
pic related is 1000 times better than skymeme.
prove me wrong. protip: you can't

>8 KB, 300x168

I'm playing for the first time, 82 hours in, and can't really see that.

add a couple graphics mods and your'e good to go.

The graphics is not a problem. The problem is the same boring dungeons, with no rewards, no npc to sell stuff, money doesn't make any difference, exploration is just good at the beggining of the game, etc.

Also: npcs are completely dead without any personality, the ash vampires which you retrieve the Kagrenac tools from are shit and their dungeons too, the boss fight is completely shit and can be finished in less than a minute.

skyrims dungeons were all the same too.
choose between A. dwarven or B.dead viking cave XD

and the meme markers tell you where to go and what to pick up. the ending battle in skyrim was retarded as well as boring.

That's true, but there's that dungeon with a nature setting, there were wolves and bears and animals like that, and in the end you retrieve the sword of a Nord hero. That one was pretty cool.

>wild animals

Why do people believe the Skyrim has no variety meme?

You have officially been proven wrong

All those people that complain about Skyrim have never played it.

The visual representation of morrowind's combat is what they did wrong, not the combat itself. They shouldn't have made the game play like an ARPG if they were going to have a diceroll system.

All the humanoid enemies are same shit with different skins. Vampires spice things up a little but not really. So really it's
>rare fantasy creature
wow such variety

It's a screenshot taken at Morrowind's native resolution.

get gud and the combat is not much worse than skyrim
there are vampires in morrowind. also wildlife doesn't excuse a normie tier vidya.
remember im not saying morrowind is perfect i'm just saying it's better.
sad that a game that's 9 years younger is worse.

How about you learn to build your character? That's literally the only difficult in the game.

how bout you choke on this dick

Still better than Skyrim

>spamclicking with no stamina
every time

I wonder if the people posting these realize they were made as a falseflag parody, originally posted in the context of a "WOOOW WHAT AM I DOING WRONG FUCKING BUGGED COMBAT MECHANICS" joke

>Shit better than other shit
>Cow shit better than bull shit

>not showing you agility skills
>not showing your short blade skills

>cows and bulls are not the same species and don't have the same diets

Why are you so mad? How about you post another webm of you playing the game wrong to relieve some stress.

>"you just have to understand how it works to use it!"
>"after you get used to it, its really not that bad!"
>"skyrims dungeons are copy pasted garbage!"
jesus you people

>using quotes when green texting is quoting.