I've played tons of JRPGs but never a Dragon Warrior game. Which of these should I get for my 3DS?

I've played tons of JRPGs but never a Dragon Warrior game. Which of these should I get for my 3DS?

>Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
>Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
>Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
>Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
>Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
>Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

Other urls found in this thread:


bump desu senpai


fucking all of them

>Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
This one.
>Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
Never this one.

Play V

Play Rocket Slime

IV and V are probably the best starting points.

>Dragon Warrior

Fuck off, Burger-kun.


All of them. But start with Dragon Quest V or VIII.

Where does 4 rank overall?

You should play V then wait until VIII is released
Then play the rest if you want (III and IV are pretty fun) but avoid II

Somewhere in the middle, imo

Unless we're talking about its porn because the slut twins are the best

Dragon Quest III, IV, V and VIII are all tied for the best DQ game. But sadly, the localization for the western release of IV is really shit, knocking it down a few pegs.

>Every other jRPG you have to kill God
>In Dragon Quest you're bros with him

The only DQ game to have a male god is VII. And you fight him (kind of).

Sold. I was getting bored of Final Fantasies anyhow.

Avoid the DS/3DS versions. They screwed up the translations completely and removed features.

>God dies off-screen near the beginning of the game
>the grottoes that make up the postgame are the scattered fragments of His mind

DQ1: Fun short game. Basically THE blueprint on how to make a JRPG
DQ2: Not fun at all. Most likely the only DQ game that I would call bad. But only in the context of JRPG. It's basically DQ1 to the Nth degree but lack any real balance to make it fun.
DQ3: When everything came together. Might be one of the best JRPG ever made. It's basically DQ2 but everything wrong with that fixed while also expand upon it.
DQ4: I personally love it but the issue is which version to get. NES has annoying controls (since it only has two buttons) and a bit more grinding but great localization. DS/mobile (they are the same thing) is much better in terms of controls but fuck me the localization is fucking bad.
DQ5: Some people say it's the best in the series. I feel it's good but there are other better JRPG in the series. Still a must play.
DQ6: It's pretty forgettable. It has a lot of heart but for some reason nothing really sticks well.
DQ7: Now this is my favorite in the series. But it's long as hell but well worth it.
DQ8: A great 3D tack on classic JRPG in a time when everyone was trying to be different.
DQ9: MMO like game without the online. You can team up with friends to do raids which is nice. Sadly the online is gone and honestly without the team up it's kind of boring personally.

I refuse to play them on my phone though. Are there emulations with good translations?

Only for four

What version of DQ5 should I play?

3 and 5 fucking blow it out of the water, but it's pretty decent. Better than 6 and 2, anyway.

>I'm a nostalgiafag
>I like pretty graphics
>I want to be bound, gagged and have my dick tickle-tortured by my wife while she laughs at me

Which one has the rape horse that always shows up in the doujinshi?

DS. Despite a bad translation, it has the best content of all the games.

This doesn't really help.

What content does the DS version have over the PS2 version? All I've heard is that there's an additional romance.

I want to hug and kiss Deborah!
I want to get married to her and go on adventures with her!
I want to cum deep inside Deborah and ensure the birth of the legendary hero!

would you fuck off
there's nothing wrong with them and the only removed feature is the party chat in 4 and 4 only

An extra girl to marry. A few extra weapons and skills. A few more monsters to collect. Extra Parcheesi board. Extra end game boss. Faster battles.

>Faster battles
This might be my thing. I was having a good run with DQ9 until I lost my physical cart. Thanks.

yeah, the pointless running around in DQIX really killed it for me too.

Is the monster catching / training shit a huge mandatory part of V?

I hate Pokemon and I hate that style

You can play with an all human party for most of the game. The monster collecting was added mostly just so you could have party members when a story event took away a character. And most people just use a Slime Knight for those parts.

The strongest playable characters in the game are Great Dragon and King Cureslime though. So if you're all about min/maxing, you'll have to get those two.

bianca is best bianca
but deborah is best deborah

It's completely optional, but there's a significant portion of the game where you're only going to have your Hero character if you avoid it.
You can easily get by just using whatever happens to join you, however.

And after a certain part you'll have enough human party members to ignore monsters completely.

>you never got claimed by a loli when you were a shota
why do I go on living

>for 3DS
That sort of limits you as the 3ds versions of 7 and 8 are worse than their previous console versions. But if you are asking which is the best available to you, 5 and 8 are both very good DQ games. 4 and 9 are also good. But 6 and 7 are still enjoyable games. Honestly the only "bad" Dragon Quest is 2 with its mandatory items being completely invisible bullshit.

>7 and 8 are worse than their previous console versions
3DS of DQ7 is the best version. And really the only bad thing about DQ8 3DS is graphically. Which I get since DQ8 is a beautiful game. But in terms of gameplay DQ8 3DS is much better than the PS2 version.

Not that user but can you tell me what is better about the 3DS version of DQ7 compared to PS1? All I ever hear is shitposting about the music.

The 3DS version is a full remake, with 3D graphics, new content, and they've done away with random battles (has field encounters ala chrono trigger or paper mario)

The thing about the music is that they replaced the orchestrated tracks with midis because the composer decided filthy westies don't deserve them. It's just funny because the series' orchestrated tracks were originally a marketing scheme made specifically for the west.

well ...
the graphics, that's about it.

Class system is handle much better. When before it felt like you were grinding a whole bunch but now it's much easier to try out as many classes as possible. There's a radar for fragments which was sorely needed since you can easily miss them. Graphically it looks much more modern (but really I do have a fondness for the kinda 16 bit look of the PSX version). It's much more balanced which was a big issue in the PSX version where it felt like there was major jumps in difficulty which lead to grinding. Way more content like fragment finder which is fun. Sadly yeah the music in the Japanese was orchestrated while the English is MIDI (same issue with DQ8 3DS).

Why does the composer hate us?

The remakes of DQ2 have no balancing issues and are good.

>It's just funny because the series' orchestrated tracks were originally a marketing scheme made specifically for the west.
There have been orchestrations since the original Dragon Quest.
The west didn't so so much as get a single note of an orchestrated soundtrack until 8.

Basically, you're full of shit.

And the modern synth music is almost comparable to the orchestral versions, minus a few songs that sound drastically different. And while I say drastically different, I don't mean one better than the other. Both are great in their own way.

He's just generally an asshole, who denies that Japan did anything wrong in WWII and the existence of comfort women. Thanks to him there's a big warning when you open DQ Heroes that says you're not allowed to upload the music anywhere, or stream it.

They weren't in a game until 8, and in 8, it was a marketing scheme made for westerners.
>the midi tracks are just as good
you literally accepting second class treatment

He's a pre-WW2 Japanese nationalist. And so isn't a big fan of America. Funny because Horii might be one of the biggest fan of America and openly talks about his love of western games.

I have a love hate relationship with IX.
Some plot points were super cringy, but some of them were fucking great.

Hey, I'd love to have the orchestrated versions just as much as anyone, but you're making a big stink over nothing. The synths are just as good.
Now if an entire chapter of the game had been removed, that would be legitimately something worth complaining about.

Dragon Quest is like that in general.
The series also has no trouble giving some bad endings to whatever quest the party ends up going on during their journey.
And that's why I love it so much.

>Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
>Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
One of these two.

>Thanks to him there's a big warning when you open DQ Heroes that says you're not allowed to upload the music anywhere, or stream it.
Which still no one has been able to provide evidence of. It could just as easily be SquareEnix throwing a fit over streaming, as they got people's youtube and twitch accounts banned for streaming Dragon Quest X (even Japanese people).

What's more likely? A company with major control issues who has blocked or fucked up muiltiple Dragon Quest games is also behind nazi streaming policies? Or an old guy who gets paid wither they use Synth or orchestrated versions of his music?

I hope DQV's DS translation isn't complete eye cancer like DQIV's.

DQ7 fags who have finished the game help me out

beat demon king
in the process of awakening spirits
one left, characters maxed out in class trees as i didn't really fuck with monster classes much
lost alot of interest/ambition as i already have a pretty good idea of how the game ends

should i restart the game, drop it and wait for 8, or finish?

how much good stuff is left after the point im at

This only happens with Dragon Quest games and never any other Square Enix title.
You do the math.

Just power on.
You've got post-game dungeons to do!

This. I started with the first last year and went all the way through IX. Part of II, VI, and IX aside it was mostly fun, and I wouldn't even call those three bad, just less fun than the others.

Yeah, that's also not any conclusive evidence dude. SquareEnix also treats Dragon Quest like shit in many other ways besides its music.

You're just making it seem like SE has a vendetta against Dragon Quest as a series. With circumstantial evidence.

Hahahaha. Oh heaven's no, those accents are forever.

A large part of this is probably nostalgia, but Dragon Warriors 7, for me, was probably one of the best games I've played.

It really does feel like they don't want the series to succeed in the west. I can't think of any other reason why they would neglect it in the west to the degree that they have.

I hope you like Sesame Street, user.

For what purpose

Does it run well on original 3DS? I don't have a new3DS and I can't stand the framerate drops on the recent 3DS games.

Its pretty obvious they withheld advertising for DQ (and multiple other games) to put more focus on Final Fantasy. Hopefully with FFXV failing to sell as expected and FFXIV losing subs, they'll finally get the hint and revive all their neglected IPs.

>I hope DQV's DS translation isn't complete eye cancer like DQIV's.

You tell me.

oh neato

are they on par with the mid game stories/dungeons?

Is that real? Fucks sake.

So this is a joke by the American branch right? All just some ploy to see how deliberately shitty they can make their product and still have the audience they are """localizing""" for buy it?

>That sort of limits you as the 3ds versions of 7 and 8 are worse than their previous console versions.

VII is pretty different so I won't argue about that one, but it's pretty clear you haven't played VIII 3DS if you think it's worse than the PS2 version. That, graphics matter more to you than anything else.

>Hopefully with FFXV failing to sell as expected

ive been off Sup Forums for a couple months, did XVkun kill himself yet or what?

I though it was unusually that the stand by me ffxv ads were being spammed nonstop on adult swim, seemed a little desperate

While bad that's really the only bad part personally. There's some accents but readable unlike DQ4 DS.

It's funny how no one ever said anything about him except that he makes great music, until the English version of DQ VII had shit music. Then suddenly everyone starts saying he's extremely anti-west.

>Faster battle
Super Famicom version is the fastest

I don't speak Russian. What's so bad about it?

Why does Dragon Quest 11's trailer seem like a fucking Final Fantasy trailer?

I would be simultaneously thrilled and sad if I got to work on localizing a DQ game.

>Loto sword
What are you planning Horii

>watching trailer in glorious 360p because Youtube's being shit
>"why does this feel more like a Final Fantasy trailer"
>this scene
>"Is that the Sword of Kings"
>Hero draws sword
>holy fuck
Distant sequel to II?

can you link the trailer?

There was a lot of talk about Horii thinking back to DQ1-3. Hell Builders is a what if of DQ1 if the game actually lets you join the Dragonlord.

>While bad that's really the only bad part personally.
Uptaten Towers "WHHHHOOOOO ARRRRREEEE YYOOOUUUUUU?" and the 'hick' town are probably the worst dialects in the entire series. But in terms of sheer volume, DQIV is worse.


I HIGHLY disagree. Alena part alone is the whore in the whole series with Ragnar being second. DQ5 had bad parts but never to DQ4 level outside of the final boss.

The ads for FFXV certainly aren't helping things. A bunch of 12 year old boys hugging in a forest, then looking on in amazement as some digital JPOP boys fight a monster for them. Does SquareEnix even understand the audience for Final Fantasy? They'd do better just having a commercial aimed at girls.

But in terms of sales, all we have is Japanese sales so far. And its sold significantly less than Final Fantasy XIII in its first two weeks.

Its using the Coptic alphabet text to spell out English words.

>Hell Builders is a what if of DQ1 if the game actually lets you join the Dragonlord.
And it was fantastic.


CGI instead of hand drawn. That's the only complaint I have though.

I remember hearing that the president of Enix I think, made enough money after the merger that he could fuck off and live out the rest of his life in ease, so he did so and left the company in the hands of a bunch of Squaresoft guys, so yeah, Square-Enix probably doesn't give a shit about Dragon Quest outside of Japan. It's really weird though because no matter what succeeds, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, or both, they only profit from it either way.

I thought that at first, too, but then you've got this evil human emperor type and his bad knights fighting the party and that just doesn't seem "Dragon Quest" to me.

Kandar what are you doing with Loto's Sword

Only Horii knows. If I had to make a guess though, I think it would either be a story set on the same timeline as DQI-III or a separate timeline where the hero happens to find the Loto sword (since like Empycchu, the Loto sword seems to travel to different dimensions).

That entire part was so disappointing. It would have been a million times better if the hero joined you in the battle against the Dragon Lord, or fought along his side.

looks great

I love how everyone goes on and on about how much they hate the modern localization of Dragon Quest titles but absolutely adore Dragon Quest VIII.

Here's a news flash for ya: It's because everyone loved Dragon Quest VIII that we have these modern localizations.
Fact: Dragon Quest VIII used british accents because the head of the team felt that straight-to-english translations were boring.
Result: Because Dragon Quest VIII was so loved in the west, Square feels that there should be accents everywhere in Dragon Quest.

Fact: Dragon Quest VIII is arguably the most comedic entry in the franchise.
Result: Because Dragon Quest VIII was so well received in the west, Square feels the need to make each new localization more "comedic" by throwing puns everywhere.

tl;dr it's all your fault.

To add, right after pulling out the Loto sword, you can see everyone is on a pedestal that looks just like the Orb Pedestal in Dragon Quest III. Which might be used to summon Empycchu.

Agree. Just saying that Horii has been talking a lot of looking back to the first 3 DQ games. So DQ11 could very well be either a Builders where it takes place in an alternate universe of DQ1-3 or a sequel to DQ2. I honestly don't know if I would like the latter. Since DQ1-3 works so well as a whole I feel adding anything to it messes things up. But since it's Horii he'll make it work.
Still a bit shocked at how well everything looks in Heroes. Felt it would never work and the best we would get is DQ8 cel shading but they somehow made it work.

I dunno. Loto's Sword has only appeared in Dragon Quest I-III legitimately, and VIII - X as bonus items only.
It may travel dimensions, but it hasn't been part of the story since III. Or, well, II if you want to be that way. Or shit, Dragon Quest Monsters III takes place after II, so I guess that's the last time it was part of the story.

>I love how everyone goes on and on about how much they hate the modern localization of Dragon Quest titles but absolutely adore Dragon Quest VIII.

I don't. I was complaining about the dialects in DQVIII back before the DS games came out. Claiming it could lead to a lot of unnecessary changes later on. But everyone else was shouting me down. You reap what you sow.

But there are some major differences between DQVIII and the later games. Dragon Quest VIII is spoken, which makes dialects easier to take in. And everyone just speaks a variation of British, unlike in later games where you have bad Russian, French, Scottish and even some modified Hobbit speak. All text only so its even more cheesy.