All anime games are boring casual shi-

>all anime games are boring casual shi-

>Sup Forums isn't filled with reddit poste-

I asked this yesterday in the thread but it was under attack by retarded 2hu autists for some reason. Does anyone have a speedrun route or suggestions for Platinum Bunny Speedrunner.


>implying anime games aren't generally much harder than your average western AAA shit

Weeb trash is still weeb trash no matter how difficult it is.

>game is difficult
>therefor its good
show me some gameplay OP

>the only thing that matters in games is the art style

If you unironically play games with an art style like this you should be put on a government watch list. So yes it does matter.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

It's funny how Sup Forums is so anti-freedom these days.

>implying you're not already on a government watch list
Who seriously gives a fuck. People will consume anime games for years to come and bitching about it won't stop it. You can keep being salty or get over it, your choice.

This game is filled with weeb bullshit and meh graphic. Nothing wrong with a pixel look, but it was just too messy and bad looking in some areas. But the weeb shit it what ruined it for me. All the bunny girl shit was dumb.

It's still a shit game though?

The only reason you believe otherwise is because of the anime art and fanservice.

Do you see anyone besides weebfaggots playing it or praising it? No? My point exactly.

Given the number and consistency of threads (which is to say almost daily) I think there may also be shills praising it in addition to the weebs.


>I can't understand the appeal of this game
>Threads must be supported by shills
Every fucking time.

>A game almost a year old still has daily threads on Sup Forums
>Not shilling

>it can't be liked, it must be shilling, muh weebs!
you have to go back, to reddit

Said no one
A lot of anime games are hard as fuck kusoge

At no point in my last post did I mention weebs. I stated a game that old would not have daily threads on Sup Forums, even AAA shit doesn't have threads that constantly a year out.

And yet Rabi-Ribi does.

I don't know what Sup Forums you browse but I don't see daily Rabi-Ribi threads and I'm here pretty much 12 hours a day.

I don't see a thread for this game everyday


>people talk abut a highly regarded game with thousands of positive reviews that's ranked overwhelmingly positive
who would have guessed?

Steam reviews are shill central dude

That's because normiecucks just either avoid it on sight or couldn't get past the bunny girl CG in the first minute. This thread is good proof of that.

GotYs for 2016 are Titanfall 2 and Rabi-Ribi. I hope the RR team goes on to make something else.

if it's made by weeaboo trash it's not anime games it's just weeb shit

It's no longer easy to do, it the review system was changed a few months ago

Every time i search gameplay of this i find happy merchants and stuff.

>if people like what I don't like it must be shilling

It was made by rice-niggers in Taiwan.

Cocoa is my wife.

>Cheap ass weeaboo fanservice game for weeaboos to jerk off to and can still afford despite their lack of job or any responsibility

I wonder why it gets praised.

>It's no longer easy to do
That's what valve claims. I don't buy it though. yeah it might be hard to stem the tides of hate for something like NMS but for most games it's still easily abusable

There's barely any fanservice in the game though.

>thread attacked by neo Sup Forums today
pls respond to question

So what's so good about this game? I always see it praised here but the moe anime shit kinda turns me off from trying it.

At most it gets brought up in Metroidvania threads, which are a semi-daily occurance.
Because got forbid people talk about Medroidvanias in a Metroidvania thread.

It's le epic Dark Souls difficulty xD

I want to rabbi that ribi

The only people who care enough about weeb trash to leave positive reviews are weebs.

Didn't I tell you guys this yesterday?

Shut up, the game is good despite the artstyle.

This. God forbid somebody just likes the game.

>That's what valve claims.
And what anyone with a brain knows. It literally requires that you make a new steam account and buy the game for every review, or that you purchases thousands of gift copies and gift them out to people manually.

Good game mechanics, fun metroidvania elements and very well designed bosses

>Girls dressed in next to nothing, probably doing super over the top flashy trash

I'm pretty sure a weeaboo could pop a boner to a dagger chin with huge bug eyes, let alone the rest of that trash on top of it.

>having frequent threads is shilling
i guess risk of rain is being shilled too huh faggot
fuck off you paranoid autist

>So what's so good about this game?
It's the best metroidvania that has come out in a long time.

It's one thing to be anime, it's another to be anime AND objectively terrible design.

>ugly, depthless character sprites
>inconsistent pixel sizes
>bland, barely designed UI
>some projectiles are pixelated while others are not
>the character portraits in the corners are both shitty chibis but they're completely different styles
>the color palette makes fucking steven universe look oversaturated by comparison

And that's all on a single, typical screenshot. One terrible art style is bad enough for a game; five terrible art styles is too much.

I have a brain, and I do not know. I require proof that that is indeed the only way to game the system. Do you have such proof?

I'm guessing it must be on sale or anticipated to be on sale because I've had it for a while and even though it's fun it's what people say it is, a bullet curtain metroidvania with a typical anime paintcoat.

And that doesn't even get into boss level scaling that discourages exploration.

Which you know is sort of the point of a Metroidvania.

Woah, just look at this fanservice.

So are you moving goal posts or do you just not know what "shill" means?

>boss level scaling
Now you're just memeing.

>Girl wearing next to nothing with gigantic bug eyes in "muh kawaii animoo art!"
>Flashy over the top garbage with oversaturated palette

Yup, exactly like I said. Pretty much just zero gameplay praised only for the weeb fanservice.

Yeah, I just explained it to you. You can't read can you? Are you the same retard from yesterday that couldn't read?

That is quite clearly meant to appeal to a weaboo audience. It's not a game you could play, show, or talk about in polite company.

Nah I'm arguing a different point than the guy who is saying the scores are high due to shills.

Thanks for confusing us though and showing your victim complex.


>pixelated one-piece swimsuit
>waaaaah muh christian eyes!
How do prudes like you even exist here?

The more items you get the higher level bosses have, and the more health and attacks they have.

Do describe how that is not level scaling.

Why do people that don't like anime games even post on Sup Forums? Unless everyone in this thread is baiting.

How could I not confuse you on an anonymous imageboard when you also quote two posts arguing against shillfag? You seem too accustomed to reddit.

You can't just say something this moronic and not explain why. So, go on.

>anyone who dislikes my fetish pandering character designs must be a christian fundamentalist!
Is that really the best strawman you could muster?

So remove your gear if you think it will be easier for you without items. Your argument literally boils down to, "This game is too hard for me."

You didn't say the designs are shit or whatever though, you said that they're dressed in next to nothing when talking about a one-piece swimsuit, retard.

You have to admit he did a better strawman than you did

That's not describing how it's not level scaling. Try again.

So a character having a sexy costume removes the great gameplay part somehow?

Boy you're getting defensive.

>no u
You should learn what a strawman is

>no argument after getting called out
Figures, all you reddit kids know how to do is parrot names of fallacies thinking it'll auto-win you arguments.

You should give credit where credit is due. I originally came here to talk shit about the game but found you instead.

different user here. just chiming in to say you're wrong, fag

>Do describe how that is not level scaling.
I'm not saying it's not. I'm saying it's not as bad or even noticeable to discourage anything.
It's balanced right enough, unlike...

They saw on CNN that Sup Forums is a place for edgy trump supporting hackers.

>It's not a game you could play, show, or talk about in polite company.
I'm sorry, do you discuss Uncharted or the latest Zelda with your dinner guests over hors d'oeuvres and a bottle of pinot noir?
Please tell me about your sophisticated video game discussions, user. I'm positively intrigued.

What the fuck happened to "don't feed the troll". Can you nu-Sup Forums faggots get the fuck out of here already.

buenos dias reddit

>A shit game can get guaranteed sales just by using a generic anime style because of mentally ill autists who can only identify with anime

There's no "gameplay" to remove in the first place. You're just blinded by the fanservice into thinking there was any gameplay when there wasn't.

>There's no "gameplay" to remove in the first place. You're just blinded by the fanservice into thinking there was any gameplay when there wasn't.
Oh, you're talking about Touhou and not Rabi-Ribi. I can see where the confusion comes from.

is this bait or typical faggot seriously talking about a game he hasn't played yet?

For fuck's sake don't bring the touhou argument back, this thread is bad enough already

"Troll" implies that they are wrong.

>10 hours in
>0 signs of Waero
where is it

>I can only identify with bald space marines

>implying he'll ever touch it

>Implying the fat basement dwelling fedora tippers aren't weeaboos
Nice attempt at projection though.

this is the point where everyone should stop responding

>implying they're not MRA autists who hate playing as girls because it's 'feminist propaganda'
Nice attempt at deflection though.

>People with functioning brains don't buy into trashy "games" because of fanservice

Or we just aren't socially and mentally inept and are capable of avoiding shitty choices in life. There is such a thing called standards. I know you don't have any, but that doesn't stop the concept from existing.

what is it about bunny girls that makes them so sexy, Sup Forums?

>where is it
what is it?

>you in charge of reading comprehension

You're all shit scrubs

Rabbits are known for rapidly reproducing, our mind associates any rabbit features e
with mating. combine it with attractive females and you have results

I want to rapidly reproduce with Erina