Guilty Pleasures


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Smedley lied, people died. Broken game, he's to blame.

Why feel guilt about it? That game's great.

is it really tho? I hear people on steam all the time calling it imbalanced, but they might just be people who suck at it and coping with that


>not guilty pleasuring spore and sims 3

who the fuck cares about balance when you are getting shot from 100 guys, 35 tanks, 17 liberators, rocketpods and 1 buggy

is a great game op desu

Those are just shiTRs, don't mind them. The game is exceptionally well balanced besides the MTB vs infantry combat to an extent.

This is the only shooter that actually feels like war, people focus too much on the fact that they dont have every gun available and not how the game actually plays. I want to see a Star Wars game with this gameplay.

I really want to like this game, but every time I play I just get killed in two seconds.

NC > Purple Plasma Fags > Red Twinks

Daybreak is really pulling through as far as adding content and balancing far faster and better than SOE could ever dream.

you can't play this game like a normal fps. you have to adapt to the conditions of being shot by 50 people at once

vehicle certification is a bit unbalanced towards people who have a billion certs and no life.

ESFs are still godless killing machines that dont obey physics. when someone tells you to "git gud" in this game they're basically saying pull an ESF or skillsuit.

People think this is a bad game? Its fantastic. No other game has had me running alongside armor columns dodging shells and airstrikes from other players. It actually makes you feel like a soldier.

SOE went full retard chasing the esports shekels

Aim Better.
Look at your minimap.
Don't run around out of cover in a straight line.
Always assume there's a boltshitter trying to line up a headshot.
Join a squad/outfit.
Redeploy if there's nothing going on around you.

I havent played in about 3 months. Any word on maybe a new continent or new anything?

I think you meant to say

Glorious Terran republic> Purple Spandex fags> Disgusting Blueberry scum

Yeah I know. I just can't seem to do it without a decent group.

That's what Planetside is all about man. I remember when I first started playing as a tanker. We were battling between facilities in a huge hilly open field. It was night time and tracers were flying everywhere. Tanks pushing a battle line with a bunch of infantry and armored cars running around between them. The best part was when a pair of fighters came flying by really low. One of their tails caught a tree branch and the fucker spun out and crashed three feet in front our tank.

Shit where you have your own "set piece" moments is the best.

I think it was a great game until the lattice and continent locks.
yeah you got ghost capping and random stuff happening but the big battles were also random, and more enjoyable as they happened naturally.

Spandex fags have strafing tanks, that's the only reason I played as them. It's fucking tanks that can strafe, what more do you want.

they also go sanic speed so only ESFs can actually kill them. which is super balanced....

The Sims 3's legit good, though.

Horrendous pay to win shenanigans, you're at a severe strategical disadvantage to a person with more tools unlocked

Slightly smaller but still very large tactical advantage to people with more certs. Eg: 2 bricks of C4 on light assault, shield upgrades on heavy assault, Medi-gun on medic, Empire specific rocket launchers, ALL VEHICLES.

The vehicle thing is pretty awful, you need to pump a TON of certs into the vehicles of the game. The difference between a vanilla vehicle and a certed one is insane.

Game is all about positioning and people who have been poop-socking the game from day 1 have become very good at abusing this fact. This isn't a bad thing imo since you feel a big difference when you can effortlessly navigate the bases to flank fuccbois. But on the other side chokepoints are horrendous in this game.
>Subterranean nanite facility

Air combat is awful. Planes fly like dogshit, the system makes no sense. Barrier of entry is 100-200 hours and insane people say that's a good thing. Costs lots of nanites to fly a plane, so you can't just keep grinding it. Certs REALLY matter for planes.

Sadly though it's the only game where battle actually feel like battles. Nothing beats a foot zerg with artillery pounding above you and shit just exploding and you're just looking for a head to pop. One of those games that really gets better with good graphics.

Nc best boi

>your convoy is in a fight while in transition with an enemy convoy
>massive firefight in open fields on the roads
>you convoy is defeated
>tfw you hold out for a few minutes in a MAX suit with a few engineers and medics in a small pit in the ground whilest death is raining all around, halting the advance of an entire army trying to get past for just a few minutes
The game is great, wish it was more active though, there are times where its dead.

I want to cuddle with a qt vanu girl

Oh and planetside 2 has great contextual humor
>Vanu booty

Magriders lose against any tanks in 1vs1 frontal.
They are only good for ambushing and backstabing as you can climb pretty much anything. Also you can get beyond gates without breaking them, and you can get in spots no other tanks can get (even in bases where no buggies can get)
A shame they really have no fucking health

I want an MBT that can outshoot the enemy. More shells down range is more dead vanu.

That's true, but that's why I don't really like pushing with them and use them more as a siege weapon. On longer distances with infantry support strafing is pretty useful at avoiding projectiles.

I cannot understand why I enjoyed it so damn much.

i like ps2 but they should make supply lines with ants would be cool af to defend your supply lines from enemy attacks or maybe like attack enemy supply lines like guerrilla warfare desu famolo

fagriders are pretty much invincible to infantry which are by far the most dangerous thing for a tank

Have they improved the game yet? I stopped playing after all of the original dev team left and the B team were doing fuck all to fix it.

For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, "Buzz was right."

Better dead than red, faggot.

TR shitters are the worst.

>unironically being a buzzcuck

if you want siege MBTs get prowlers.
I've been wanting do make a second character just to try to main prowlers but I'm too attached to my purple alien dick lover.
Strafe is good for long range fighting that is true, but the turret is also the worst of all MBTs.

>Nerf the crown so its boring like every other base

Not gonna lie, I miss playing on Mattherson with TE.

Are there any other Third Person Arena games out there like Gunz 2? It seems like fun, but there's almost nobody playing.

I'd really like to play Gunslinger Stratos, but I don't like in Japan, and the PC version was cancelled because fuck me.

>tfw Vanu held The Crown for two weeks on Miller and the only way TR shitters could win it back was staying up till 4am when everyone was asleep.

TR fucking shitters. They did the right thing nerfing it though because no one went to the other continents and just stayed on Indar to fight for The Crown.

I miss camping on Indar just to take The Crown from TR shitters though

>Plays TR



Enjoy your shitty weapons.

Is anyone else's KD really skewed against different empires? I have like a 1.5 K/D against NC but

>1.5 K/D against NC
NC weapons a shit, they are all close range and have shit long range damage.


Mine are pretty much equal. I have the VS so I always wanna go fight them, but after I get tired of dealing with their bullshit I need a break so I go fight the TR and relax because they're easier, then I go back and fight the VS again.

vanu are powergamers and pretty much never leave their vehicles or skillsuits cause muh kdr

skillsuits shit on esf, so does skyguard, or a few anti air rockets

DESU I swear the NC on Emerald are just retarded. They just seem completely clueless sometimes while the Vanu just always shit on me. I don't get it.

Endlessly zerging into the meat grinder that was the Crown was the only fun in PS2.
>tfw alienboos and ikea cap almost whole Indar but can´t get the Crown from glorious red Master Race

Vanu is for tryhards, NC is for those who just want to have some fun.

people who are good at the game

There really needs to be a current day themed planetside.

Wasn't MAG kinda like that?

Wow you got me :^(

Last time I played was when they released base building is it worth coming back now?
also share war stories

Haven't touched this since about six months ago, what's changed since the ANT and base building stuff?

Kinda but it only relased for PS3 so no one gave a shit.

>mfw when in a maxed out MAX with maxed out dual burster making ESF bitches cry when I blast them out of the sky

People who are good at the game know how to play the odds as well as the gameplay mechanics.

Connery NC are the absolute worst players in the game. I know this because I play with them and it's miserable.

If a base doesn't have at least 60% of it's population as NC, it's lost, the end. While the NC often ends up having the highest population during parts of the day, everyone proceeds to spread so thin across the entire map that every area has a small pocket of NC while all the TR and VS mass push into 1-2 areas and completely decimate the NC. And let's not forget the fact that everyone on the NC, regardless of if they're playing infiltrator or not, thinks they're a sniper and attempts to fight the VS at long range, thinking they'll somehow stand a fucking chance.

And I haven't even mentioned the friendly fire yet.

I really hope that those enemies were AI because they've played like fucking garbage

Wow I have so much to learn from good Planetside 2 players!!! What a great lesson to learn!!!

MAG was pretty shit imo

Closest thing is Arma or PR.

Planetside 2 isn't a moba, how well weapons perform compared to one another is scarcely relevant since the main driving aspect of the game is being able to effectively influence a large battle. Even the super pro light assault faggots who jet pack around towers with SMGs getting enormous K/D boosts don't actually make an impact because they rarely if ever actually capture anything.

There is nothing more tactically advantageous than killing the enemy so you can move in and capture. The two most influential things for that are a numbers advantage and better gear for the job.

Infiltrator+cloak+SMG= win and glorious tears.

1 month of tr crown was glorious

>all those glorious TR tears
>that underpopulated NC who couldn't capture anything because they were constantly out numbered

Was fun times.

The only thing that could even possibly remotely make me think of coming back would be if they permanently removed all camos.

Nah, fuck that. I like being a purple faggot, not some gay grey with purple stripes.

>those VS that would ghost cap the whole continent because NC and TR had already realized that it was more fun fighting against each other than against tryhard vanu

>11pm all the koreans log on
>they all play vanu
>literally 60% vs population

why cant asians into competition

On Miller it was TR with the numbers and Vanu still shit all over them. The largest TR faction in Europe plays/used to play on Miller.

>The best looking armor in the game is fanmade

Kinda embarrassing.

>that Cycler TRV remodel

He might make an NC or VS set too.

>fagen shilling his shit tier armour
fuck off

Most of Faven's stuff looks like garbage. I like doku's designs though.

>getting urges to give it a download again
Is it worth it?

>liking any of those reddit fucks
Just another reason why the general dying a horrible death

I downloaded it a couple of weeks ago. Had to join an outfit (AODR) to have fun again, otherwise it's just farming kills. The developers don't seem as dead anymore, so it's kind of a good sign. The new CEO of Daybreak kinda spooks me, though.

It's way worse than the original, even when the original fucked it all up with BFRs.

I'm still salty about it.

THat´s how real men look like and women (male)

Is it just me or is the combat really shit in this game? So many good ideas and mechanics but the shooting just feels clunky and ruins it.

I don't see how they correlate to be honest man.

Agreed. I play it for the scale... The gameplay is passable, but I don't think it's what hooks people.

i cant help but believe the game would be more fun without maxes or at least if they were limited to only anti-infantry weapons and bursters.

Do people still play planetside 2? Massive zerg wars sound pretty fun right now.

Unbalanced as hell, something breaks in it every other week, still fun tho.

During peak hours you can get big fights on Emerald at least. Not sure about other servers.

tfw he actually went on the planetside general and gave out decals


>im still the #1 burster in the world

Can Daybreak even save PS2 at this point? Will we ever get a PS3?

Planetside 2 is more of a WW1 simulator than BF1.