How do we fix Nintendo?

How do we fix Nintendo?

Don't you mean Sony?

You cant fix them because nintencucks keep buying those lazy overpriced rehashes.

Whats the game of the far buttom right?

Fuck off nintencuck

How do we fix shitposting?

I agree.

>How do we make Nintendo more like Sony

By focusing more on graphics than on fun

>Whats the game of the far buttom right?

Detroit Become Human

Its Sup Forums, thats never going to happen.

This image actually perfectly exemplifies Sony's problem these days, boring realism with boring at times non-existent gameplay.

What a stupid buzzword. Millions of people have fun with COD.

You can't fix nintendo until they stop acting like a toy company.


CoD is good game

>Zelda relies way too much on graphics
>Pikmin was beyond casual
>Splatoon was a console shooter (therefore bad by default)
>xenoblade was a cinematic experience

They have way too many problems, it'll take quite a while to fix them if they ever acknowledged it. HOWEVER, to imply that Sony games are any better is laughable, considering that every single game on the bottom is plagued either by excessive hours of cutscenes, quick time events, lazy gameplay design, or just too much focus on graphics and not enough on optimized performance (guarantee you that none of those games run at a stable 30 FPS, let alone 60 FPS).

Personally, I would just stick to the PC for now, until Consoles get their act together.

>xenoblade was a cinematic experience
>TF2 image
Hello ACfag.

>I would just stick to the PC for now
>*bavk to playing indie meme game and boring slow RTS*


Millions of people have fun with Candy Crush.

Not that disagree but fun is not a metric of how good, innovative and how much work went into the games.

Nintencucks should stop acting like nintendos rehashes are the pinnacle of gaming because of their buzzwords.

I don't see an argument anywhere in your posts.

That's not fair, you only showed stills of Nintendo games, but you showed the Sony games running in real time.

I doubt you graphics fags even pay ANY amount of attention to graphics when you're playing a game compared to gazing at an screenshot.
What, do you spend most of your time panning the camera around like E3 footage bullshots the entire time you play?

>is not a metric of how good, innovative and how much work went into the games

Of course it isn't. Are you stupid?

>indie games and RTSs are now bad
>but movie games are just fine


oh shit

So nintencucks brag about bad games?

Your argument is entirely subjective and nobody in the history of this board has agreed with you 100%. Your autistic crusade is amusing but nobody will ever take your argument seriously.

There a lot of indie games that are """""movies""""" as you call it

They're having the wrong kind of fun.

nice cherrypicked zelda image ya got there faggot

Are you like his in person when discussing vidya with your friends? You should get your head checked if you have some kind of vendetta against people who enjoy things you don't like, kid.

>Not that disagree but fun is not a metric of how good, innovative and how much work went into the games.
It's a metric of how good the game is, it's just not a metric of innovation or spent resources both of which are moot, a silly straw is innovative, but it adds nothing more than a tired novelty that wears off fast. Spending lots of time and/or money on something doesn't make it good either.

Ok then

Yes, you sad twat. At least they're enjoying themselves while you sit here vomiting decade old memes.

I don't even like nintendo but
>implying interactive movies like last of cucks and david cage rape fantasy №6:now with robutts gonna be good because muh graphics

when did Sup Forums become autists who cares more about graphics than gameplay?
you are missing out on a lot of great games if you just play games for graphics
graphics are great tho, no denying that

sony fans on nintendo
>lol nice graphix xD

sony fans on pc

really makes you think

>what is steam?
>what is retroarch?

Not to mention
>15fps is perfect for me!

>what is retroarch?
The worst shit ever, emulators are bad enough but even worse when its one of those all in one ricer shit.

Well, have fun with those lazy rehashes.

Everyone pays attention to graphics while playing vidya. It's visual media.

You're pathetic.

>it's now autism to not want cinematic movie games

I'm sorry if you fellas have completely missed the point of this interactive medium.

>good graphics

No, you are.


30 fps movies are now "games"

Sad, really. *this* is who says Nintendo needs fixing. Just as much an autist as the rest of em.

What really needs fixing is the idea that games are meant to go in that cinematic grimdark, realist direction due to graphical power.

Seems the one who could teach that lesson ironically would be Nintendo, if we all were playing on the same grounds.

Now Switch is their chance to catch a bit back up to demonstrate what happens when you design a game by it's fun first instead of "you can go to that mountain!", Zelda included.

>implying Zelda BotW isn't going to run on minus 10 fps.

Back to playing almost every AAA game at a higher resolution and framerate. Oh no.

Whats your definition of games?

I think you missed the point for games that play differently then ones with kiddy graphics with no difference from a N64 gameplay

>pc has good graphics


Get off me, you drooling mongoloid

friendly reminder PS4 probably couldn't handle Dorf Fort past 75 dwarves

>Nintendo faggots trying to argue against the master race.

Shut up you inbred faggots, you are the worse console and fanbase by a mile the only reason to own your retarded consoles is if someone is a manchild and need their nintendo games.


Every one of your posts ever on this board have been the most autistic things in its history. You have probably made hundreds of posts exactly like this one by now. I can't feel anything but pity at this point.

>What really needs fixing is the idea that games are meant to go in that cinematic grimdark, realist direction due to graphical power.
YEAH! Every game need singing flowers and mascots!

Get laid you manchild.

leave Sup Forums

>You cant fix them because nintencucks keep buying those lazy overpriced rehashes.

assassin creed
metal gear solid
call of duty
dark souls

Funny that all the rehases are on sony systems.

Give them good hardware


Nice shitposting you got there m8

>Nintencucks should stop acting like nintendos rehashes are the pinnacle of gaming because of their buzzwords.
I don't think I've seen anyone actually suggest this who wasn't a shitposter/troll

People complain more about others shilling than I see actual shills. You'd probably extend your lifespan if you stopped getting worked up over these made up polar extremes.

I thought this picture was making fun of the bland color scheme of PS4 games.

source on the PS4 game?

This would've been a decent thread if you perhaps weren't a sonygger or a shitposter.

>dorf fortress

>People complain more about others shilling than I see actual shills.
I guess you are blind because you can find them right in this thread.

Don't worry, Switch is gonna fix it.

>sonygger or a shitposter

isn't it the same?

Nice strawman, normie tard.

Is that suposed to look good?

>PS4 doesn't have enough games to fill half a shitposting image
>Have to resort to posting the same game twice adding a no longer existent tech demo just to flesh it out

Loving every laugh m8.

Riddick aged well, cant believe this is a 2004 game. You can pass this off as a early 360 game easily

>Put's ("actual" Graphics) from marketing "screenshots"
>All of Nintendo's are gameplay

And again why are you playing videogames if you don't care about the gameplay?

looks like black ops 3

Oh my, an oxymoron, thanks for pointing it out.

Base them in reality instead of a quasi-dreamy fantasy convolution

what are the names of the two bottom game screenshot from sony. plz halp.

>PCfat moves goslpost from graphics to number of games


Not him but Nintendo has the worst fanbase of the 3. They literally fight amongst themselves about Nintendo. You have 2 sides to that fanbase. The ones that support Nintendo and every stupid decision they make and the ones that call Nintendo out on those decisions and wants Nintendo to do well.
The most divided fanbase of them all.
Last gen, the Xbox 360 fan boys were the worst. Now it's apparently Sony which I would totally understand given how they got shat on constantly back in 07-10

>I think you missed the point for games that play differently then ones with kiddy graphics with no difference from a N64 gameplay
At least games with "kiddy graphics" HAVE gameplay, instead of being glorified hallway simulators.

You feel pity because I feel strongly about games being movies? It's somehow wrong to want your interactive entertainment to ACTUALLY BE INTERACTIVE?

Shucks, I can rent a movie from redbox and the DVD screen has more interaction than most modern cinematic games. How about you pity the poor fools who buy into that instead?

The Uncharted one is ingame.
Just like the others.

of course he doesn't care about gameplay he has a PS4

We fix Nintendo by taking out all of the colors and making the games carbon copies of the bottom ones. They'll sell billions of units.

I'll be waiting for my check in the mail Reggie.

>gameplay is only when im shooting or slashing dudes


Naughty dog uses in game graphics for cutscenes. That's why they transition so well between cutscene and gameplay.

It is not.

In "engine' is one thing, but it's not gameplay.

Days Gone

Days Gone and Detroit Become Human

4K screenshot tool doesn't count. It does not look like that while you're playing it

Gameplay can also include puzzles, platforming, exploration, anything that can challenge you. When I'm being led along a hallway being fed exposition, then my interaction means almost nothing.

This is why I find most RPGs to be contemptible. Most of the time you play as an androgynous pretty boy traveling down a hallway with the illusion of open world gameplay and the illusion of depth. And it's mostly filler to get you to the cutscenes.

t. I didn't play it

Thats a screenshot when you are in Nates home

Yes that is what it looks like in-game.

I really am loving every laugh m8.

-Spend Sony levels of marketing on their next console
-Massive bribing and removal of publishing costs for third parties to make games for their next console

That's really it. Their first party games will sell just by name recognition. They just need to somehow get third parties to support their console more than Sony. Which is a monumental task.

>comparing 2 hour long movies with 15 minutes of gameplay to open world and roguelikes with 1000 of hours of gameplay

I'll the top, which has game play, over the bottom.