Shantae games have never been popular, the only thing that keeps them in niche cult following status...

Shantae games have never been popular, the only thing that keeps them in niche cult following status? It's the fanservice females. That's it. Without that particular design aspect, the series would have died on the Game Boy Color.

Gameplay is seriously not special, story? These characters are fucking annoying (Rottytops does a lot of annoying shit but people forgive her because they masturbate to her). Shantae also never wants to kill the villainess Risky Boots despite how terrible she is, especially in the latest game which should have warranted Shantae to go "Bitch you're going to die for targeting my mother!" But nah the creators know that killing Risky Boots is lower sales because masturbators need to masturbate to her.

They didn't tone down the collecting (actually made it worse), and there's no gravity given to transformations or story (which was half-assed, vague, cliffhanger shit yet again). No substantial marketing. And there's just shirts at Fangamer for merch.

Really let's stop pretending that the Shantae games are worth anything. They're just cheap ass fanservice, and yes the gameplay is also shoddy and mediocre. Superior games have done this style of gameplay before. Shantae isn't special for doing it.

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There's not that many decent platformers around, user

>Superior games have done this style of gameplay before

But those games dont have cute brow half genies to masturbate to.

That's a half lie, user, the original Shantae was pretty damn sophisticated and good for a game boy color game.

Now, modern Shantae, you could have an argument.

This. The thing that drew me to the original Gameboy Color game was how technically impressive it was for its time.

>cute innocent 16 year old shut in half-genie doesn't want to straight up murder someone
gee I wonder
anyway is this pasta or did you think this up yourself?

>Shantae also never wants to kill the villainess Risky Boots despite how terrible she is, especially in the latest game which should have warranted Shantae to go "Bitch you're going to die for targeting my mother!" But nah the creators know that killing Risky Boots is lower sales because masturbators need to masturbate to her.

i want shantae to shit on my chest

Pasta has to start somewhere, user. It doesn't grow on trees.

>Superior games have done this style of gameplay before.
How many of those are playable on PC, without emulators?

But most people masturbate to Shantae instead of Risky.

That's the sad part.

>Someone's mad they didn't back HGH
It's okay, I didn't too.

I thought that with the new game coming we'd see an increase in Shantae lewds, where the fuck are they?

Fuck you man I jerk it to Rotty.

More like Shantae: Half Finished Game.

>I thought that with the new game coming we'd see an increase in Shantae lewds

Is the new game gud?
I didn't like Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse was ok. Haven't played the fist one.

>mad they didn't back HGH
If the few recent HGH threads with the backer early copies we've had recently are any indication, even the diehard fans this series is constantly pandering to are finding HGH to be very short, too easy, and oversimplified (like no real dungeons). There are even apparently a few blatant spots where unmet stretch goals were clearly supposed to go, as if Wayforward either were too lazy to remove or are still planning on selling that unfinished content as DLC.

Shantae has always been an average series, and the game's have actually been getting worse over time. I think the fact WF had to actually beg for money this time rather than getting funded by a long-time publisher/partner like Nintendo should have been the first sign that people just don't care about her apart from a very niche crowd.

It's closer to Risky's Revenge than it was to Pirate's Curse.

I liked that comic but I still need more

I've been told that it's not as good as Pirate's Curse

>the game's have actually been getting worse over time
False, Pirate's Curse was the best to date. And HGH is at the very least better than Risky's Revenge.

To me the only thing missing from the newer games is the scope of the first one, I miss having a big interconnected world and several cities, I can understand RR not having this quite like the GBC game because of the problems during development, but the hard-on wayforward have for speedrunning really affects the overall size of the game, it wouldn't hurt to have a shantae game you can't finish under two hours
I also miss the full dance minigame to transform but this one I admit it's a personal preference, the current system is better

Might as well ask. What the fuck does the Blobfish transformation do?

when were they funded by a publisher other than the first game? there's a reason why they make so much licensed crap and why their original games take ages to release

What's your point don't buy it then problem solved

necrophilia>qt brown>giga sushi>birb mom>birb>pot snek>dangerous shoes

nothing, it's a joke transformation

That's great.

Rotty is best girl next to Sky's mama.

oh no! your whining has magically erased my copy of the games and my enjoyment from existence!


>snake oil saleswoman at the bottom
user pls

I'm sorry I love tuki but come on: it's sky's mom and sky, maybe I should move giga down a bit

Man, don't you feel like a huge pile of doodoo for enjoying games that have cute girls in them? I sure would!

The first game is a zelda-like metroidvania on the GAMEBOY COLOR, has open world (well, basically the overworld loops) with towns that have minigames and NPCs to talk to, it has a day-night cycle, dungeons and tons of secrets. It's a technical marvel and the soundtrack is fucking juicy. It was published by capcom and bombed, this game is a definition of a cult-classic and for a reason.

It has lots of problems, but listen, that game and all that came after, are fucking juicy. The gameplay is fun and juicy, the dialog is fun and juicy, the soundtrack is fun and juicy and the graphics + girls are fun and juicy. The reason for cult following is the fun gameplay and the reason you only think about the porn is only a warning sign that you have been using Sup Forums too much.

Hating these games makes you worse than Stalin, fuck you.


Are you just fucking pulling out random words out of your ass to describe games?



>Unlockable "character" is just new game plus
Where's Magic Mode? When's Risky Boots? Are we going to have to wait until 2018 for Rotty/Bolo/Sky?

>even the diehard fans this series is constantly pandering to are finding HGH to be very short, too easy, and oversimplified

If only there was someone who could have warned them.

Speaking of magic mode, magic sux on this game, it takes forever to kill anyone with any spell


I wish she would have sex with me

The magic sucks until you get the Magic Tiara where you turn on the invincibility bubble and just never turn it off.

What are you talking about? Pike Balls are STILL OP.

All these games later.

I want Shantae to turn me into a savage wolf for trying to rape her and then get my revenge by raping her

HGH is a bit lacking, but it is better than RR, and there's still the character and costume dlcs (free I believe?) to make a proper NG+, so I'll reserve full judgement till then

I want to be Shantae and get gangbanged by all the anons ITT

Why does she barely dance in the game?

this but I'm sky

>there's still the character and costume dlcs (free I believe?) to make a proper NG+

Not a launch.

Which given how long it takes Way Forward to do anything means it isn't coming out for quite some time.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Wii U shop servers close before they finish.

They were stretch goals so they'd sure as shit better be free. Then again, the "stretch goal" levels turned out to be the only areas in the game so who knows at this point.

>Destructoid's review complains about the slide and chase sections, comparing them to the Turbo Tunnel

I refuse to believe people can be this casu-

>watch someone play the Vita version
>they get stuck on the block pushing part of Burning Town, forget that they can duck and swim, and game over on the first section.

I only used it to cheap my way on the slide


>tfw casual and had to buy bikini armor

yes, not being at launch definitely isn't a positive in the game's favor, but as long as they're free and not blatantly held back from the base game I'll generally let it go once the final product with all post game content is there
in the meantime it is a big issue though

Can you use it to cheese the achievement for avoiding all of the gears in the final section? The last set is such a colossal pain in the ass I couldn't even be bothered.

Launch is actually on the 20th, backers got it early


What would a lap dance from Shantae feel like?

Yes, the gears can't touch you when you're invincible, also there's no hud but you still can cycle through the spells and activate when you jump

imagine a really lose silky blanket on your bed and rubbing your dick in it and once in a while you might feel the mattress

now rotty or sky? would break down and just fuck you midway

Like a sweaty mudskin covered in satin rasping her way up and town your thighs.



Rotty is playful, she would just keep going and have fun
Now that desperate sky would definitely jump on your dick as soon as possible

It's safe to assume that the version backers and reviewers have is the launch version.

Am I the only one who doesn't fap to Shantae characters? The artstyle just doesn't do it for me. I just like the gameplay and the music.


no user don't

maybe, but I think rotty would at least give you a detached handjob afterwards or something, sky would just rape you on the spot


Is there an ETA on the extra characters? I hunger for more.

shen why

that's not shen is it? did he have a stroke or something?

Never ever


sex sells.

Notice how no one in Senran Kagura games talk about the actual games. It's just waifuwars

Also, Wayforward is a mediocre dev. Their best game was a Contra clone.

There are tons! Shantae isn't one of them. Jesus Christ do some branching out or some research for christs sake.

Delicious brown is life

He draws human faces weird for some reason.

>Their best game was a Contra clone
You mean the one called Contra?

Shantae wasn't good until Pirate's Curse, cause they dumped the shitty transformations and just made a regular Metroid.

Except it's not as good as Metroid.

I've never heard of this 'game' until I saw a play through of it on SGDQ. And now every day theres a post about it on Sup Forums and then theres a bunch of porn.

Literal meme game

but it's usually passable or stylized well enough, I mean you can't really fault a guy for having an off day but why did it have to be on shanty and atmosphere?

Yes. Contra The Greatest Hits.

You being ignorant about the franchise doesn't make it a meme

I'm honestly surprised Shantae even made it into a GDQ.

Must of been before they went fully sanitary.

you should know the ETA by now

Well done Sherlock, you cracked the code

Shantae is fantastic for speedrunning (Especially Pirate's Curse) so it makes sense.

why hello there

What do you guys like about Shantae?

the character or the game?

There's like a dozen posts giving you the answer in this thread alone bro

so does Hero mode change anything other than having transformations at the start? Do you take increased damage or are there any different story things?