and it isn't even any technical marvelous
This "turn based only exists because technology" excuse is bullshit

there is nothing wrong with either ARPGs or Turn Based.

Keep defending them, waiting a decade for a game doesn't make it any better

So did you?


It's literally going to save jRPGs, user.

Can't blame them, Turn-Base combat will feel really awkward with that semi-realistic approach.

i bet you think games like devil may cry or bayonetta will be better if they were turned based

Action-RPG and JRPG are different genres.

Of course he didn't he just trying to start shit. I wish you could only comment on the quality of games if you have actually played them instead of wasting everyone's time and pretending to hate video games


That alone kills it.

>It's literally going to save jRPGs, user.
lololololo spot the FF fanboy

So XCOM 2 would be better off as a shitty Gears ripoff? Gtfo.

>defending Duke Nukem Forever
You've gone to far with this hipster bullshit, Sup Forums.

I did not I just asked him if he played any of those games..


>playing RNG shit

TLG wasn't much different than Ico or SotC.

>fanboy of series
>not only wants something else to succeed, but
also be better than his favorite series
Are you stupid

This is a way for us to get Tetsuya Nomura's pretty okay gameplay and artstyle without his god awful stories, so I'm down, as long as he doesn't pass of the Director's baton again.

Action games will always be the best of the best of done right

There is not a single turn based game as good as NG Black

>NG Black
Not an RPG so not really a fair comparison.

Action RPGs are good if done right, so I'm looking forward to Neir Automata and Scalebound.

Was there a new announcement or something?

Nomura overseeing combat is the only reason I have hope. If it's got the command menu from kingdom hearts games it can easily blend rpg elements way better than fucking XV did

He said DQXI will save JRPG, he's far from being FF fanboy, user.

If the combat is as fucking horrible as XV I'm glad to know I won't waste the money driving and buying it.

Well, we'll know about it in Jan 2017.

>neo-Sup Forums

This is what new Sup Forums has become

Sooo I'd just like to jump up here and let you know that Zelda 2 is a horrible fucking example and self-defeating example of your point. Multitasking was a serious problem for earlier computers and game systems.

Zelda 2 requires you pause the game for when you need to use any of the abilities that don't involve stabbing things.

In Zelda 2 when actually casting magic you trigger a one-stack timer event to have the magic be case in the world which was intended purely as UI feedback. Which every strategy guide suggests exploiting by quickly casting a second spell or leaving an area so you don't need to spend the mana for high-cost spells.

Zelda 2 proves it cannot handle concurrent input because if you have a Dpad cracked in the middle, or an emulator you can cause the game to have a nervous breakdown and send Link flying across the screen by pressing left and right at the same time.

>can actually pull off special attacks through button imputs instead of watching a minute-long animation of which you have no control of
How is this not an improvement?

I am not shocked that the attention span of Sup Forums matches that of an 11-year old on redbull.

>Turn based combat in its entirety is the result of a limitation of technology you faggot.
Turn based exist for you control your entire party "at the same time"

Turn based combat that requires you to think is shit.*

>tfw too intelginent to enjoy tactical rpeeg


It's episodic because Square Enix doesn't want to invest their entire bank in remaking all of FFXVII.

First episode will pay for the second and make profit. The second will pay for the third and make profit, the third will be pure profit; ultimately letting them make back most of the money they've wasted in the giant cash sinkhole that was FFXIII, FFXIV, and FFXV initial release + remake to unfuck itself.

Both systems have their merits and to say otherwise is just pure bias and has nothing to do with reality. One major difference is that in this day and age, action games are so common that they are becoming dull. Variety is the spice of life.

>I'm a millenial with ADHD
>I want to press the most buttons possible for BOOM
>Thinking is for old people, I want to mash buttons

Fucking faggot.

What do you guys like about FF7?

The battle system is going to be changed
The story is going to be shortened and parts will be cut
Materia will be different because of the battle system
What's left to want a remake of a beloved game?

>What is FF Adventure and the entire Mana series
Secret of Mana even had full party real-time combat as early as 1993. Your argument holds no fucking water.

and we know the fate of episodic shit
>first episode comes out
>it isn't exactly what everyone was expecting
>sales are way lower what s-e projected
>episode 2 never

Tifa with HD tiddies :D

World of Final Fantasy
You could make 15 turn based if you wanted too

>It's episodic because Square Enix doesn't want to invest their entire bank in remaking all of FFXVII.
It's episodic because it started off as a mobile game before the success of the PS4. Blame Nintendo and the Wii U for Square's previous lack of faith in consoles.

I almost feel bad for people who thought that the remake would just be the exact same FFVII they remember except with improved graphics. But I don't, because the game they want to play already exists, and they've already played it, even if it isn't as pretty as they'd like it to be.

The biggest issue with TLG is that it came out about 5 years later than it should have

But you need more attention for action RPGs. You can sit there like a retard for most turn based games and a good majority of the games itself just tapping "Attack". That's not even gameplay.

Remaking a game of FF7's scale isn't gonna come off cheap, and they can't use shit like prerendered backgrounds and low poly models with no textures anymore

>ATB is shit

Whatever it is you'll complain and you know it. If it were turn based you'd be making a thread about how it's >turn based and you're dropping it because that shit is literally last century.

>But I don't, because the game they want to play already exists, and they've already played it, even if it isn't as pretty as they'd like it to be.
Correct. I'll replay FFVII and maybe have a look at the remake if it isn't a trainwreck.
Going by XV, it doesn't have much hope. Whatever.

The battle system was easily the worst part about the game. Nothing special about it, it was just a carbon-copy of old FF games with a limit meter and more options per character with materia. A new battle system isn't a bad thing.

Story will be shortened? It's a multi part series now, I think it'll be lengthened, hopefully with added sidequests.

Materia being different isn't necessarily bad, I'm curious to see what they'll do to Command materia, because that and Summons are really the only thing that can actually be fundamentally chained. Spells will still be there, maybe you'll cast them differently, but all the other materia was just passive shit that doesn't really add anything to a game besides bigger numbers.

FF7 wasn't ever my favorite in the series, so seeing a different spin on it is pretty cool. I liked the original, but changing it doesn't change the fact that FF7 on PSX still exists and if the new one sucks, oh well - we still got the first one. If they add new content or make the combat interesting, or give us Tifa tit physics, then that's all positive. Cutting content from the original wouldn't be that big of an issue as long as it's replaced with new content, because since the original already had the content, it doesn't actually disappear - you can just play it again on the original version.

could it be that (You) is more than one person?

>Materia being different isn't necessarily bad, I'm curious to see what they'll do to Command materia, because that and Summons are really the only thing that can actually be fundamentally chained
If XV is an indicator, summons and commands will be trash.

Have you actually gone back and played ff7? Most of the time you can win by just tapping cross during battle while occasionally healing. It's pretty monotonous

drive safe pupper

ARPG =/= Bad
FFXV is like a pre-alpha, FF7R will blow it out of the water I hope.

Turn based can be as difficult as you want to make it. The original being capable of being easy isn't a flaw that a remake would have to suffer.

Command materia will probably give you abilities like Scan letting you see enemy health bars, Deathblow letting you hold attack to charge an attack etc.

So if that is how they do it then it might become even more valuable than it was in the original

>XV = pre alpha for 7 R
Nope, Tabata and Nomura has a totally different taste in ARPG if you want to know how 7R combat will be like look at KH.

It's time to face facts, user. XV's combat system was actually worse than Type-0's.
You're only kidding yourself if you think they'll improve in time for the remake.

>he likes invincible rolls and mashing the attack button over planning out his moves with his units

Old FF ATB system is shit. Good FF turn-based combat is Tactics, 12, and 13 (late game).

I liked both Link Strikes and Summons in FF15 though, user. Summons were an optional RNG crutch that actually conveyed the power of the eidolons quite well while not actually mattering much in the optional endgame content, and Link Strikes were a cool customizable way to battle alongside your teammates, albeit overpowered as shit thanks to i-frames.

With a little tweaking, they could be both integrated perfectly fine.

The big concern I'd want is actual party commands, like a "Get the fuck away from the monster now" command.

>I liked both Link Strikes and Summons in FF15 though, user
I don't really know what to say to that. Okay.

I don't think 7R combat will be base on XV if anything it will be based on KH, Nomura's stuff.

Here's a fact :^)

FFVII Remake isn't using the FFXV battle system

I don't mind this desu. You still have the original for the original gameplay.

How would you have changed them for the better?

>Most of the time

You mean all the time.

You attack every single encounter and marvel at how the numbers get bigger as you level. I mean it fun, I had a lot of fun with it sure. But since you're remaking the game just go nuts, if I want to play the same game I'll play the original. Change the gameplay, change the plot even; give it it's own identity. Making it the same thing with prettier graphics is such a underwhelming thing to do.

a good action rpg is a good rpg.
a good turn based rpg is a good rpg.
so you want a good rpg user?
that what every one wants.

It's jut gonna be reskinned FFXV with probably faster combat and better physics. They're gonna re-use a bunch of shit.

In the FF7 remake teaser, Cloud crouches and goes through some gaps the same way Noctis does. It's gonna be the same and there's nothing we can do about it.

Well I say most of the time because a lot of the bosses are pretty involved. But the random battles definitely fall into this trap

I've actually been playing type-0 and fuck, I think it's terrible. I'd call it a waste of money but I only spent 10 bucks on it. I don't think I'll even finish the game though.

This. Nomura, for better or worse always has to experiment with combat systems. Look at all the Kingdom Hearts games he has made, and even the World Ends with You, not one of them has the exact same combat system as the other.

Good point. Maybe if the did something akin to ffxiii's battle system

> planning out his moves with his units


>take a good look at all hp bars, scan the enemy, check turn order, consider best plan of action..


I'm pretty sure the combat and overall gameplay of 7R will be very different from XV, Nomura and Tabata is like Left and Right, they're totally different when it come to game play and combat.

Honestly, I'd have maybe made the summons full animations show once and after that go the FFIX/FFX route of cutting down the animations so it flowed more naturally in combat.
Then again, I'd have scrapped the core XV combat system in the first place, so it hardly matters.

XV is worse, in terms of combat, though. At least Type-0 had proper dodge/blocking mechanics, action cancels, switchable player characters and a decent range of party members with a wider variety of weapon types, and upgrading your stats actually had impact on gameplay. Fucking Cater with maxed out speed and action cancel is basically unstoppable.

Fpbp, every single time.

Oh, and Link Strikes would just be replaced with actually switching active control to the party member in question, again like Type-0.
No i-frame abuse options there, either.

if that's the only way you play fft then I feel sorry for you

Did you not read the part that says, "Old ATB system is shit?" That's exactly why it's shit.

>World Ends with You

I don't know why you would think Nomura was in charge of that game, He was just an Artist and Producer. The only games he's directed are the entire KH series, Versus XIII, and now VII Remake.


Your command confirmation was circle you fucking shitter.

XV already did.

7R won't be as good as XV unfortunately.

Kojima was the producer for ZOE 2 but it was 1000xs better than 1, and he had nothing to do with 1.

That isn't even remotely true since XVs combat system is better than KH and Type-0 in every way.

You're only kidding yourself if you think 7R will be good when it's using an even shittier combat system where you can't even jump, dodge roll and has no aerial combat at all either.

>XV already did.

XV-kun, we meet again

Just because it's easy when you don't do critical runs doesn't mean it's bad.

>had proper dodge/blocking mechanics, action cancels,
XV has all that far better than Type-0 has on top of weapon switching and aerial combat. A single weapon in XV has more difference between entire characters in Type-0 and all affects stats which impact gameplay.


>neo Sup Forums is too young to remember playing great turn based jrpgs

its a sad day lads