You....I've seen you

Let me see your face

Other urls found in this thread:

Near the city of Chorrol.


"You are the one from my dreams"

[Insert worn out homophobic joke here]




>He doesn't install a quick play/alternate start mod and skip the whole tutorial segment.
>In the year of our lord 2000+16

It's me, Patrick Stewart.

Watch me die right quick so Bethesda doesn't have to spend much more money on voice acting!

Please note that my two lines cost more than everything the five men and women who voice act every other NPC in the game recorded combined!

I fucking love Asura's Wrath

*nods respectfully towards you*

>[glass him]


You rang?

I feel bad for that guy.


Oblivion has the best tutorial section of any RPG. I don't know why you'd want to skip that.

Never played that game, anyone want to host?
I'll buy it and we can see how far we get in three hours before I need to head out.

>he recognizes my specific potato
You got a good eye, your highness.


do normies like this particular anime meme?

been seeing this used retardedly A LOT on Sup Forums



Installing right now my dude, post your steam handle if you want to play.


add me up loser

Don't. An experienced eye can see he has the potential to be incredibly goodlooking if he lost weight and started taking care of his skin.

You have some fucked up dreams Mr Patrick Stewart.

I feel bad for him the sense that he became a meme.

That's a horrible fate user.

>tit veins

You forgot to post your username.
48 minutes.


>You... I've seen your samefagging before...

you can play as a cute wood elf grill user.

Shouldn't be surprising.

Why do you have a nose of a nigger, Mr. Emperor?

Its explained in the DLC called Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family.

I am the one from your dreams